bugGNU Scientific Library - Bugs: bug #50711, Gauss hypergeometric function :...


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bug #50711: Gauss hypergeometric function : gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1 gives up (GSL_EUNIMPL)

Submitter:  Patrick Alken <psa>
Submitted:  Mon 03 Apr 2017 09:43:44 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Operating System:  Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Mon 03 Apr 2017 09:43:44 PM UTC, original submission:  

from mohammad =dot= alaggan =at= inria =dot= fr


I am trying to compute the following function:

gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1(-i,-n+j,1-i+j, x)

for non-negative integers i, j, and n, and real x in (0, 1). In particular, n is at least 1 and is usually below 20, and i, j <= n. To help get a result I use the symmetry j = n - j, i = n - i, when j < i.

However, the function refuses to compute a result when n = 14 (the case I tried. It probably would do the same for n > 10). I am using GSL 2.2.1 and the line producing the error is 773 in the file hyperg_2F1.c. The comment there says « We give up » . On the other hand, Mathematica can successfully compute the value as shown in the example below.

Example inputs (with associated Mathematica output):

gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1(-1, -13, 1, 0.651439) = 9.46871
gsl_sf_hyperg_2F1(0 , -11, 4, 0.651439) = 1

I am using this function to compute the transition probability between n states, and n may be as large as 20.

Thank you,

Patrick Alken <psa>
Group administrator


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