bugTiger UNIX security tool - Bugs: Submit Item



If you wish to send bug reports feel free to do so. However you should consider the following:

<li>provide Tiger's version you are using, operating system in the bug report (see below if you are using Debian GNU/Linux)
<li>provide as much information as you can, in any case admin's might ask for more if it's just not enough

<p>Bug reports for Debian GNU/Linux should be sent through the standard  e-mail interface to Debian. If you feel your problem is somehow related to Debian (and not general) the you should go to
<a href="http://bugs.debian.org">http://bugs.debian.org</A> first and submit it there.


Category:  Item Group: 
Privacy:  Operating System: 
Summary:  *
Original Submission:  Full Markup   

* Mandatory Fields


Attached Files

(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

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Please enter the title of George Orwell's famous dystopian book (it's a date):


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