taskGNU Astronomy Utilities - Tasks: Statistics


Statistics by 'Category':

Field Description: Generally high level modules or functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager, etc)

Open Items

None 5/206 2%
Installation 11/206 5%
All Gnuastro 27/206 13%
Libraries 25/206 12%
Book 7/206 3%
Fits 7/206 3%
ConvertType 10/206 5%
Crop 5/206 2%
Warp 14/206 7%
MakeProfiles 6/206 3%
MakeNoise 1/206 0%
Convolve 2/206 1%
Arithmetic 12/206 6%
MakeCatalog 11/206 5%
NoiseChisel 5/206 2%
Table 7/206 3%
CosmicCalculator 3/206 1%
BuildProgram 1/206 0%
Match 5/206 2%
Segment 1/206 0%
Query 8/206 4%
Astrometry 1/206 0%
Installed scripts 7/206 3%
Statistics 2/206 1%
New program 9/206 4%
Webpage 3/206 1%
Development 11/206 5%


All Items

None 8/316 3%
Installation 13/316 4%
All Gnuastro 38/316 12%
Libraries 34/316 11%
Book 9/316 3%
Fits 13/316 4%
ConvertType 12/316 4%
Crop 13/316 4%
Convolve 3/316 1%
Warp 22/316 7%
MakeProfiles 13/316 4%
MakeNoise 1/316 0%
Arithmetic 21/316 7%
MakeCatalog 20/316 6%
Table 12/316 4%
NoiseChisel 7/316 2%
CosmicCalculator 3/316 1%
BuildProgram 1/316 0%
Match 9/316 3%
Segment 1/316 0%
Astrometry 2/316 1%
Query 10/316 3%
astscript-radial-profile 1/316 0%
Installed scripts 15/316 5%
Statistics 2/316 1%
Makefile extensions 1/316 0%
New program 16/316 5%
Webpage 3/316 1%
Development 13/316 4%


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