bugSTUMP - Bugs: bug #60600, Per-newsgroup option to fold or...


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bug #60600: Per-newsgroup option to fold or wrap long lines

Submitter:  Tristan Miller <psychonaut>
Submitted:  Thu 13 May 2021 01:58:54 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  1 - Wish
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Planned Release:  None

Thu 13 May 2021 01:58:54 PM UTC, original submission:  

STUMP uses an environment variable FOLDLINES that determines whether long lines in article submissions are folded at column 75.  It would be better if there were the option of wrapping rather than folding lines (such as by piping the output through fmt, though this isn't POSIX).  Also would be nice to be able to control the column at which lines are wrapped/folded, and to be able to set this behaviour on a per-newsgroup basis.

This is a wishlist item but is somewhat pressing as Google Groups, which is what a great number of people use to post to Usenet, no longer wraps long lines in article submissions.

Tristan Miller <psychonaut>
Group administrator


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