bugphpGroupWare - Bugs: bug #18331, Icons of apps (menuitem) disappear...


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bug #18331: Icons of apps (menuitem) disappear for idot

Submitter:  Sigurd Nes <sigurdne>
Submitted:  Mon 20 Nov 2006 09:45:40 AM UTC
Category:  API - phpGroupware API Item Group:  SVN trunk (dev code)
Severity:  3 - Normal Priority:  3 - Low
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Component Version:  SVN Operating System:  None
Reproducibility:  None Planned Release:
Fixed Release: 

Mon 20 Nov 2006 10:03:26 AM UTC, comment #1: 

This change was made to fix the horizontal scrolling issues in the idots template in previous versions.  I know it is not perfect.  I will continue to look at it, but at this stage it is better than in the past,

Dave Hall <skwashd>
Group administrator
Mon 20 Nov 2006 09:45:40 AM UTC, original submission:  

Icons of apps (menuitem) disappear for idot without a trace when they do not fit within the with of the browser. There is no telling that there is more applications availlabel if you widen the browser.


Sigurd Nes <sigurdne>
Group Member


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  • -email is unavailable- added by skwashd (Updated the item)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 3 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2010-03-06 skwashd Assigned toskwashd None
    2006-11-20 skwashd Severity4 - Important 3 - Normal
        Priority5 - Normal 3 - Low

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