######################################################################## ## ## Copyright (C) 1995-2021 The Octave Project Developers ## ## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this ## distribution or . ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## ######################################################################## ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@var{A}, 'constant', @var{v}) ## @deftypefnx {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@var{A}, @var{method}) ## @deftypefnx {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@var{A}, @var{move_method}, @var{window_size}) ## @deftypefnx {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@var{A}, @var{fill_function}, @var{window_size}) ## @deftypefnx {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@dots{}, @var{dim}) ## @deftypefnx {} {@var{B} =} fillmissing (@dots{}, @var{PropertyName}, @var{PropertyValue}) ## @deftypefnx {} {[@var{B}, @var{idx}] =} fillmissing (@dots{}) ## ## Replace missing entries of array @var{A} either with values in @var{v} or ## as determined by other specified methods. 'missing' values are determined ## by the data type of @var{A} as identified by the function @ref{ismissing}, ## curently defined as : ## ## @itemize ## @item ## @code{NaN}: @code{single}, @code{double} ## ## @item ## @code{' '} (white space): @code{char} ## ## @item ## @code{@{''@}} (white space in cell): string cells. ## @end itemize ## ## @var{A} can be a numeric scalar or array, a character vector or array, or ## a cell array of character vectors (a.k.a. string cells). ## ## @var{v} can be a scalar or an array containing values for replacing the ## missing values in @var{A} with a compatible data type for isertion into ## @var{A}. The shape of @var{v} must be a scalar or an array with number ## of elements in @var{v} equal to the number of elements orthoganal to the ## operating dimension. E.g., if @code{size(@var{A})} = [3 5 4], operating ## along @code{dim} = 2 requires @var{v} to contain either 1 or 3x4=12 ## elements. ## ## If requested, the optional output @var{idx} will contain a logical array ## the same shape as @var{A} indicating with 1's and 0's which locations in ## @var{A} were and were not filled. ## ## Alternate Input Arguments and Values: ## @itemize ## @item @var{method} - replace missing values with: ## @table @code ## ## @item next ## @itemx previous ## @itemx nearest ## next, previous, or nearest non-missing value (nearest defaults to next ## when equidistant as determined by 'SamplePoints'.) ## ## @item linear ## linear interpolation of neigboring, non-missing values ## ## @item spline ## piecewise cubic spline interpolation of neigboring, non-missing values ## ## @item pchip ## 'shape preserving' piecewise cubic spline interposaliton of neighboring, ## non-missing values ## @end table ## ## @item @var{move_method} - moving window calculated replacement values: ## @table @code ## ## @item movmean ## @itemx movmedian ## moving average or median using a window determined by @var{window_size}. ## @var{window_size} must be either a positive integer scalar value, or a ## two element positive integer vector. For scalar values, the window is ## centered on the missing element and contains @var{window_size}/2 elements ## on either side of the missing element. If @var{window_size} is even, it is ## centered on the current missing element and the previous element. If ## @var{window_size} is a vector, the first and second elements represent ## the number of elements backward and forward, respectively, from the current ## missing element to be included in the window. ## @end table ## ## @item @var{fill_function} - custom method specified as a function handle ## Supplied function must accept three inputs: ## @table @var ## @item xval - ## reference data values near the missing value ## @item xloc - ## location of the reference data ## @item missingloc - ## location of the missing data that needs to be filled ## @end table ## ## Supplied function must return a scalar or vector with the same number of ## elements as @var{missingloc}. The required @var{window_size} parameter ## must be either a positive integer scalar value, or a two element positive ## integer vector. @var{window_size} values are assumed to have the same ## scale as the sample points (and @var{xloc} and @var{missingloc}). For ## scalar values, the window is centered on the missing element and contains ## elements extending a distance of @var{window_size}/2 units to either side ## of the element gap. If @var{window_size} is a vector, the first and second ## elements represent the distance backward and forward, respectively, that ## the window extends from the current element gap to be included in the ## window. ## ## @item @var{dim} - specify a dimension for vector operations to operate ## along (default = first non-singeton dimension) ## ## @item @var{PropertyName}-@var{PropertyValue} pairs ## @table @code ## @item SamplePoints ## @var{PropertyValue} is a vector of sample point values representing the ## sorted and unique x-axis values of the data in @var{A}. If unspecified, ## the default is assumed to be the vector @var{[1 : size (A, dim)]}. ## ## @item EndValues ## Special handling method for missing values in first and last positions. ## @var{PropertyValue} can be a constant scalar value to use for filling, or ## one of the following options: ## @table @code ## @item extrap ## use the same process as @var{method} ## @item previous ## @itemx next ## @itemx nearest ## use the previous, next, or nearest non-missing value ## @item none ## do not fill the end values ## @end table ## ## @item MissingLocations ## @var{PropertyValue} must be a logical array the same size as @var{A} ## indicating locations of known missing data with a value of @code{true}. ## (cannot be combined with MaxGap) ## ## @item MaxGap ## @var{PropertyValue} is a numeric scalar indicating the maximum gap length ## to fill, and assumes the same distance scale as the sample points. Gap ## length is calculated by the difference in locations of the sample points ## on either side of the gap, and gaps larger than MaxGap are ignored by ## @var{fillmissing}. (cannot be combined with MissingLocations) ## @end table ## @end itemize ## ## Compatibility Notes: ## @itemize ## @item Numerical and logical inputs for @var{A} and @var{v} may be specified ## in any combination. The output will be the same class as @var{A}, with the ## @var{v} converted to that data type for filling. Only @code{single} and ## @code{double} have defined 'missing' values, so @var{A} of other data types ## will always output @var{B} = @var{A}. ## ## @item Method "makima" is not yet implemented in @code{interp1}, which is ## used by @code{fillmissing}. ## @end itemize ## @end deftypefn ## ## @seealso{ismissing, rmmissing, standardizeMissing} function [A, idx_out] = fillmissing (A, varargin) if (nargin < 2)|| (nargin > 12) print_usage (); endif method = varargin{1}; if (ischar (method)) method = lower (method); elseif (! is_function_handle (method)) error ("fillmissing: second input must be a string or function handle"); endif input_class = class (A); sz_A = size (A); ndims_A = numel (sz_A); samplepoints = []; maxgap = []; missing_locs = []; endgap_method = []; endgap_locs = []; v = []; endgap_val = []; dim = []; reshape_flag = false; ## process input arguments if is_function_handle (method) ## error ("fillmissing: function handle methods not yet implemented"); ## verify function handle and window if ((nargin < 3) || ! isnumeric (varargin{2}) || ... ! any( numel (varargin{2})==[1 2])) error (["fillmissing: fill function handle must be followed by ", ... "a numeric scalar or two-element vector window size"]); elseif (nargin (method) < 3) error ("fillmissing: fill function must accept at least three inputs."); endif window_size = varargin{2}; next_varg = 3; else switch (method) case {"previous", "next", "nearest"} next_varg = 2; case {"linear", "spline", "pchip", "makima"} next_varg = 2; ##TODO - interpolant methods need to verify numeric only case "constant" if ((nargin < 3)) error (["fillmissing: 'constant' method must be followed by ", ... "a numeric scalar or array"]); endif v = varargin{2}(:); if isempty(v) error ("fillmissing: the fill value cannot be an emtpy array"); endif ## type check v against A if (iscellstr (A) && ischar (v) && ! iscellstr (v)) v = {v}; endif if ((! isempty (v)) && ... ((isnumeric (A) && ! (isnumeric (v) || islogical (v))) || ... (ischar (A) && ! ischar (v)) || ... (iscellstr (A) && ! (iscellstr (v))))) error ("fillmissing: fill value must have the same data type as 'A'"); endif ## v can't be size checked until after processing rest of inputs next_varg = 3; case {"movemean", "movemedian"} if ((nargin < 3) || ! isnumeric (varargin{2}) || ... ! any( numel (varargin{2})==[1 2])) error (["fillmissing: moving window method must be followed by ", ... "a numeric scalar or two-element vector"]); endif window_size = varargin{2}; next_varg = 3; otherwise error ("fillmissing: unknown fill method '%s'", method); endswitch endif ## process any more parameters if (next_varg < nargin) #set dim. if specified, it is only numeric option that can appear next if isnumeric (varargin{next_varg}) dim = varargin{next_varg}; if (!((isscalar (dim)) && (dim > 0))) error ("fillmissing: DIM must be a positive scalar"); endif next_varg++; else ## default dim is first nonsingleton dimension of A if isscalar (A) dim = 1; else dim = find (sz_A > 1, 1, "first"); endif endif sz_A_dim = size (A, dim); ## process any remaining inputs, must be name-value pairs while (next_varg < nargin) propname = varargin{next_varg}; if (next_varg + 1 == nargin) ## must be at least one more input with 1st containing value error ("fillmissing: properties must be given as name,value pairs"); else propval = varargin{next_varg + 1}; next_varg = next_varg + 2; if (! ischar (propname)) error ("invalid parameter name specified"); else propname = lower (propname); endif ## input validation for names and values switch (propname) case "samplepoints" ## val must be sorted, unique, numeric vector the same size ## as size(A,dim) if (! (isnumeric (propval) && isvector (propval) && (numel (propval) == sz_A_dim) && issorted (propval) && (numel (propval) == numel (unique (propval))))) error (["fillmissing: SamplePoints must be a sorted ", ... "non-repeating, numeric vector with %d elements"], ... sz_A_dim); endif samplepoints = propval(:); case "endvalues" ## for numeric A, val must be numeric scalar, a numeric ## array with numel equal to the elements orthogonal to ## the dim or certain string methads. For non-numeric A, ## "constant" method is not valid. if ischar (propval) switch (lower (propval)) case {"extrap", "previous", "next", "nearest", "none"} endgap_method = propval; otherwise error ("fillmissing: invalid EndValues method '%s'", propval); endswitch elseif (isnumeric (propval)) if (! (isnumeric (A) || islogical (A))) error (["fillmissing: EndValues method 'constant' only ", ... "valid for numeric arrays."]); endif endgap_method = 'constant'; endgap_val = propval; else error (["fillmissing: EndValues must be numeric or a ", ... "valid method name"]); endif case "missinglocations" ## val must be logical array same size as A if (! (islogical (propval) && isequal (sz_A, size (propval)))) error (["fillmissing: MissingLocations must be a logical ", ... "array the same size as A"]); endif if (! isempty (maxgap)) error (["fillmissing: MissingLocations and MaxGap methods ", ... "cannot be used simultaneously"]); endif missing_locs = propval; case "maxgap" ## val must be positive numeric scalar if (! (isnumeric (propval) && isscalar (propval) && (propval > 0))) error ("fillmissing: MaxGap must be a positive numeric scalar"); endif if (! isempty (missing_locs)) error (["fillmissing: MissingLocations and MaxGap methods ", ... "cannot be used simultaneously"]); endif maxgap = propval; otherwise error ("invalid parameter name '%s'", propname); endswitch endif endwhile else ## no inputs after method ## set default dim if isscalar (A) dim = 1; else dim = find (sz_A > 1, 1, "first"); endif sz_A_dim = size (A, dim); endif ## reduce calls to size and avoid overruns checking sz_A for high dims if dim > ndims_A sz_A = [sz_A, ones(1, dim - numel(sz_A))]; ndims_A = numel (sz_A); endif ## set defaults for any unspecified parameters if (isempty (samplepoints)) samplepoints = [1 : sz_A_dim]'; endif if isempty (missing_locs) missing_locs = ismissing (A); endif ## endvalues treated separately from interior missing_locs if (isempty (endgap_method) || strcmp (endgap_method, "extrap")) endgap_method = method; if strcmp(endgap_method, "constant") endgap_val = v; endif endif ## verify size of v and endgap_val for 'constant' methods, resize for A orthogonal_size = [sz_A(1:dim-1),1,sz_A(dim+1:end)]; ## orthog. to dim size numel_orthogonal = prod (orthogonal_size); ## numel perpen. to dim if (strcmp (method, "constant") && (! isscalar (v))) if (numel (v) != numel_orthogonal) error (["fillmissing: fill value 'V' must be a scalar or a ", ... "%d element array"], numel_orthogonal); else v = reshape (v, orthogonal_size); endif endif if (strcmp (endgap_method, "constant") && (! isscalar (endgap_val))) if (numel (endgap_val) != numel_orthogonal) error (["fillmissing: EndValues must be a scalar or a ", ... "%d element array"], numel_orthogonal); else endgap_val = reshape (endgap_val, orthogonal_size); endif endif ## simplify processing by temporarily permuting A so operation always on dim1 ## revert permutation at the end dim_idx_perm = [1 : ndims_A]; dim_idx_flip(1 : max(dim, ndims_A)) = {':'}; dim_idx_flip(1) = [sz_A_dim:-1:1]; if (dim != 1) dim_idx_perm([1, dim]) = [dim, 1]; A = permute (A, dim_idx_perm); sz_A([1, dim]) = sz_A([dim, 1]); missing_locs = permute (missing_locs, dim_idx_perm); reshape_flag = true; orthogonal_size = [1, sz_A(2:end)]; if (! isempty (v)) v = permute (v, dim_idx_perm); endif if (! isempty (endgap_val)) endgap_val = permute (endgap_val, dim_idx_perm); endif endif ## precalculate fill data for several methods zero_padding = zeros (orthogonal_size); samplepoints_expand = samplepoints(:, ones (1, prod (sz_A(2:end)))); ##find endgap locations if (sz_A_dim < 3) ## all missing are endgaps endgap_locs = missing_locs; else ## use cumsums starting from first and last part in dim to find missing ## values in and adjacent to end locations. endgap_locs = cumprod (missing_locs,1) | ... (cumprod (missing_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}),1))(dim_idx_flip{:}); endif ## remove endgap_locs from missing_locs to avoid double processing missing_locs(endgap_locs) = false; ## remove elements from missing and end location arrays if maxgap is specified if (! isempty (maxgap)) ## missing_locs: if samplepoints value diff on either side of missing ## elements is > maxgap, remove those values. ## for endgaps, use diff of inside and missing end samplepoint values ## and remove from endgaps ## First check gapsize of any interior missings in missing_locs if (any (missing_locs(:))) ## locations in front of gaps loc_first = [diff(missing_locs,1,1); zero_padding] == 1; ## locations in back of gaps loc_last = diff ([zero_padding; missing_locs],1,1) == -1; ## value of samplepoints at front and back locs samplepointvals_first = samplepoints_expand(loc_first); samplepointvals_last = samplepoints_expand(loc_last); ## evaluate which gaps are too big to fill gaps_to_remove = (samplepointvals_last - samplepointvals_first) > maxgap; ## convert those gaps into an array element list idxs_to_remove = arrayfun ('colon', ... ((find (loc_first))(gaps_to_remove ) + 1), ... ((find (loc_last))(gaps_to_remove ) - 1), ... "UniformOutput", false); ## remove those elements from missing_locs missing_locs([idxs_to_remove{:}]) = false; endif ##then do any endgaps if (any (endgap_locs(:))) ## if any are all missing, remove for any value of maxgap endgap_locs &= ! prod (endgap_locs, 1); if ((sz_A_dim < 3) && (abs (samplepoints(2) - samplepoints(1)) > maxgap)) ## shortcut - all missings are ends and exceed maxgap. endgap_locs(:) = false; else ## check gap size of front endgaps ##find loc element after gap nextvals = sum (cumprod (endgap_locs,1)) + 1; ## compare diff between values at those points and at base with maxgap ends_to_remove = abs (samplepoints(nextvals) - samplepoints(1)) ... > maxgap; ## remove any with gap>maxgap endgap_locs((cumprod (endgap_locs,1)) & ends_to_remove) = false; ## flip, repeat for back endgaps, then unflip and remove. nextvals = sum (cumprod (endgap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}),1)) + 1; ends_to_remove = abs (samplepoints(end:-1:1)(nextvals) ... - samplepoints(end)) > maxgap; endgap_locs((cumprod (... endgap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1)(dim_idx_flip{:})) & ... ends_to_remove) = false; endif endif endif ## fill the missing data if is_function_handle (method) %%dosomething error ("fillmissing: function handle methods not yet implemented"); else ## process central missing values (gaps bound by two valid datapoints) if (any (missing_locs(:))) switch (method) case "constant" if (isscalar (v)) A(missing_locs) = v; else A(missing_locs) = (missing_locs .* v)(missing_locs); endif case {"previous", "next", "nearest", "linear"} ## interp1 should be able to provide all of these functions, but ## it cannot work with only 1 valid datapoint, but fillmissing needs ## to work for those. So must manually process these options. ## find element locations before and after each gap loc_first = [diff(missing_locs, 1, 1); zero_padding] == 1; loc_last = diff ([zero_padding; missing_locs], 1, 1) == -1; gapsizes = find (loc_last) - find (loc_first) - 1; ## find prev, next, nearest fill values and replace in A. switch (method) case "previous" fill_vals = repelems (A(loc_first), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; case "next" fill_vals = repelems (A(loc_last), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; case {"nearest", "linear"} ## determine which missings go with values before or after ## gap based on samplevalue distance. (equal dist goes to after) ## find sample values before and after gaps samplepointvals_first = samplepoints_expand(loc_first); samplepointvals_last = samplepoints_expand(loc_last); ## build cell with linear indices of elements in each gap gap_locations = arrayfun ('colon', ... ((find (loc_first)) + 1), ... ((find (loc_last)) - 1), ... "UniformOutput", false); ## get sample values at those elements [samplevals_at_gapvals, ~] = ind2sub (sz_A, [gap_locations{:}]); samplevals_at_gapvals = samplepoints(samplevals_at_gapvals); switch (method) case "nearest" gap_mids = (samplepointvals_last - ... samplepointvals_first)/2 + samplepointvals_first; ## build comparison vector sampleval_comp = repelems (gap_mids, ... [1:numel(gapsizes);(gapsizes')])'; ## determine which ones are replaced with values before or ## after to generate fill array prev_fill = repelems (A(loc_first), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])' ... .* (samplevals_at_gapvals < sampleval_comp); next_fill = repelems (A(loc_last), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])' ... .* (samplevals_at_gapvals >= sampleval_comp); ## build fill vector fill_vals = next_fill + prev_fill; case {"linear"} ## middle gaps already sorted to guarantee bounding ## point front and back ## expand first and last vectors for each gap point Avalues_first = repelems (A(loc_first), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; Avalues_last = repelems (A(loc_last), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; ## expand samplepoint values for interpolation x-values samplepointvals_first = repelems (samplepointvals_first, ... [1:numel(gapsizes);(gapsizes')])'; samplepointvals_last = repelems (samplepointvals_last, ... [1:numel(gapsizes);(gapsizes')])'; ## linearly interpolate interp_slopes = (Avalues_last - Avalues_first) ... ./ (samplepointvals_last - samplepointvals_first); fill_vals = interp_slopes .* (samplevals_at_gapvals ... - samplepointvals_first) + Avalues_first; endswitch endswitch ## replace missings with appropriate fill values A(missing_locs) = fill_vals; case {"spline", "pchip", "makima"} ## use interp1 to perform more complex interpolations ## TODO: 'linear' is ~10-100x faster than this columnwise interp1 ## approach. look to speed these up as well. ## previous processing guarantees missing_locs gaps bound by 2 points. ## determine columns needing operation to reduce empty operations cols_to_use = any (missing_locs, 1); ## find logical data and empty location indices for each column to be ## used in columnwise call to interp1 (cast as columnwise cell arrays) interp_locations = num2cell (... (! (missing_locs | endgap_locs))(:, cols_to_use), 1); interp_fill_locs = num2cell (... (missing_locs & cols_to_use)(:, cols_to_use), 1); ## use locations to build cell arrays with sample and interpolant ## values to pass to interp1 interp_loc_ref = num2cell (struct ("type", "()", "subs", ... num2cell (interp_locations))); A_interpvalues = cellfun ('subsref', num2cell ( ... A(:, cols_to_use), 1), interp_loc_ref, ... "UniformOutput", false); interp_samplevals = cellfun ('subsref', {samplepoints}, ... interp_loc_ref, "UniformOutput", false); interp_empty_samplevals = cellfun ('subsref', {samplepoints}, ... num2cell (struct ("type", "()", "subs", ... num2cell(interp_fill_locs))), "UniformOutput", false); ## generate fill_vals using interp1 for missing locations. fill_vals = vertcat(cellfun ('interp1', interp_samplevals, ... A_interpvalues, interp_empty_samplevals, {method}, ... 'UniformOutput', false){:}); ## replace missings with appropriate fill values A(missing_locs) = fill_vals; endswitch endif ## process endgaps if (any (endgap_locs(:))) switch (endgap_method) case "none" endgap_locs(:) = false; case "constant" if (isscalar (endgap_val)) A(endgap_locs) = endgap_val; else #reshape to size A trimmed, then do permute A(endgap_locs) = (endgap_locs .* endgap_val)(endgap_locs); endif case {"previous", "next", "nearest", "linear", ... "spline", "pchip", "makima"} ## all of these methods require sz_A_dim >= 2. shortcut path otherwise if sz_A_dim < 2 endgap_locs(:) = false; else ## index offset array for linear indexincg offset = reshape ([0 : sz_A_dim : ... sz_A_dim * (numel_orthogonal-1)], orthogonal_size); switch (endgap_method) case "previous" ## remove any points at front of array, includes all-NaN columns endgap_locs (logical (cumprod (endgap_locs,1))) = false; ##find locations of the 'prev' value to use for filling subsval_loc = [diff(endgap_locs, 1, 1); zero_padding] == 1; ##calculate the number of spots each 'prev' needs to fill gapsizes = sz_A_dim - (find (subsval_loc) - ... (subsval_loc .* offset)(subsval_loc)); ## construct substitution value vector fill_vals = repelems (A(subsval_loc), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; ## replace missings with appropriate fill values case "next" ##take any points at back of array and remove from endgap_locs ## includes any all-NaN columns endgap_locs(logical (cumprod ( ... endgap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1)(dim_idx_flip{:}))) ... = false; ##find locations of the 'next' value to use for filling subsval_loc = diff ([zero_padding; endgap_locs],1,1) == -1; ##calculate the number of spots each 'next' needs to fill gapsizes = (find (subsval_loc) - ... (subsval_loc .* offset)(subsval_loc)) - 1; ## construct substitution value vector fill_vals = repelems (A(subsval_loc), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])'; case "nearest" ## remove any all-missing columns endgap_locs &= (! prod (endgap_locs, 1)); ## find front end info front_gap_locs = logical (cumprod (endgap_locs, 1)); front_next_loc = diff ( ... [zero_padding; front_gap_locs], 1, 1) == -1; front_gapsizes = (find (front_next_loc) - ... (front_next_loc .* offset)(front_next_loc)) - 1; ## find back end info back_gap_locs = logical ( ... cumprod (endgap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1)(dim_idx_flip{:})); back_prev_loc = [diff(back_gap_locs, 1, 1); zero_padding] == 1; back_gapsizes = sz_A_dim - (find (back_prev_loc) - ... (back_prev_loc .* offset)(back_prev_loc)); ## combine into fill variables [~, fb_sort_idx] = sort ... ([find(front_gap_locs);find(back_gap_locs)]); subsval_loc = [find(front_next_loc); find(back_prev_loc)]; gapsizes = [front_gapsizes; back_gapsizes]; ## construct substitution value vector with sort order to mix ## fronts and backs in column order fill_vals = (repelems (A(subsval_loc), ... [1:numel(gapsizes); gapsizes'])')(fb_sort_idx); case "linear" ## endgaps not guaranteed to have enough points to interpolate cols_to_use = (sum (! (missing_locs | endgap_locs), 1) > 1) ... & any (endgap_locs, 1); interp_locs = ! (missing_locs | endgap_locs) & cols_to_use; endgap_locs &= cols_to_use; ## process front endgaps front_gap_locs = logical (cumprod (endgap_locs, 1)); fill_vals_front = []; if (any (front_gap_locs(:))) front_gapsizes = nonzeros (sum (front_gap_locs, 1)); ## collect first data point after gap & expand to gapsize front_interppoint_1 = repelems ( ... find (diff ([zero_padding; front_gap_locs], 1, 1) == -1), ... [1:numel(front_gapsizes); front_gapsizes'])'; ## collect second data point after gap & expand to gapsize front_interppoint_2 = repelems ( ... find (diff ([zero_padding; ((cumsum (interp_locs, 1) .* ... any (front_gap_locs, 1)) == 2)], 1, 1) == 1), ... [1:numel(front_gapsizes); front_gapsizes'])'; front_interp_Avals = A([front_interppoint_1, ... front_interppoint_2]); front_interp_sampvals = samplepoints_expand( ... [front_interppoint_1, front_interppoint_2]); front_gap_loc_sampvals = samplepoints_expand(front_gap_locs); ## hack for vector automatic orientation forcing col vector if (isvector (front_interp_Avals)) front_interp_Avals = (front_interp_Avals (:)).'; endif if (isvector (front_interp_sampvals)) front_interp_sampvals = (front_interp_sampvals (:)).'; endif ## perform interpolation for every gap point interp_slopes_front = diff (front_interp_Avals, 1, 2) ... ./ diff (front_interp_sampvals, 1, 2); fill_vals_front = interp_slopes_front .* ... (front_gap_loc_sampvals - ... front_interp_sampvals(:,1)) + ... front_interp_Avals(:,1); endif ## process back endgaps back_gap_locs = logical ( ... cumprod (endgap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1)(dim_idx_flip{:})); fill_vals_back = []; if (any (back_gap_locs(:))) back_gapsizes = ... nonzeros (sum (back_gap_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1)); ## collect last data point before gap & expand to gapsize back_interppoint_2 = repelems ( ... find ([diff(back_gap_locs, 1, 1); zero_padding] == 1), ... [1:numel(back_gapsizes); back_gapsizes'])'; ## collect 2nd to last data point before gap & expand to gap back_interppoint_1 = repelems ( ... find ((diff ([zero_padding; ... ((cumsum (interp_locs(dim_idx_flip{:}), 1) .* ... any (back_gap_locs, 1)) == 2)], ... 1, 1) == 1)(dim_idx_flip{:})), ... [1:numel(back_gapsizes); back_gapsizes'])'; ## build linear interpolant vectors back_interp_Avals = A([back_interppoint_1, ... back_interppoint_2]); back_interp_sampvals = samplepoints_expand( ... [back_interppoint_1, ... back_interppoint_2]); back_gap_loc_sampvals = samplepoints_expand(back_gap_locs); ## hack for vector automatic orientation forcing col vector if (isvector (back_interp_Avals)) back_interp_Avals = (back_interp_Avals (:)).'; endif if (isvector (back_interp_sampvals)) back_interp_sampvals = (back_interp_sampvals (:)).'; endif ## perform interpolation for every gap point interp_slopes_back = diff (back_interp_Avals, 1, 2) ... ./ diff (back_interp_sampvals, 1, 2); fill_vals_back = interp_slopes_back .* ... (back_gap_loc_sampvals - ... back_interp_sampvals(:,1)) + ... back_interp_Avals(:,1); endif [~, fb_sort_idx] = sort ... ([find(front_gap_locs); find(back_gap_locs)]); fill_vals = [fill_vals_front; fill_vals_back](fb_sort_idx); case {"spline", "pchip", "makima"} ## use interp1 to perform more complex interpolations ## TODO: split out from columnwise interp1 approach to speed up ## endgap_locs not guaranteed to have 2 points. ## need to ignore columns with < 2 values, or with nothing to do ## find columns needing operation to reduce empty operations cols_to_use = (sum (! (endgap_locs | missing_locs), 1) > 1) ... & any (endgap_locs, 1); ## trim out unused cols from endgap_locs endgap_locs &= cols_to_use; ## find logical data and empty location indices for each column ## to be used in columnwise call to interp1 (cast as columnwise ## cell arrays) interp_locations = num2cell ... ((! (missing_locs | endgap_locs))(:, cols_to_use), 1); interp_fill_locs = num2cell ... (endgap_locs(:, cols_to_use), 1); ## use locations to build cell arrays with sample and ## interpolant values to pass to interp1 interp_loc_ref = num2cell (struct ("type", "()", "subs", ... num2cell (interp_locations))); A_interpvalues = cellfun ('subsref', num2cell (... A(:, cols_to_use), 1), interp_loc_ref, ... "UniformOutput", false); interp_samplevals = cellfun ('subsref', {samplepoints}, ... interp_loc_ref, "UniformOutput", false); interp_empty_samplevals = cellfun ('subsref', ... {samplepoints}, ... num2cell (struct ("type", "()", "subs", ... num2cell(interp_fill_locs))), ... "UniformOutput", false); ## generate fill_vals using interp1 for missing locations. fill_vals = vertcat(cellfun ('interp1', interp_samplevals, ... A_interpvalues, interp_empty_samplevals, ... {method}, {'extrap'}, 'UniformOutput', false){:}); otherwise error ("EndValues method not yet implemented"); endswitch ## replace missings with appropriate fill values A(endgap_locs) = fill_vals; ## some methods remove fill locations, only process if not empty if (any (endgap_locs(:))) ## replace missings with appropriate fill values A(endgap_locs) = fill_vals; endif endif endswitch endif endif if (nargout > 1) idx_out = (missing_locs | endgap_locs); endif if (reshape_flag) ## revert permutation A = permute (A, dim_idx_perm); if (nargout > 1) idx_out = permute (idx_out, dim_idx_perm); endif endif endfunction ## numeric tests %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 99), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "constant", 99), [1 2 99]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "constant", 99), [99 2 99]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "constant", 99), [1 2 3]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN]', "constant", 99), [1 2 99]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3; 4 5 6], "constant", 99), [1 2 3; 4 5 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "constant", 99), [1 2 99; 4 99 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "constant", [97, 98, 99]), [97 2 99; 4 98 6]) %!test %! x = cat (3, [1, 2, NaN; 4, NaN, 6], [NaN, 2, 3; 4, 5, NaN]); %! y = cat (3, [1, 2, 99; 4, 99, 6], [99, 2, 3; 4, 5, 99]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99), y); %! y = cat (3, [1, 2, 96; 4, 95, 6], [97, 2, 3; 4, 5, 99]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99]), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99]'), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", permute ([94:99], [1 3 2])), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94, 96, 98; 95, 97, 99]), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 1), y); %! y = cat (3, [1, 2, 96; 4, 97, 6], [98, 2, 3; 4, 5, 99]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [96:99], 2), y); %! y = cat (3, [1, 2, 98; 4, 97, 6], [94, 2, 3; 4, 5, 99]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 3), y); %! y = cat (3, [1, 2, 92; 4, 91, 6], [94, 2, 3; 4, 5, 99]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:99], 99), y); %!test %! x = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! x([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 99 99]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 1), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [92 93 94 92 95 97 99 98 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [92:99], 2), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [88 93 94 96 99 89 91 94 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:99], 3), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [76 81 82 84 87 89 91 94 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [76:99], 99), y); ## tests with different endvalues behavior %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 99 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 2 88]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 3], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [88 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN 3], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [88 88 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 88 88]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [88 2 88]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN]', "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [88 2 88]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 99 3 99 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN NaN 5], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 99 99 99 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN NaN 5], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [88 88 88 88 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 4 NaN], "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), [1 99 3 4 88]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 4 NaN], "constant", 99, 1, "endvalues", 88), [1 88 3 4 88]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 4 NaN], "constant", 99, 1, "endvalues", "extrap"), [1 99 3 4 99]) %!test %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! y = x; %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y([1,2,5,6,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22])= 88; y([8])=99; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, "endvalues", 88), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, 1, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y = x; y([1,2,5,8,10,13,16,19,22])= 88; y([6,18,20,21])=99; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, 2, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y(y==99) = 88; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, 3, "endvalues", 88), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, 4, "endvalues", 88), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 99, 99, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y([8]) = 94; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [92:99], 1, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y([6,8,18,20,21]) = [96,88,99,98,99]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 2, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y = x; y(isnan(y)) = 88; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:99], 3, "endvalues", 88), y); %! y = x; y(isnan(y)) = [82,82,83,83,94,85,86,87,87,88,88,88,89]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [92:99], 1, "endvalues", [82:89]), y); %! y = x; y(isnan(y)) = [84,85,85,96,85,84,87,87,99,87,98,99,87]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 2, "endvalues", [84:89]), y); %! y = x; y(isnan(y)) = [68,69,72,73,75,77,68,71,73,74,75,76,77]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:99], 3, "endvalues", [68:79]), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:93;94:99]', 3, "endvalues", [68:73;74:79]'), y) %!test %! x = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! x([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [94 95 95 96 96 97 97 98 99 99]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [94:99], 1), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [92 93 94 92 95 97 99 98 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [92:99], 2), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [88 93 94 96 99 89 91 94 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [88:99], 3), y); %! y([1,6,7,9 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [76 81 82 84 87 89 91 94 97 98]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", [76:99], 99), y); ## next/previous tests %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "previous"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "next"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "previous"), [1 2 3]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "next"), [1 2 3]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "previous"), [1 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "next"), [1 2 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "previous"), [NaN 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "next"), [2 2 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "previous"), [1 1 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "next"), [1 3 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "previous", 1), [1 2 NaN; 4 2 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "previous", 2), [1 2 2; 4 4 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "previous", 3), [1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "next", 1), [1 2 6; 4 NaN 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "next", 2), [1 2 NaN; 4 6 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "next", 3), [1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6]) %!test %! x = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! x([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 7, 9, 14, 19, 22, 23]) = [2 8 8 10 15 20 24 24]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "next", 1), y); %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 7, 14, 16]) = [5, 10, 11, 18, 20]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "next", 2), y); %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 9, 12]) = [13 18 21 24]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "next", 3), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "next", 99), x); %! y = x; %! y([6, 7, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [5 5 11 13 15 18 21 21]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "previous", 1), y); %! y = x; %! y([6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23]) = [2 3 5 8 15 18 15]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "previous", 2), y); %! y = x; %! y([14, 16, 22, 23]) = [2 4 10 11]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "previous", 3), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "previous", 99), x); ## next/previous tests with different endvalue behavior %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [1 0 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [1 0 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [1 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [1 2 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [1 1 1]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [1 NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [2 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN NaN 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [3 3 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN 2 0 4 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), [2 2 0 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "next"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN 2 0 4 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "next"), [2 2 0 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "previous"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "next"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!test %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([5,6,8,18])=[4,4,0,17]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "endvalues", "previous"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "previous"), y); %! y = x; %! y([6,10,18,20,21])=[0,7,0,0,0]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "previous"), y); %! y = x; %! y([16,19,21])=[4,7,9]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "previous"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 4, "endvalues", "previous"), x); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 99, "endvalues", "previous"), x); %! y = x; %! y([1,2,8,10,13,16,22])=[3,3,0,11,14,17,23]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "endvalues", "next"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "next"), y); %! y = x; %! y([1,2,5,6,8,18,20,21])=[4,11,11,0,11,0,0,0]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "next"), y); %! y = x; %! y([2,5])=[14,17]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "next"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 4, "endvalues", "next"), x); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 99, "endvalues", "next"), x); ##tests for nearest %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "nearest"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "nearest"), [1 2 3]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "nearest"), [1 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "nearest"), [2 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "nearest"), [1 3 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "nearest", 1), [1 2 6; 4 2 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "nearest", 2), [1 2 2; 4 6 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "nearest", 3), [1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "nearest"), [1 3 3 5 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "nearest", "samplepoints", [0 1 2 3 4]), [1 3 3 5 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "nearest", "samplepoints", [0.5 1 2 3 5]), [1 1 3 3 5]) %!test %! x = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! x([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [2 5 8 10 11 15 15 20 21 24]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "nearest", 1), y); %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = [5 10 11 5 8 18 20 15 18 15]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "nearest", 2), y); %! y = x; %! y([1, 6, 9, 12, 14, 16, 22, 23]) = [13 18 21 24 2 4 10 11]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "nearest", 3), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "nearest", 99), x); ##tests for nearest with diff endvalue behavior %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [1 0 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [1 2 2]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [1 1 1]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [2 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN 3], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [3 3 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), [2 2 0 4 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "nearest"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "nearest"), [2 2 0 4 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "nearest"), [NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN]) %!test %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,22])=[3 3 4 4 0 11 14 17 17 23]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "endvalues", "nearest"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 1, "endvalues", "nearest"), y); %! y = x; %! y([1,2,5,6,8,10,18,20,21])=[4 11 11 0 11 7 0 0 0]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 2, "endvalues", "nearest"), y); %! y = x; %! y([2,5,16,19,21])=[14 17 4 7 9]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 3, "endvalues", "nearest"), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 99, "endvalues", "nearest"), x); ##tests for linear %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "linear"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "linear"), [1 2 3]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "linear"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "linear"), [NaN 2 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "linear"), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "linear", 1), [1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "linear", 2), [1 2 3; 4 5 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6], "linear", 3), [1 2 NaN; 4 NaN 6]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "linear"), [1 2 3 4 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "linear", "samplepoints", [0 1 2 3 4]), [1 2 3 4 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "linear", "samplepoints", [0 1.5 2 5 14]), [1 2.5 3 3.5 5], eps) %!test %! x = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! x([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 1), reshape([1:24],4,3,2)); %! y = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! y([1 9 14 19 22 23]) = NaN; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 2), y); %! y = reshape([1:24],4,3,2); %! y([1, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 22, 23]) = NaN; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 3), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 99), x); ##tests for linear with diff endvalue behavior %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 NaN], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [1 2 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [1 0 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 3], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [0 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN 3], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [0 0 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [0 0 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "linear", "endvalues", 0), [0 2 3 4 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "linear", 1, "endvalues", 0), [0 2 0 4 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "linear", 2, "endvalues", 0), [0 2 3 4 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN 4 NaN], "linear", 3, "endvalues", 0), [0 2 0 4 0]) %!test %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,2,5,6,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22])=0; y(8)=8; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", "endvalues", 0), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 1, "endvalues", 0), y); %! y = x; %! y([1,2,5,8,10,13,16,19,22])=0; y([6,18,20,21])=[6,18,20,21]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 2, "endvalues", 0), y); %! y = x; %! y(isnan(y))=0; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 3, "endvalues", 0), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 99, "endvalues", 0), y); ##test other interpolants %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,6,10,18,20,21]) = [2.5, 5, 8.5, 17.25, 21, 21.75]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "linear", 2, "samplepoints", [2 4 8 10]), y, eps); %! y([1,6,10,18,20,21]) = [2.5, 4.5, 8.5, 17.25, 21.5, 21.75]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "spline", 2, "samplepoints", [2 4 8 10]), y, eps); %! y([1,6,10,18,20,21]) = [2.5, 4.559386973180077, 8.5, 17.25, 21.440613026819925, 21.75]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "pchip", 2, "samplepoints", [2 4 8 10]), y, 10*eps); ## known fail: makima method not yet implemented in interp1 %!test <60965> %! x = reshape ([1:24], 3, 4, 2); %! x([1,2,5,6,8,10,13,16,18,19,20,21,22]) = NaN; %! y = x; %! y([1,6,10,18,20,21]) = [2.5, 4.609523809523809, 8.5, 17.25, 21.390476190476186, 21.75]; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "makima", 2, "samplepoints", [2 4 8 10]), y, 10*eps); ##test maxgap for mid and end points %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 99), [1 2 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), [1 NaN 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1.999), [1 NaN 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2), [1 0 3]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN 4], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2), [1 NaN NaN 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN NaN 4], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 3), [1 0 0 4]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2), [1 0 3 0 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 0.999), [NaN 2 NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), [0 2 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), [0 2 NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN 2 NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2), [0 2 0 0]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 3), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([NaN NaN NaN], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 999), [NaN NaN NaN]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2, "samplepoints", [0 1 2 3 5]), [1 0 3 NaN 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5]', "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2, "samplepoints", [0 1 2 3 5]), [1 0 3 NaN 5]') %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "constant", 0, "maxgap", 2, "samplepoints", [0 2 3 4 5]), [1 NaN 3 0 5]) %!assert (fillmissing ([1 NaN 3 NaN 5; 1 NaN 3 NaN 5], "constant", 0, 2, "maxgap", 2, "samplepoints", [0 2 3 4 5]), [1 NaN 3 0 5; 1 NaN 3 0 5]) %!test %! x = cat (3, [1, 2, NaN; 4, NaN, NaN], [NaN, 2, 3; 4, 5, NaN]); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "maxgap", 0.1), x); %! y = x; %! y([4,7,12]) = 0; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1), y); %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 1, "maxgap", 1), y); %! y = x; %! y([5,7,12]) = 0; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 2, "maxgap", 1), y); %! y = x; %! y([4,5,7]) = 0; %! assert (fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 3, "maxgap", 1), y); ##2nd output, verify consistent with dim %!test %! x = cat (3, [1, 2, NaN; 4, NaN, NaN], [NaN, 2, 3; 4, 5, NaN]); %! [~, idx] = fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, "maxgap", 1); %! assert (idx, logical(cat(3,[0 0 0; 0 1 0],[1 0 0; 0 0 1]))); %! [~, idx] = fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 1, "maxgap", 1); %! assert (idx, logical(cat(3,[0 0 0; 0 1 0],[1 0 0; 0 0 1]))); %! [~, idx] = fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 2, "maxgap", 1); %! assert (idx, logical(cat(3,[0 0 1; 0 0 0],[1 0 0; 0 0 1]))); %! [~, idx] = fillmissing (x, "constant", 0, 3, "maxgap", 1); %! assert (idx, logical(cat(3,[0 0 1; 0 1 0],[1 0 0; 0 0 0]))); ##TEST Char and cellstr %!assert (fillmissing (' foo bar ', "constant", 'X'), 'XfooXbarX') %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "constant", 'X'), ['Xfoo';'barX']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "next"), ['bfoo';'bar ']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "next", 1), ['bfoo';'bar ']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "previous"), [' foo';'baro']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "previous", 1), [' foo';'baro']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "next", 2), ['ffoo';'bar ']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "previous", 2), [' foo';'barr']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "next", 3), [' foo';'bar ']) %!assert (fillmissing ([' foo';'bar '], "previous", 3), [' foo';'bar ']) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo','bar'}, "constant", 'a'), {'foo','bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo','bar'}, "constant", {'a'}), {'foo','bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "constant", 'a'), {'foo', 'a', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "constant", {'a'}), {'foo', 'a', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "previous"), {'foo', 'foo', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "next"), {'foo', 'bar', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "previous", 2), {'foo', 'foo', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "next", 2), {'foo', 'bar', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "previous", 1), {'foo', '', 'bar'}) %!assert (fillmissing ({'foo', '', 'bar'}, "next", 1), {'foo', '', 'bar'}) ## Test input validation and error messages %!error fillmissing () %!error fillmissing (1) %!error fillmissing (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) %!error fillmissing (1, 2) %!error fillmissing (1, "foo") %!error fillmissing (1, @(x) x, 1) %!error fillmissing (1, @(x,y) x+y, 1) %!error <'constant' method must be followed by> fillmissing (1, "constant") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", []) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", "a") %!error fillmissing ("a", "constant", 1) %!error fillmissing ("a", "constant", {"foo"}) %!error fillmissing ({"foo"}, "constant", 1) %!error fillmissing (1, "movemean") %!error fillmissing (1, "movemedian") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 0) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, -1) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, [1 2]) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, "samplepoints") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, "foo") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 1, "foo") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, {1}, 4) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "samplepoints", [1 2]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "samplepoints", [3 1 2]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "samplepoints", [1 1 2]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "samplepoints", "abc") %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "samplepoints", logical([1 1 1])) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 1, "samplepoints", [1 2 3]) %!error fillmissing ('foo', "next", "endvalues", 1) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 1, "endvalues", "foo") %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 1, "endvalues", "linear") %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 2, "endvalues", [1 2 3]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", 1, 1, "endvalues", [1 2]) %!error fillmissing (randi(5,4,3,2), "constant", 1, 3, "endvalues", [1 2]) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 1, "endvalues", {1}) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "foo", 4) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", 1, "missinglocations", false) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "missinglocations", false, "maxgap", 1) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "missinglocations", 1) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "missinglocations", 'a') %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "missinglocations", [true false]) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", true) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", 'a') %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", [1 2]) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", 0) %!error fillmissing (1, "constant", 1, 2, "maxgap", -1) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", [1 2 3]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "constant", [1 2 3]) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3]', "constant", [1 2 3], 1) %!error fillmissing ([1 2 3], "constant", [1 2 3], 2) %!error fillmissing (randi(5,4,3,2), "constant", [1 2], 1) %!error fillmissing (randi(5,4,3,2), "constant", [1 2], 2) %!error fillmissing (randi(5,4,3,2), "constant", [1 2], 3) %!error fillmissing (1, @(x,y,z) x+y+z)