bugGNU Scientific Library - Bugs: bug #39473, more efficient algorithm for...


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bug #39473: more efficient algorithm for 3j,6j,9j calculations (gsl_sf_coupling_{3j,6j,9j}_e

Submitter:  Patrick Alken <psa>
Submitted:  Fri 12 Jul 2013 04:09:04 PM UTC
Category:  Performance Severity:  3 - Normal
Operating System:  Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open

Fri 12 Jul 2013 04:09:04 PM UTC, original submission:  

(From Alexey Illarionov)

Btw, the the algorithm of evaluation of 3j, 6j, 9j in GSL is the worst
possible. It just follows the Racah formula and does not use any
symmetry properties. See [Tuzun et all, Comp Phys Comm, 1998] for 3j,
6j algorithms.

Patrick Alken <psa>
Group administrator


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Attached Files
file #52219:  report.pdf added by psa (33KiB - application/pdf)
file #52220:  coupling3j.patch added by psa (15KiB - text/x-patch)


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    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2021-11-08 psa Attached File- Added report.pdf, #52219
        Attached File- Added coupling3j.patch, #52220
    2013-07-12 psa Summarymore efficient algorithm for 3j,6j,9j calculations more efficient algorithm for 3j,6j,9j calculations (gsl_sf_coupling_{3j,6j,9j}_e

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