bugGNU gettext - Bugs: bug #61248, plural_table missing formulas for...


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bug #61248: plural_table missing formulas for many major languages

Submitter:  Lauri Nurmi <lanurmi>
Submitted:  Thu 30 Sep 2021 03:36:27 PM UTC
Category:  Plural forms Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  In Progress
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  haible
Open/Closed:  Open

Thu 30 Sep 2021 03:36:27 PM UTC, original submission:  

The plural_table in gettext-tools/src/plural-table.c is missing plural-form formulas for some of the major languages of the world. Consequently, msginit is unable to prefill .po files with the proper formula.

For instance, there is no entry for:

  • Arabic (despite its formula being mentioned in Plural-Forms documentation)
  • Bengali
  • Chinese (any variant)
  • Hindi
  • Indonesian

I picked these languages from a list of top-10 most spoken languages in the world; they are not in any particular order, and they surely aren't the only languages worth adding to the table.

See also: the Gnome project has a list of languages and the formulas they are using for each: https://l10n.gnome.org/languages/

Lauri Nurmi <lanurmi>


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