taskDotGNU - Tasks: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category: 

Additional constraint :


Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Should be Finished onup.

2 matching items

Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Should be Finished on up
#1760 Convert Developers list into FOAF mdupont 2003-06-12
#1758 Update the instructions for the cvs access mdupont 2003-01-24

2 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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