bugphpGroupWare - Bugs: bug #20952, MySQL Error When Viewing User...


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bug #20952: MySQL Error When Viewing User Profile in HR

Submitter:  D.C. Parris <dcparris>
Submitted:  Sat 01 Sep 2007 04:32:18 PM UTC
Category:  hr Item Group:
Severity:  3 - Normal Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Component Version:  TGZ Operating System:  GNU/Linux - Debian
Reproducibility:  Every Time Planned Release:  None
Fixed Release: 

Wed 05 Sep 2007 11:49:51 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi D.C.

It looks like this is not related to mysql upgrade (at least directly) since the sql you give us is wrong (missing the last argument, "(contact_addr.contact_id = )" ) ... So, can you check that the db is "ok" (using your last backup for example), then we can look at modification between and 0.012 to see if we got a problem here ...



Caeies <Caeies>
Group administrator
Sat 01 Sep 2007 04:32:18 PM UTC, original submission:  

I am using phpgw on a shared hosting account.  The OS is Debian GNU/Linux.  The provider upgraded MySQL from 4.1.x to 5.x (not sure which minor version) not long before I installed phpgw.  I am using PHP 4.1.

I accessed the HR module, selected a user, and then attempted to view that user's profile .  Here is the MySQL error I got as a result:

Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT contact_addr.contact_id AS addr_contact_id, contact_addr.contact_addr_id AS key_addr_id, contact_addr.addr_type_id AS addr_type, contact_addr.add1 AS addr_add1, contact_addr.add2 AS addr_add2, contact_addr.city AS addr_city, contact_addr.state AS addr_state, contact_addr.postal_code AS addr_postal_code, contact_addr.country AS addr_country, contact_addr.preferred AS addr_preferred, contact_addr_type.description AS addr_description FROM phpgw_contact_addr AS contact_addr LEFT JOIN phpgw_contact_addr_type AS contact_addr_type ON contact_addr_type.addr_type_id = contact_addr.addr_type_id WHERE (( (contact_addr.preferred = 'Y' OR contact_addr.preferred IS NULL) AND (contact_addr.contact_id = )))
MySQL Error: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')))' at line 1)

File: /[myhomedirpath]/htdocs/phpgwapi/inc/class.contacts_sql.inc.php
Line: 1334

Session halted.

D.C. Parris <dcparris>


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