bugGNU gettext - Bugs: bug #61160, po_message_set_format cannot be...


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bug #61160: po_message_set_format cannot be used to revert to "undecided"

Submitter:  Alexander Potashev <aspotashev>
Submitted:  Wed 15 Sep 2021 06:17:09 AM UTC
Category:  Programmer interface Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fix Released
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  haible
Open/Closed:  Closed

Sun 01 Dec 2024 04:34:29 PM UTC, comment #2: 

The fix is contained in gettext 0.23.

Bruno Haible <haible>
Group administrator
Tue 19 Nov 2024 03:31:22 PM UTC, comment #1: 
Bruno Haible <haible>
Group administrator
Wed 15 Sep 2021 06:17:09 AM UTC, original submission:  

libgettextpo API doesn't have enough flexibility to edit .po/.pot files: once a format is set or unset (e.g. "#, kde-format" or "#, no-kde-format"), there's no way to clear it without recreating a po_message_t.

A workaround could be to recreate a message with po_message_create(). However it implies that one needs to recreate the whole PO file, since there's no way to remove messages (no function po_message_remove/po_message_erase that would do the opposite of po_message_insert.)

Alexander Potashev <aspotashev>


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  • -email is unavailable- added by haible (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by aspotashev (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2024-12-01 haible StatusFixed Fix Released
    2024-11-19 haible StatusNone Fixed
        Assigned toNone haible
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2021-12-07 haible CategoryNone Programmer interface

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