######################################################################## ## ## Copyright (C) 2014-2021 The Octave Project Developers ## ## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this ## distribution or . ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## ######################################################################## ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {} {@var{retval} =} genpropdoc (@var{OBJNAME}, @var{FILENAME}) ## ## Print FILENAME texinfo source file associated to OBJNAME objects. This ## function is meant to be run for generating octave documentation ## (see doc/interpreter/graphics_properties.mk). ## ## All the hard coded documentation is written in getdoc function. See the ## comments in getdoc bellow for instruction on how to document a graphics ## property. ## ## @seealso{} ## @end deftypefn function genpropdoc (objname, fname = "", props = {}) objnames = {"root", "figure", "axes", "legend", ... "image", "light", "line", "patch", "scatter", "surface", ... "text", "uibuttongroup", "uicontextmenu", "uicontrol", ... "uipanel", "uimenu", "uipushtool", "uitable", ... "uitoggletool", "uitoolbar" }; ## Base properties base = getstructure ("base"); ## Object properties if (any (strcmp (objname, objnames))) obj = getstructure (objname, base, props); else error ("genpropdoc: unknown object %s", objname); endif ## Docstring str = printdoc (objname, obj, ! isempty (props)); if (! isempty (fname)) fid = fopen (fname, "w+"); if (fid < 0) error ("genpropdoc: couldn't open %s.", fname); endif else fid = stdout; endif fprintf (fid, str); if (nargin == 2) fclose (fid); endif endfunction function s = getdoc (objname, field, base) ## Properties are represented by a struct with fields : ## ## -"doc": string to be printed verbatim after being expanded ## through expand_doc function. Special keywords are: ## "__objname__" : replaced by the current object name; ## "__prop__" : replaced by the current property name; ## "__modemsg__" : replaced by a message explaining that ## the propmode will be toggled to "manual". ## You may also cross reference properties using the label format ## OBJNAMEPROPERTY, e.g, "@xref{XREFaxescolor, , axes color property}." ## ## -"valid": string that describes valid values for the current property. ## Use "packopt" function to join options with " | " separator ## and "markdef" to mark default among valid values between curly braces. ## If not provided, valid values for radio properties are automatically ## retrieved using set function. ## ## -"default": string. If not provided the default value is automatically ## retrieved using get function. ## ## -"printdefault": a boolean (def. true) that specifies whether the ## default value should be printed. It is useful for properties ## like root "screendepth" that default to screen dependent values. ## ## -"category": a string that is used to order properties. packopt = @(c) strjoin (c, " | "); markdef = @(s) ["@{" s "@}"]; ## Some generic templates: valid_color = "colorspec"; valid_handle = "graphics handle"; valid_string = "string"; valid_fcn = packopt ({"string", "function handle"}); valid_cellstring = packopt ({"string", "cell array of strings"}); valid_2elvec = "two-element vector"; valid_3elvec = "three-element vector"; valid_4elvec = "four-element vector"; valid_vecmat = packopt ({"vector", "matrix"}); valid_scalmat = packopt ({"scalar", "matrix"}); doc_notimpl = "%s is not yet implemented for __objname__ objects. \ __prop__ is unused."; doc_unused = "__prop__ is unused."; doc_fontangle = "Control whether the font is italic or normal."; doc_fontsize = "Size of the font used for text rendering. \ @xref{XREF__objname__fontunits, , fontunits property}."; doc_fontname = "Name of font used for text rendering. When setting \ this property, the text rendering engine will search for a matching \ font in your system. If none is found then text is rendered using a \ default sans serif font (same as the default @qcode{\"*\"} value).\n\n\ Programming Note: On systems that don’t use FontConfig natively \ (all but Linux), the font cache is built when Octave is installed. \ You will need to run @code{system (\"fc-cache -fv\")} manually after \ installing new fonts."; doc_fontunits = "Units used to interpret the @qcode{\"fontsize\"} property."; doc_fontweight = "Control the variant of the base font used for \ text rendering."; ## Initialize structure if (isfield (base, field)) s = base.(field); else s = struct ("valid", "", "default", "", "doc", "", ... "printdefault", true, "category", "Miscellaneous"); endif ## Base properties: Write generic documentation because it will be included ## in the list of each graphics object. If a given graphics object ## interprets the property differently than others, then the doc will have ## to be rewritten for this object. if (strcmp (objname, "base")) switch (field) case "beingdeleted" s.category = "Creation/Deletion"; case "busyaction" s.doc = "Define how Octave handles the execution of this object's \ callback properties when it is unable to interrupt another object's \ executing callback. This is only relevant when the currently executing \ callback object has its @code{interruptible} property set to \ \@qcode{\"off\"}. The __prop__ property of the interrupting callback object \ indicates whether the interrupting callback is queued (@qcode{\"queue\"} \ (default)) or discarded (@qcode{\"cancel\"}).\n\ @xref{Callbacks, , @w{Callbacks section}}."; s.category = "Callback Execution"; case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = "__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "children" s.doc = "Graphics handles of the __objname__'s children."; s.valid = "vector of graphics handles"; s.category = "Parent/Children"; case "clipping" s.doc = "If __prop__ is @qcode{\"on\"}, the __objname__ is \ clipped in its parent axes limits."; s.category = "Display"; case "contextmenu" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the uicontextmenu object that is \ currently associated to this __objname__ object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "createfcn" s.doc = "Callback function executed immediately after __objname__ \ has been created. Function is set by using default property on root object, \ e.g., @code{set (groot, \"default__objname__createfcn\", \ 'disp (\"__objname__ created!\")')}.\n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Creation/Deletion"; case "deletefcn" s.doc = "Callback function executed immediately before __objname__ \ is deleted.\n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Creation/Deletion"; case "handlevisibility" s.doc = "If __prop__ is @qcode{\"off\"}, the __objname__'s \ handle is not visible in its parent's \"children\" property."; s.category = "Parent/Children"; case "hittest" s.doc = "Specify whether __objname__ processes mouse events \ or passes them to ancestors of the object. When enabled, the object may \ respond to mouse clicks by evaluating the @qcode{\"buttondownfcn\"}, showing \ the uicontextmenu, and eventually becoming the root \ @qcode{\"currentobject\"}. This property is only relevant when the object \ can accept mouse clicks which is determined by the @qcode{\"pickableparts\"} \ property. @xref{XREF__objname__pickableparts, , @w{pickableparts property}}."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "interruptible" s.doc = "Specify whether this object's callback functions may be \ interrupted by other callbacks. By default __prop__ is @qcode{\"on\"} \ and callbacks that make use of @code{drawnow}, @code{figure}, @code{waitfor}, \ @code{getframe} or @code{pause} functions are eventually interrupted.\n\ @xref{Callbacks, , @w{Callbacks section}}."; s.category = "Callback Execution"; case "parent" s.doc = "Handle of the parent graphics object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Parent/Children"; case "pickableparts" s.doc = "Specify whether __objname__ will accept mouse clicks. \ By default, __prop__ is @qcode{\"visible\"} and only visible parts of the \ __objname__ or its children may react to mouse clicks. When __prop__ is \ @qcode{\"all\"} both visible and invisible parts (or children) may react to \ mouse clicks. When __prop__ is @qcode{\"none\"} mouse clicks on the object \ are ignored and transmitted to any objects underneath this one. When an \ object is configured to accept mouse clicks the @qcode{\"hittest\"} property \ will determine how they are processed. \ @xref{XREF__objname__hittest, , @w{hittest property}}."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "selected" s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "selectionhighlight" s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "tag" s.doc = "A user-defined string to label the graphics object."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "type" s.doc = "Class name of the graphics object. __prop__ is \ always @qcode{\"__objname__\"}"; s.valid = valid_string; s.printdefault = false; ##Uncategorized case "userdata" s.doc = "User-defined data to associate with the graphics object."; s.valid = "Any Octave data"; s.category = "Data"; case "visible" s.doc = "If __prop__ is @qcode{\"off\"}, the __objname__ is \ not rendered on screen."; s.category = "Display"; endswitch ## Root properties: elseif (strcmp (objname, "root")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case {"beingdeleted", "busyaction", "buttondownfcn", ... "clipping", "createfcn", "deletefcn", "handlevisibility", ... "hittest", "interruptible", "selected", ... "selectionhighlight", "uicontextmenu", "visible"} s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "parent" s.doc = "Root object has no parent graphics object. __prop__ \ is always empty."; s.category = "Parent/Children"; case "hittest" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "pickableparts" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "callbackobject" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the current object whose callback is executing."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Calback Execution"; case "currentfigure" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the current figure."; s.valid = valid_handle; ##Uncategorized case "diary" s.doc = "If __prop__ is @qcode{\"on\"}, the Octave command window \ session is saved to file. @xref{XREFrootdiaryfile, , @w{diaryfile property}}."; s.category = "Command Logging"; case "diaryfile" s.doc = "The name of the diary file. \ @xref{XREFdiary, , @w{diary function}}."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Command Logging"; case "echo" s.doc = "Control whether Octave displays commands executed from \ scripts. @xref{XREFecho, , @w{echo function}}."; s.category = "Command Window Display"; case "errormessage" s.doc = "The last error message raised. \ @xref{XREFlasterr, , @w{lasterr function}}."; s.valid = valid_string; ##Uncategorized case "fixedwidthfontname" s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Command Window Display"; case "format" s.doc = "This property is a wrapper around the @code{format} function.\ @xref{XREFformat, , @w{format function}}."; s.category = "Command Window Display"; case "formatspacing" s.doc = "This property is a wrapper around the @code{format} function.\ @xref{XREFformat, , @w{format function}}."; s.category = "Command Window Display"; case "language" s.valid = valid_string; ##Uncategorized case "monitorpositions" s.doc = doc_unused; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Screen Info."; case "pointerlocation" s.doc = doc_unused; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Pointer Info."; case "pointerwindow" s.doc = doc_unused; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Pointer Info."; case "recursionlimit" s.doc = "The maximum number of times a function can be called \ recursively. \ @xref{XREFmax_recursion_depth, , @w{max_recursion_depth function}}."; s.valid = "double"; ##Uncategorized case "screendepth" s.valid = "double"; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Screen Info."; case "screenpixelsperinch" s.valid = "double"; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Screen Info."; case "screensize" s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Screen Info."; case "showhiddenhandles" s.doc = "If __prop__ is @qcode{\"on\"}, all graphics objects handles \ are visible in their parents' children list, regardless of the value of their \ @code{handlevisibility} property."; s.category = "Parent/Children"; case "units" s.doc = "Units in which screen information is returned." s.category = "Screen Info."; endswitch ## Figure properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "figure")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "clipping" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "pickableparts" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "alphamap" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Appearance"; case "closerequestfcn" s.doc = "Function that is executed when a figure is deleted. \ @xref{XREFclosereq, , closereq function}.\n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Creation/Deletion"; case "color" s.doc = "Color of the figure background. \ @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Appearance"; case "colormap" s.doc = "A matrix containing the RGB color map for the current axes."; s.valid = "N-by-3 matrix"; s.category = "Appearance"; case "currentaxes" s.doc = "Handle to the graphics object of the current axes. \ @xref{XREFgca, , gca function}." s.valid = valid_handle; ##Uncategorized case "currentcharacter" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "currentobject" s.valid = valid_handle; ##Uncategorized case "currentpoint" s.doc = "A 1-by-2 matrix which holds the coordinates of the point \ over which the mouse pointer was when a mouse event occurred. The X and Y \ coordinates are in units defined by the figure's @code{units} property \ and their origin is the lower left corner of the plotting area.\n\ \n\ Events which set @code{currentpoint} are\n\ @table @asis\n\ @item A mouse button was pressed\n\ always\n\ @item A mouse button was released\n\ only if the figure's callback @code{windowbuttonupfcn} is defined\n\ @item The pointer was moved while pressing the mouse button (drag)\n\ only if the figure's callback @code{windowbuttonmotionfcn} is defined\n\ @end table"; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "dockcontrols" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "filename" s.doc = "The filename used when saving the plot figure."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "graphicssmoothing" s.doc = "Use smoothing techniques to reduce the appearance of jagged lines."; s.category = "Appearance"; case "integerhandle" s.doc = "Assign the next lowest unused integer as the Figure number."; ##Uncategorized case "inverthardcopy" s.doc = "Replace the figure and axes background color with white when printing."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "keypressfcn" s.doc = "Callback function executed when a keystroke event \ happens while the figure has focus. The actual key that was pressed \ can be retrieved using the second argument 'evt' of the function. __fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Keyboard Interaction"; case "keyreleasefcn" s.doc = "With @code{keypressfcn}, the keyboard callback functions. \ These callback functions are called when a key is pressed/released \ respectively. The functions are called with two input arguments. The first \ argument holds the handle of the calling figure. The second argument holds \ an event structure which has the following members:\n\ @table @code\n\ @item Character:\n\ The ASCII value of the key\n\ @item Key:\n\ Lowercase value of the key\n\ @item Modifier:\n\ A cell array containing strings representing the modifiers pressed with the \ key.\n\ @end table\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Keyboard Interaction"; case "menubar" s.doc = "Control the display of the figure menu bar at the top \ of the figure."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "name" s.doc = "Name to be displayed in the figure title bar. The name is \ displayed to the right of any title determined by the @code{numbertitle} \ property."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Appearance"; ## FIXME: Uncomment when support added in graphics.in.h #case "number" # s.doc = "Number of current figure (RO)."; # ##Uncategorized case "nextplot" s.doc = "__prop__ is used by high level plotting functions to \ decide what to do with axes already present in the figure. \ @xref{XREFnewplot, , @w{newplot function}}."; ##Uncategorized case "numbertitle" s.doc = "Display \"Figure\" followed by the numerical figure handle \ value in the figure title bar."; s.category = "Appearance"; case "outerposition" s.doc = "Specify the position and size of the figure including \ the top menubar and the bottom status bar. \ The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the lower left corner \ and width and height of the figure. \ @xref{XREFfigureunits, , @w{units property}}."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Position"; case "paperorientation" s.doc = "The value for the @code{papersize}, and @code{paperposition} \ properties depends upon __prop__. The horizontal and vertical values for \ @code{papersize} and @code{paperposition} reverse order \ when __prop__ is switched between @code{\"portrait\"} and \ @code{\"landscape\"}."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "paperposition" s.doc = "Vector @code{[left bottom width height]} defining the \ position and size of the figure (in @code{paperunits} units) on the printed \ page. The position @code{[left bottom]} defines the lower left corner of the \ figure on the page, and the size is defined by @code{[width height]}. For \ output formats not implicitly rendered on paper, @code{width} and \ @code{height} define the size of the image and the position information is \ ignored. \ __modemsg__."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "paperpositionmode" s.doc = "If __prop__ is set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, the \ @code{paperposition} property is automatically computed: the printed \ figure will have the same size as the on-screen figure and will be centered \ on the output page. Setting the __prop__ to @code{\"auto\"} does not modify \ the value of the @code{paperposition} property."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "papersize" s.doc = "Vector @code{[width height]} defining the size of the \ paper for printing. Setting the __prop__ property to a value, not associated \ with one of the defined @code{papertypes} and consistent with the setting for \ @code{paperorientation}, forces the @code{papertype} property to the value \ @qcode{\"\"}. If __prop__ is set to a value associated with a \ supported @code{papertype} and consistent with the @code{paperorientation}, \ the @code{papertype} value is modified to the associated value."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "papertype" s.doc = "Name of the paper used for printed output. \ Setting __prop__ also changes @code{papersize}, while maintaining consistency \ with the @code{paperorientation} property."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "paperunits" s.doc = "The unit used to compute the @code{paperposition} property. \ The conversion from physical units (e.g., @code{\"inches\"}) is dependent on \ the @code{screenpixelsperinch} property of the root object."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "pointer" s.doc = "Name of the mouse pointer shape associated with the canvas \ of the figure. When __prop__ is \"custom\", the shape is determined by \ the @code{pointershapecdata} property.\n\n\ __prop__ has no effect when the figure is in zoom, pan, or rotate mode. \ In this case, Octave automatically uses a pointer shape appropriate \ to the mode."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "pointershapecdata" s.doc ="m-by-m matrix defining a custom pointer. Each \ element defines a pixel with the element (1,1) representing the \ top-left pixel. A value of 1 is colored black, a value of 2 is colored white, \ and all other values are rendered as transparent."; s.valid = "16-by-16 or 32-by-32 Matrix"; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "pointershapehotspot" s.doc ="For custom pointers only __prop__ defines the row and column \ of the pixel in @code{pointershapecdata} that is used as the pointer location."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "position" s.doc = "Specify the position and size of the figure canvas. \ The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the lower left corner \ and width and height of the figure. \ @xref{XREFfigureunits, , @w{units property}}."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Position"; case "renderer" s.doc = "Rendering engine used for printing when @code{renderermode} \ is \"manual\". __modemsg__."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "renderermode" s.doc = "Control whether the rendering engine used for printing is \ chosen automatically or specified by the @code{renderer} property. \ @xref{XREFprint, , @w{print function}}."; s.category = "Printing/Saving"; case "resize" s.doc = "Control whether the figure can be resized by dragging the \ window borders and corners using a mouse. When __prop__ is @qcode{\"off\"} \ mouse interactions are disabled but the figure can still be resized by \ changing its @qcode{\"position\"} property."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "resizefcn" s.doc = "__prop__ is deprecated. Use @code{sizechangedfcn} instead."; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "selectiontype" s.doc = "Selection type of the latest mouse click.\n\n\ __prop__ may take different values depending on the combination of mouse \ button and keyboard modifier that were used:\n\ @table @code\n\ @item normal:\n\ Left-click.\n\ @item alt:\n\ Right-click or Ctrl+Left-click.\n\ @item extend:\n\ Shitf+Left-click, Middle click, or combined Left-click and Right-click.\n\ @item open:\n\ Double Left-click.\n\ @end table"; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "sizechangedfcn" s.doc = "Callback triggered when the figure window size is changed.\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "toolbar" s.doc = "Control the display of the toolbar (along the bottom of the \ menubar) and the status bar. When set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, the display is based on the value of the @code{menubar} property."; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "units" s.doc = "The unit used to compute the @code{position} and \ @code{outerposition} properties."; s.category = "Position"; case "windowbuttondownfcn" s.doc = "@xref{XREFfigurewindowbuttonupfcn, , \ @w{windowbuttonupfcn property}}."; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "windowbuttonmotionfcn" s.doc = "@xref{XREFfigurewindowbuttonupfcn, , \ @w{windowbuttonupfcn property}}."; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "windowbuttonupfcn" s.doc = "With @code{windowbuttondownfcn} and \ @code{windowbuttonmotionfcn}, the mouse callback functions. These \ callback functions are called when a mouse button is pressed, dragged, or \ released respectively. When these callback functions are executed, the \ @code{currentpoint} property holds the current coordinates of the cursor.\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "windowkeypressfcn" s.doc = "Function that is executed when a key is pressed and \ the figure has focus.\n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Keyboard Interaction"; case "windowkeyreleasefcn" s.doc = "Function that is executed when a key is released and \ the figure has focus.\n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Keyboard Interaction"; case "windowscrollwheelfcn" s.doc = "Function that is executed when a user manipulates \ the mouse wheel over this figure. \ The function is called with two input arguments. The first \ argument holds the handle of the calling figure. The second argument holds \ an event structure which has the following members:\n\ @table @code\n\ @item VerticalScrollCount:\n\ The number of wheel steps, typically 1 when scrolling down and -1 when \ scrolling up.\n\ @item VerticalScrollAmount:\n\ The number of lines a wheel step should scroll. This value is always 3.\n\ @item EventName:\n\ The event name which is \"WindowScrollWheel\".\n\ @end table\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "windowstyle" s.doc = "The window style of a figure. One of the following values:\n\ @table @code\n\ @item normal\n\ Set the window style as non modal.\n\ @item modal\n\ Set the window as modal so that it will stay on top of all normal figures.\n\ @item docked\n\ Setting the window style as docked currently does not dock the window.\n\ @end table\n\ \n\ Changing modes of a visible figure may cause the figure to close and reopen."; s.category = "Display"; endswitch ## Axes properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "axes") || strcmp (objname, "legend")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "clipping" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "alim" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Display"; case "alimmode" s.category = "Display"; case "ambientlightcolor" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "box" s.doc = "Control whether the __objname__ has a surrounding box."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "boxstyle" s.doc = "For 3-D axes, control whether the @qcode{\"full\"} \ box is drawn or only the 3 @qcode{\"back\"} axes"; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "cameraposition" s.valid = valid_3elvec; s.category = "Camera Info."; case "camerapositionmode" s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameratarget" s.valid = valid_3elvec; s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameratargetmode" s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameraupvector" s.valid = valid_3elvec; s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameraupvectormode" s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameraviewangle" s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Camera Info."; case "cameraviewanglemode" s.category = "Camera Info."; case "clim" s.doc = "Define the limits for the color axis of image children. \ __modemsg__. @xref{XREFpcolor, , @w{pcolor function}}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Camera Info."; case "climmode" s.category = "Camera Info."; case "clippingstyle" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "color" s.doc = "Color of the __objname__ background. \ @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "colororder" s.doc = "RGB values used by plot function for automatic line \ coloring."; s.valid = "N-by-3 RGB matrix"; s.category = "Automatic Line Properties"; case "colororderindex" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Automatic Line Properties"; case "currentpoint" s.doc = "Matrix @code{[xf, yf, zf; xb, yb, zb]} which holds the \ coordinates (in axes data units) of the point over which the mouse pointer \ was when the mouse button was pressed. If a mouse callback function is \ defined, @code{currentpoint} holds the pointer coordinates at the time \ the mouse button was pressed. For 3-D plots, the first row of the returned \ matrix specifies the point nearest to the current camera position and the \ second row the furthest point. The two points forms a line which is \ perpendicular to the screen."; s.valid = "2-by-3 matrix"; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "dataaspectratio" s.doc = "Specify the relative height and width of the data \ displayed in the axes. Setting @code{dataaspectratio} to \ @w{@code{[1, 2]}} causes the length of one unit as displayed on the x-axis \ to be the same as the length of 2 units on the y-axis. \ @xref{XREFdaspect, , daspect function}. __modemsg__."; s.valid = valid_3elvec; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "dataaspectratiomode" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "fontsmoothing" s.doc = "Control whether any text associated with __objname__ is anti-aliased."; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "gridalpha" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "gridalphamode" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "gridcolor" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "gridcolormode" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "gridlinestyle" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "innerposition" s.doc = "The @qcode{\"innerposition\"} property is the same as the \ @ref{XREFaxesposition, , @w{@qcode{\"position\"} property}}."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "labelfontsizemultiplier" s.doc = "Ratio between the x/y/zlabel fontsize and the tick \ label fontsize"; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "layer" s.doc = "Control whether the axes is drawn below child graphics \ objects (ticks, labels, etc.@: covered by plotted objects) or above."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "linestyleorder" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Automatic Line Properties"; case "linestyleorderindex" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Automatic Line Properties"; case "linewidth" s.doc = "Width of the main axes lines"; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "minorgridalpha" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "minorgridalphamode" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "minorgridcolor" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "minorgridcolormode" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "minorgridlinestyle" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "mousewheelzoom" s.doc = "Fraction of axes limits to zoom for each wheel movement."; s.valid = "scalar in the range (0, 1)"; s.category = "Mouse Interaction"; case "nextplot" s.doc = "__prop__ is used by high level plotting functions to \ decide what to do with graphics objects already present in the axes. \ @xref{XREFnewplot, , @w{newplot function}}. The state of __prop__ \ is typically controlled using the @code{hold} function. \ @xref{XREFhold, , @w{hold function}}."; ##Uncategorized case "outerposition" s.doc = "Specify the position of the plot including titles, \ axes, and legend. The four elements of the vector are the \ coordinates of the lower left corner and width and height of the \ plot, in units normalized to the width and height of the plot \ window. For example, @code{[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]} sets the lower \ left corner of the axes at @math{(0.2, 0.3)} and the width and \ height to be 0.4 and 0.5 respectively. \ @xref{XREFaxesposition, , @w{position property}}."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Position"; case "plotboxaspectratio" s.doc = "@xref{XREFpbaspect, , pbaspect function}. \ __modemsg__."; s.category = "Position"; case "plotboxaspectratiomode" s.category = "Position"; case "position" if (strcmp (objname, "legend")) s.doc = "Specify the position of the legend excluding its title. \ The four elements of the vector are the coordinates of the lower left corner \ and width and height of the legend. Changing this property also \ switches the @qcode{\"location\"} to @qcode{\"none\"}."; s.printdefault = false; else s.doc = "Specify the position of the plot excluding titles, \ axes, and legend. The four elements of the vector are the \ coordinates of the lower left corner and width and height of the \ plot, in units normalized to the width and height of the plot \ window. For example, @code{[0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]} sets the lower \ left corner of the axes at @math{(0.2, 0.3)} and the width and \ height to be 0.4 and 0.5 respectively. \ @xref{XREFaxesouterposition, , @w{outerposition property}}."; endif s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.category = "Position"; case "positionconstraint" s.doc = "Specify which of @qcode{\"innerposition\"} or \ @qcode{\"outerposition\"} properties takes precedence when axes \ annotations extent changes. \ @xref{XREFaxesinnerposition, , @w{@qcode{\"innerposition\"} property}}, \ and @ref{XREFaxesouterposition, , @w{@qcode{\"outerposition\"} property}}."; s.category = "Position"; case "projection" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "sortmethod" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "tickdir" s.doc = "Control whether axes tick marks project \"in\" to the plot \ box or \"out\". __modemsg__."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "tickdirmode" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ticklabelinterpreter" s.doc = "Control the way x/y/zticklabel properties are interpreted.\n\ @xref{XREFinterpreterusage, , @w{Use of the interpreter property}}."; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "ticklength" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[2Dlen 3Dlen]} specifying the \ length of the tickmarks relative to the longest visible axis."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "tightinset" s.doc = "Size of the @code{[left bottom right top]} margins \ around the axes that enclose labels and title annotations."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Position"; case "title" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the title text object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "titlefontsizemultiplier" s.doc = "Ratio between the title fontsize and the tick \ label fontsize"; s.valid = "positive scalar"; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "titlefontweight" s.doc = "Control variant of base font used for the axes title."; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "units" if (strcmp (objname, "legend")) s.doc = "Units used to interpret the @qcode{\"position\"}, \ property."; else s.doc = "Units used to interpret the @qcode{\"position\"}, \ @qcode{\"outerposition\"}, and @qcode{\"tightinset\"} properties."; endif s.category = "Position"; case "view" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[azimuth elevation]} specifying \ the viewpoint for three-dimensional plots"; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "xaxislocation" s.doc = "Control the x axis location."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "xcolor" s.doc = "Color of the x-axis. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}. \ __modemsg__."; s.valid = packopt ({markdef(valid_color), "@qcode{\"none\"}"}); s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "xcolormode" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "xdir" s.doc = "Direction of the x axis: @qcode{\"normal\"} is left \ to right."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "xgrid" s.doc = "Control whether major x grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "xlabel" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the x label text object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "xlim" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[xmin xmax]} specifying the limits \ for the x-axis. __modemsg__. @xref{XREFxlim, , @w{xlim function}}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Limits"; case "xlimmode" s.category = "Limits"; case "xminorgrid" s.doc = "Control whether minor x grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "xminortick" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "xscale" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "xtick" s.doc = "Position of x tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = "vector"; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "xticklabel" s.doc = "Labels of x tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "xticklabelmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "xticklabelrotation" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "xtickmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "yaxislocation" s.doc = "Control the y-axis location."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ycolor" s.doc = "Color of the y-axis. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = packopt ({markdef(valid_color), "@qcode{\"none\"}"}); s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ycolormode" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ydir" s.doc = "Direction of the y-axis: @qcode{\"normal\"} is bottom \ to top."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ygrid" s.doc = "Control whether major y grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "ylabel" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the y label text object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "ylim" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[ymin ymax]} specifying the limits \ for the y-axis. __modemsg__. @xref{XREFylim, , @w{ylim function}}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Limits"; case "ylimmode" s.category = "Limits"; case "yminorgrid" s.doc = "Control whether minor y grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "yminortick" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "yscale" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "ytick" s.doc = "Position of y tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = "vector"; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "yticklabel" s.doc = "Labels of y tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "yticklabelmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "yticklabelrotation" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "ytickmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "zcolor" s.doc = "Color of the z-axis. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = packopt ({markdef(valid_color), "@qcode{\"none\"}"}); s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "zcolormode" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "zdir" s.category = "Axes Box Appearance"; case "zgrid" s.doc = "Control whether major z grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "zlabel" s.doc = "Graphics handle of the z label text object."; s.valid = valid_handle; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "zlim" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[zmin zmaz]} specifying the limits \ for the z-axis. __modemsg__. @xref{XREFzlim, , @w{zlim function}}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Limits"; case "zlimmode" s.category = "Limits"; case "zminorgrid" s.doc = "Control whether minor z grid lines are displayed."; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "zminortick" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "zscale" s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "ztick" s.doc = "Position of z tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = "vector"; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Axes Grid Appearance"; case "zticklabel" s.doc = "Labels of z tick marks. __modemsg__."; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "zticklabelmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "zticklabelrotation" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Annotation and Font"; case "ztickmode" s.category = "Annotation and Font"; ## Legend specific properties case "autoupdate" s.doc = "Control whether the number of legend items is updated \ automatically when objects are added to (or deleted from) the peer axes.\n\ For example:\n\ @example\n\ @group\n\ ## Create a single plot with its legend.\n\ figure ();\n\ plot (1:10);\n\ legend (\"Slope 1\");\n\ ## Add another plot and specify its displayname so that\n\ ## the legend is correctly updated.\n\ hold on;\n\ plot ((1:10) * 2, \"displayname\", \"Slope 2\");\n\ ## Stop automatic updates for further plots.\n\ legend (\"autoupdate\", \"off\");\n\ plot ((1:10) * 3);\n\ @end group\n\ @end example"; s.category = "Legend Item Appearance"; case "edgecolor" s.doc = "Control the color of the legend outline."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Legend Outline Appearance"; case "interpreter" s.doc = "Control if and eventually how labels strings are interpreted \ before rendering.\n\ @xref{XREFinterpreterusage, , @w{Use of the interpreter property}}."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "location" s.doc = "Control the location of the legend."; s.category = "Position"; case "numcolumns" s.doc = "Control the number of columns used in the layout of the legend items. \ For example:\n\ @example\n\ @group\n\ figure ();\n\ plot (rand (30));\n\ legend (\"numcolumns\", 3);\n\ @end group\n\ @end example\n\ __modemsg__."; s.valid = "scalar interger"; s.category = "Legend Item Appearance"; case "orientation" s.doc = "Control whether the legend items are arranged vertically \ (column-wise) or horizontally (row-wise)."; s.category = "Legend Item Appearance"; case "string" s.doc = "List of labels for the legend items. For example:\n\ @example\n\ @group\n\ figure ();\n\ plot (rand (20));\n\ ## Let legend choose names automatically\n\ hl = legend ();\n\ ## Selectively change some names\n\ str = get (hl, \"string\");\n\ str(1:5:end) = \"Garbage\";\n\ set (hl, \"string\", str);\n\ @end group\n\ @end example"; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "textcolor" s.doc = "Control the color of the text strings for legend items."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "textposition" s.doc = "Control whether text strings are displayed on the left or \ right of their corresponding icon."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; endswitch ## Line properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "line")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "color" s.doc = "Color of the line object. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Line Appearance"; case "displayname" s.doc = "Text for the legend entry corresponding to this line."; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "interpreter" s.category = "Unused"; case "linestyle" s.doc = "@xref{Line Styles}."; s.category = "Line Appearance"; case "linewidth" s.doc = "Width of the line object measured in points."; s.category = "Line Appearance"; case "linejoin" s.doc = "Control the shape of the junction of line segments. \ This property currently only affects the printed output."; s.category = "Line Appearance"; case "marker" s.doc = "Shape of the marker for each data point. \ @xref{Marker Styles}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markeredgecolor" s.doc = "Color of the edge of the markers. When set to \ @qcode{\"auto\"}, the marker edges have the same color as the line. If set \ to @qcode{\"none\"}, no marker edges are displayed. This property can also \ be set to any color. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markerfacecolor" s.doc = "Color of the face of the markers. When set to \ @qcode{\"auto\"}, the marker faces have the same color as the line. If set \ to @qcode{\"none\"}, the marker faces are not displayed. This property \ can also be set to any color. @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markersize" s.doc = "Size of the markers measured in points."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "xdata" s.doc = "Vector of x data to be plotted."; s.valid = "vector"; s.category = "Data"; case "xdatasource" s.doc = "Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as \ x data."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Data"; case "ydata" s.doc = "Vector of y data to be plotted."; s.valid = "vector"; s.category = "Data"; case "ydatasource" s.doc = "Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as \ y data."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Data"; case "zdata" s.doc = "Vector of z data to be plotted."; s.valid = "vector"; s.category = "Data"; case "zdatasource" s.doc = "Name of a vector in the current base workspace to use as \ z data."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Data"; endswitch ## Text properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "text")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "backgroundcolor" s.doc = "Color of the background area. \ @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Box Appearance"; case "color" s.doc = "Color of the text. @xref{Colors, ,colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "displayname" s.category = "Unused"; case "edgecolor" s.doc = "Color of the outline of the background area. \ @xref{Colors, , colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Box Appearance"; case "editing" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Position"; case "extent" s.doc = "Vector @code{[x0 y0 width height]} indicating the size \ and location of the text string."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.printdefault = false; s.category = "Position"; case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; s.category = "Font"; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Font"; case "fontsmoothing" s.doc = "Control whether anti-aliasing is used when rendering text."; s.category = "Font"; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Font"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; s.category = "Font"; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; s.category = "Font"; case "horizontalalignment" s.category = "Position"; case "interpreter" s.doc = "Control the way the @qcode{\"string\"} property is \ interpreted.\n\ @xref{XREFinterpreterusage, , @w{Use of the interpreter property}}."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "linestyle" s.doc = "Style of the outline. @xref{Line Styles}."; s.category = "Box Appearance"; case "linewidth" s.doc = "Width of the outline."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Box Appearance"; case "margin" s.doc = "Margins between the borders of the background area \ and the texts. The value is currently interpreted as pixels, regardless \ of the @qcode{\"fontunits\"} property."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Box Appearance"; case "position" s.doc = "Vector @code{[X0 Y0 Z0]} where X0, Y0, and Z0 indicate the \ position of the text anchor as defined by @code{verticalalignment} and \ @code{horizontalalignment}."; s.valid = valid_3elvec; s.category = "Position"; case "rotation" s.doc = "The angle of rotation for the displayed text, \ measured in degrees."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Position"; case "string" s.doc = "The text object string content."; s.valid = valid_string; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "units" s.category = "Position"; case "verticalalignment" s.category = "Position"; endswitch ## Image properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "image")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "alphadata" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Data"; case "alphadatamapping" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Data"; case "cdata" s.valid = "matrix"; s.category = "Data"; case "cdatamapping" s.category = "Data"; case "displayname" s.doc = "Text for the legend entry corresponding to this image."; s.valid = valid_cellstring; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "xdata" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[xfirst xlast]} specifying the x \ coordinates of the centers of the first and last columns of the image.\n\ \n\ Setting @code{xdata} to the empty matrix ([]) will restore the default value \ of @code{[1 columns(image)]}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Data"; case "ydata" s.doc = "Two-element vector @code{[yfirst ylast]} specifying the y \ coordinates of the centers of the first and last rows of the image.\n\ \n\ Setting @code{ydata} to the empty matrix ([]) will restore the default value \ of @code{[1 rows(image)]}."; s.valid = valid_2elvec; s.category = "Data"; endswitch ## Surface properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "surface")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "alphadata" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Data"; case "alphadatamapping" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Data"; case "ambientstrength" s.doc = "Strength of the ambient light. Value between 0.0 and 1.0"; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "backfacelighting" s.doc = "@qcode{\"lit\"}: The normals are used as is for lighting. \ @qcode{\"reverselit\"}: The normals are always oriented towards the point of view. \ @qcode{\"unlit\"}: Faces with normals pointing away from the point of \ view are unlit."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "cdata" s.valid = "matrix"; s.category = "Data"; case "cdatamapping" s.category = "Data"; case "cdatasource" s.category = "Data"; case "diffusestrength" s.doc = "Strength of the diffuse reflex. Value between 0.0 (no \ diffuse reflex) and 1.0 (full diffuse reflex)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "displayname" s.doc = "Text for the legend entry corresponding to this surface."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "edgealpha" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "edgecolor" s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "edgelighting" s.doc = "When set to a value other than @qcode{\"none\"}, the edges \ of the object are drawn with light and shadow effects. Supported values are \ @qcode{\"none\"} (no lighting effects), @qcode{\"flat\"} (facetted look) and \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"} (linear interpolation of the lighting effects between \ the vertices). @qcode{\"phong\"} is deprecated and has the same effect as \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facealpha" s.doc = "Transparency level of the faces of the surface object. Only \ double values are supported at present where a value of 0 means complete \ transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces without transparency. Setting \ the property to @qcode{\"flat\"}, @qcode{\"interp\"} or @qcode{\"texturemap\"} \ causes the faces to not being rendered. Additionally, the faces are not sorted \ from back to front which might lead to unexpected results when rendering \ layered transparent faces."; s.valid = packopt ({"scalar", ... "@qcode{\"flat\"}", ... "@qcode{\"interp\"}", ... "@qcode{\"texturemap\"}"}); s.category = "Data"; case "facecolor" s.category = "Data"; case "facelighting" s.doc = "When set to a value other than @qcode{\"none\"}, the faces \ of the object are drawn with light and shadow effects. Supported values are \ @qcode{\"none\"} (no lighting effects), @qcode{\"flat\"} (facetted look) and \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"} (linear interpolation of the lighting effects between \ the vertices). @qcode{\"phong\"} is deprecated and has the same effect as \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facenormals" s.doc = "Face normals are used for lighting the edges or faces if the \ @code{edgelighting} or @code{facelighting} properties are set to \ @qcode{\"flat\"}. __modemsg__"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facenormalsmode" s.doc = "If this property is set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, \ @code{facenormals} are automatically calculated if the @code{edgelighting} or \ @code{facelighting} property are set to @qcode{\"flat\"} and at least one \ @code{light} object is present and visible in the same axes."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "interpreter" s.category = "Unused"; case "linestyle" s.doc = "@xref{Line Styles}."; s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "linewidth" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinelinewidth, , @w{line linewidth property}}."; s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "marker" s.doc = "@xref{Marker Styles}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markeredgecolor" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkeredgecolor, , \ @w{line markeredgecolor property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markerfacecolor" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkerfacecolor, , \ @w{line markerfacecolor property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markersize" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkersize, , \ @w{line markersize property}}."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "meshstyle" s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "specularcolorreflectance" s.doc = "Reflectance for specular color. Value between 0.0 (color \ of underlying face) and 1.0 (color of light source)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "specularexponent" s.doc = "Exponent for the specular reflex. The lower the value, \ the more the reflex is spread out."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "specularstrength" s.doc = "Strength of the specular reflex. Value between 0.0 (no \ specular reflex) and 1.0 (full specular reflex)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "vertexnormals" s.doc = "Vertex normals are used for lighting the edges or faces if \ the @code{edgelighting} or @code{facelighting} properties are set to \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}. __modemsg__"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "vertexnormalsmode" s.doc = "If this property is set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, \ @code{vertexnormals} are automatically calculated if the @code{edgelighting} \ or @code{facelighting} property are set to @qcode{\"gouraud\"} and at least \ one @code{light} object is present and visible in the same axes."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "xdata" s.valid = "matrix"; s.category = "Data"; case "xdatasource" s.category = "Data"; case "ydata" s.valid = "matrix"; s.category = "Data"; case "ydatasource" s.category = "Data"; case "zdata" s.valid = "matrix"; s.category = "Data"; case "zdatasource" s.category = "Data"; endswitch ## Patch properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "patch")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "alphadatamapping" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.category = "Data"; case "ambientstrength" s.doc = "Strength of the ambient light. Value between 0.0 and 1.0"; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "backfacelighting" s.doc = "@qcode{\"lit\"}: The normals are used as is for lighting. \ @qcode{\"reverselit\"}: The normals are always oriented towards the point of view. \ @qcode{\"unlit\"}: Faces with normals pointing away from the point of view are unlit."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "cdata" s.doc = "Data defining the patch object color.\n\ Patch color can be defined for faces or for vertices.\n\ \n\ If @code{cdata} is a scalar index into the current colormap or a RGB triplet, \ it defines the color of all faces.\n\ \n\ If @code{cdata} is an N-by-1 vector of indices or an N-by-3 (RGB) matrix, \ it defines the color of each one of the N faces.\n\ \n\ If @code{cdata} is an N-by-M or an N-by-M-by-3 (RGB) matrix, \ it defines the color at each vertex."; s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Data"; case "diffusestrength" s.doc = "Strength of the diffuse reflex. Value between 0.0 (no \ diffuse reflex) and 1.0 (full diffuse reflex)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "displayname" s.doc = "Text of the legend entry corresponding to this patch."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "edgealpha" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "edgecolor" s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "edgelighting" s.doc = "When set to a value other than @qcode{\"none\"}, the edges \ of the object are drawn with light and shadow effects. Supported values are \ @qcode{\"none\"} (no lighting effects), @qcode{\"flat\"} (facetted look) and \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"} (linear interpolation of the lighting effects between \ the vertices). @qcode{\"phong\"} is deprecated and has the same effect as \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facealpha" s.doc = "Transparency level of the faces of the patch object. Only \ double values are supported at present where a value of 0 means complete \ transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces without transparency. Setting \ the property to @qcode{\"flat\"} or @qcode{\"interp\"} causes the faces to not \ being rendered. Additionally, the faces are not sorted from back to front \ which might lead to unexpected results when rendering layered transparent \ faces."; s.valid = packopt ({"scalar", ... "@qcode{\"flat\"}", ... "@qcode{\"interp\"}"}); s.category = "Data"; case "facecolor" ## Don't provide a default value, and mark colorspec with ## braces, this forces the default rgb triplet to be displayed s.valid = packopt ({markdef(valid_color), ... "@qcode{\"none\"}", ... "@qcode{\"flat\"}", ... "@qcode{\"interp\"}"}); s.category = "Data"; case "facelighting" s.doc = "When set to a value other than @qcode{\"none\"}, the faces \ of the object are drawn with light and shadow effects. Supported values are \ @qcode{\"none\"} (no lighting effects), @qcode{\"flat\"} (facetted look) and \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"} (linear interpolation of the lighting effects between \ the vertices). @qcode{\"phong\"} is deprecated and has the same effect as \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facenormals" s.doc = "Face normals are used for lighting the edges or faces if the \ @code{edgelighting} or @code{facelighting} properties are set to \ @qcode{\"flat\"}. __modemsg__"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "facenormalsmode" s.doc = "If this property is set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, \ @code{facenormals} are automatically calculated if the @code{edgelighting} or \ @code{facelighting} property are set to @qcode{\"flat\"} and at least one \ @code{light} object is present and visible in the same axes."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "faces" s.valid = valid_vecmat; s.category = "Data"; case "facevertexalphadata" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Transparency"); s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Data"; case "facevertexcdata" s.category = "Data"; case "interpreter" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; case "linestyle" s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "linewidth" s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "marker" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarker, , @w{line marker property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markeredgecolor" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkeredgecolor, , \ @w{line markeredgecolor property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markerfacecolor" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkerfacecolor, , \ @w{line markerfacecolor property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markersize" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarkersize, , @w{line markersize property}}."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "specularcolorreflectance" s.doc = "Reflectance for specular color. Value between 0.0 (color \ of underlying face) and 1.0 (color of light source)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "specularexponent" s.doc = "Exponent for the specular reflex. The lower the value, \ the more the reflex is spread out."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "specularstrength" s.doc = "Strength of the specular reflex. Value between 0.0 (no \ specular reflex) and 1.0 (full specular reflex)."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "vertexnormals" s.doc = "Vertex normals are used for lighting the edges or faces if \ the @code{edgelighting} or @code{facelighting} properties are set to \ @qcode{\"gouraud\"}. __modemsg__"; s.category = "Lighting"; case "vertexnormalsmode" s.doc = "If this property is set to @qcode{\"auto\"}, \ @code{vertexnormals} are automatically calculated if the @code{edgelighting} \ or @code{facelighting} property are set to @qcode{\"gouraud\"} and at least \ one @code{light} object is present and visible in the same axes."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "vertices" s.valid = valid_vecmat; s.category = "Data"; case "xdata" s.valid = valid_vecmat; s.category = "Data"; case "ydata" s.valid = valid_vecmat; s.category = "Data"; case "zdata" s.valid = valid_vecmat; s.category = "Data"; endswitch ## Scatter properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "scatter")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "cdatamode" s.doc = "If @code{cdatamode} is @qcode{\"auto\"}, @code{cdata} is set \ to the color from the @code{colororder} of the ancestor axes corresponding to \ the @code{seriesindex}."; s.category = "Data"; case "cdatasource" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Data from workspace variables"); s.category = "Data"; case "cdata" s.doc = "Data defining the scatter object color.\n\ \n\ If @code{cdata} is a scalar index into the current colormap or a RGB triplet, \ it defines the color of all scatter markers.\n\ \n\ If @code{cdata} is an N-by-1 vector of indices or an N-by-3 (RGB) matrix, \ it defines the color of each one of the N scatter markers."; s.valid = valid_scalmat; s.category = "Data"; case "displayname" s.doc = "Text of the legend entry corresponding to this scatter object."; s.category = "Text Appearance"; case "linewidth" s.doc = "Line width of the edge of the markers."; s.category = "Outline Appearance"; case "marker" s.doc = "@xref{XREFlinemarker, , @w{line marker property}}."; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markeredgealpha" s.doc = "Transparency level of the faces of the markers where a \ value of 0 means complete transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces \ without transparency. Note that the markers are not sorted from back to \ front which might lead to unexpected results when rendering layered \ transparent markers or in combination with other transparent objects."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markeredgecolor" s.doc = "Color of the edge of the markers. @qcode{\"none\"} means \ that the edges are transparent and @qcode{\"flat\"} means that the value \ from @code{cdata} is used. @xref{XREFlinemarkeredgecolor, , \ @w{line markeredgecolor property}}."; s.valid = packopt ({markdef("@qcode{\"none\"}"), ... "@qcode{\"flat\"}", ... valid_color}); s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markerfacealpha" s.doc = "Transparency level of the faces of the markers where a \ value of 0 means complete transparency and a value of 1 means solid faces \ without transparency. Note that the markers are not sorted from back to \ front which might lead to unexpected results when rendering layered \ transparent markers or in combination with other transparent objects."; s.valid = "scalar"; s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "markerfacecolor" s.doc = "Color of the face of the markers. @qcode{\"none\"} means \ that the faces are transparent, @qcode{\"flat\"} means that the value from \ @code{cdata} is used, and @qcode{\"auto\"} uses the @code{color} property of \ the ancestor axes. @xref{XREFlinemarkerfacecolor, , \ @w{line markerfacecolor property}}."; s.valid = packopt ({markdef("@qcode{\"none\"}"), ... "@qcode{\"flat\"}", ... "@qcode{\"auto\"}", ... valid_color}); s.category = "Marker Appearance"; case "seriesindex" s.doc = "Each scatter object in the same axes is asigned an \ incrementing integer. This corresponds to the index into the \ @code{colororder} of the ancestor axes that is used if @code{cdatamode} is \ set to @qcode{\"auto\"}."; s.category = "Data"; case "sizedatasource" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Data from workspace variables"); s.category = "Data"; case "sizedata" s.doc = "Size of the area of the marker. A scalar value applies to \ all markers. If @code{cdata} is an N-by-1 vector, it defines the color of \ each one of the N scatter markers."; s.valid = packopt ({"[]", "scalar", "vector"}); s.category = "Data"; case "xdatasource" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Data from workspace variables"); s.category = "Data"; case "xdata" s.doc = "Vector with the x coordinates of the scatter object."; s.valid = "vector"; s.category = "Data"; case "ydatasource" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Data from workspace variables"); s.category = "Data"; case "ydata" s.doc = "Vector with the y coordinates of the scatter object."; s.valid = "vector"; s.category = "Data"; case "zdatasource" s.doc = sprintf (doc_notimpl, "Data from workspace variables"); s.category = "Data"; case "zdata" s.doc = "For 3D data, vector with the y coordinates of the scatter \ object."; s.valid = packopt ({"[]", "vector"}); s.category = "Data"; endswitch ## Light properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "light")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "children" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "color" s.doc = "Color of the light source. @xref{Colors, ,colorspec}."; s.valid = valid_color; s.category = "Lighting"; case "position" s.doc = "Position of the light source."; s.category = "Lighting"; case "style" s.doc = "This string defines whether the light emanates from a \ light source at infinite distance (@qcode{\"infinite\"}) or from a local \ point source (@qcode{\"local\"})."; s.category = "Lighting"; endswitch ## uimenu properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uimenu")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "accelerator" case "callback" case "checked" case "enable" case "foregroundcolor" case "label" case "position" case "separator" endswitch ## uicontextmenu properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uicontextmenu")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "callback" case "position" endswitch ## uipanel properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uipanel")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties ## Specific properties case "backgroundcolor" case "bordertype" case "borderwidth" case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; case "foregroundcolor" case "highlightcolor" case "position" case "resizefcn" s.doc = "__prop__ is deprecated. Use @code{sizechangedfcn} instead."; s.valid = valid_fcn; case "shadowcolor" case "sizechangedfcn" s.doc = "Callback triggered when the uipanel size is changed.\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; case "title" case "titleposition" case "units" endswitch ## uibuttongroup properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uibuttongroup")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties ## Specific properties case "backgroundcolor" case "bordertype" case "borderwidth" case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; case "foregroundcolor" case "highlightcolor" case "position" case "resizefcn" s.doc = "__prop__ is deprecated. Use @code{sizechangedfcn} instead."; s.valid = valid_fcn; case "selectedobject" case "selectionchangedfcn" case "shadowcolor" case "sizechangedfcn" s.doc = "Callback triggered when the uibuttongroup size is changed.\ \n\n__fcnmsg__"; s.valid = valid_fcn; case "title" case "titleposition" case "units" endswitch ## uicontrol properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uicontrol")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties ## Specific properties case "backgroundcolor" case "callback" case "cdata" case "enable" case "extent" s.doc = "Size of the text string associated to the uicontrol \ returned in the form @code{[0 0 width height]} (the two first elements \ are always zero).\n\n\ For multi-line strings the returned @code{width} and @code{height} \ indicate the size of the rectangle enclosing all lines."; s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.printdefault = false; case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; case "foregroundcolor" case "horizontalalignment" case "keypressfcn" case "listboxtop" case "max" case "min" case "position" case "sliderstep" case "string" case "style" case "tooltipstring" case "units" case "value" case "verticalalignment" endswitch ## uitable Properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uitable")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties ## Specific properties case "backgroundcolor" case "celleditcallback" case "cellselectioncallback" case "columneditable" case "columnformat" case "columnname" case "columnwidth" case "data" case "enable" case "extent" s.valid = valid_4elvec; s.printdefault = false; case "fontangle" s.doc = doc_fontangle; case "fontname" s.doc = doc_fontname; s.valid = valid_string; case "fontsize" s.doc = doc_fontsize; s.valid = "scalar"; case "fontunits" s.doc = doc_fontunits; case "fontweight" s.doc = doc_fontweight; case "foregroundcolor" case "keypressfcn" case "keyreleasefcn" case "position" case "rearrangeablecolumns" case "rowname" case "rowstriping" case "tooltipstring" case "units" endswitch ## uitoolbar properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uitoolbar")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; endswitch ## uipushtool properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uipushtool")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "cdata" case "clickedcallback" case "enable" case "separator" case "tooltipstring" endswitch ## uitoggletool properties elseif (strcmp (objname, "uitoggletool")) switch (field) ## Overridden shared properties case "buttondownfcn" s.doc = doc_unused; s.category = "Unused"; ## Specific properties case "cdata" case "clickedcallback" case "enable" case "offcallback" case "oncallback" case "separator" case "state" case "tooltipstring" endswitch endif ## Replace keywords if (! isempty (s.doc) && ! strcmp (objname, "base")) s.doc = expand_doc (s.doc, field, objname); endif endfunction function strout = expand_doc (strin, field, objname) strout = strrep (strin, "__objname__", objname); strout = strrep (strout, "__prop__", ["@code{" field "}"]); modemsg = "Setting @code{%s} also forces the @code{%smode} \ property to be set to @qcode{\"manual\"}"; modemsg = sprintf (modemsg, field, field); strout = strrep (strout, "__modemsg__", modemsg); fcnmsg = "For information on how to write graphics listener \ functions see @ref{Callbacks, , @w{Callbacks section}}."; strout = strrep (strout, "__fcnmsg__", fcnmsg); endfunction function s = getstructure (objname, base = [], props = {}) hf = []; if (! strcmp (objname, "root")) ## Use an improbable number to avoid ishghandle to return true for 1 hf = figure (2265465, "visible", "off"); endif ## Build a default object to extract its properties list and default values. if (strcmp (objname, "base")) ## Base properties are extracted from hggroup that only have 1 additional ## regular (non-hidden) property, "displayname". h = hggroup (); elseif (strcmp (objname, "root")) h = 0; elseif (strcmp (objname, "figure")) h = hf; elseif (strcmp (objname, "legend")) line (); h = legend (); if (isempty (props)) props = {"autoupdate", "box", "color", "edgecolor", "fontangle", ... "fontname", "fontsize", "fontunits", "fontweight", ... "location", "numcolumns", "orientation", "position", ... "string", "textcolor", "title", "units"}; endif elseif (strcmp (objname, "scatter")) ## Make sure to get a scatter object independent of graphics toolkit hax = axes (hf); h = __go_scatter__ (hax); else eval (["h = " objname " ();"]); endif gprop = get (h); sprop = set (h); if (! isempty (props)) flds = fieldnames (gprop); idx = cellfun (@(s) ! any (strcmp (props, s)), flds); gprop = rmfield (gprop, flds(idx)); flds = fieldnames (sprop); idx = cellfun (@(s) ! any (strcmp (props, s)), flds); sprop = rmfield (sprop, flds(idx)); endif fields = fieldnames (gprop); nf = numel (fields); args = cell (2*nf, 1); for ii = 1:nf field = fields{ii}; ## Get hard coded documentation val = getdoc (objname, field, base); ## Extract the default values that are not hard coded in getdoc if (isempty (val.default) && val.printdefault) val.default = getdefault (h, objname, field); endif val.isreadonly = ! isfield (sprop, field); ## Extract the valid values that are not hard coded in getdoc if (! val.isreadonly && isempty (val.valid)) val.valid = sprop.(field); if (! isempty (val.valid) && iscellstr (val.valid)) ## Add double quotes around string radio properties val.valid = cellfun (@(s) ["@qcode{\"" s "\"}"], val.valid, "uniformoutput", false); val.valid = strjoin (val.valid, " | "); endif endif args{2*(ii-1)+1} = field; args{2*ii} = val; endfor ## Build struct and remove unused fields in base properties s = struct (args{:}); if (strcmp (objname, "base")) s = rmfield (s, "displayname"); endif if (isfigure (hf)) close (hf) endif endfunction function def = getdefault (h, objname, field) ## This function is meant to be run without initialization file so ## that the properties we get are the default. def = get (h, field); ## Don't print default values for graphics handles if (ishghandle (def) && isscalar (def) && def != 0) def = ""; else if (ischar (def)) def = ['@qcode{"' def '"}']; else if ((isvector (def) && numel (def) < 5) || isempty (def)) ## Use disp to print the default value for short vectors and ## empty values str = disp (def); str(end) = []; # remove linefeed str = strtrim (str); # remove leading space ## Add [] around vector values if (ismatrix (def) && numel (def) > 1) str = ["[" str "]"]; ## Add ";" between columns vector values if (rows (def) != 1) str = strrep (str, "\n", "; "); endif endif ## Replace texinfo reserved characters def = strrep (str, "@", "@@"); # must occur first def = strrep (def, "{", "@{"); def = strrep (def, "}", "@}"); def = ["@code{" def "}"]; else args = arrayfun (@(x) num2str (x), size (def), "uniformoutput", false); def = [strjoin(args, "-by-") " " class(def)]; endif endif endif endfunction function str = printdoc (objname, obj, is_prop_subset) ## ## Sort fields so that they appear in alphabetic order in the manual ## fields = sort (fieldnames (obj)); ## nf = numel (fields); ## ## File header and beginning of properties table str = warn_autogen (); if (strcmp (objname, "root")) str = sprintf ("%s\n\nProperties of the root graphics object:", str); elseif (is_prop_subset) ## Do nothing else str = sprintf ("%s\n\nProperties of @code{%s} objects (@pxref{XREF%s,,%s}):", str, objname, objname, objname); endif ## Sort fields by category, put the special categories "Miscellaneous" and ## "Unused" last. allfields = fieldnames (obj); allcategories = cellfun (@(s) obj.(s).category, allfields, "uni", false); categories = unique (allcategories); idx = strcmp (categories, "Miscellaneous"); categories = [categories(!idx); categories(idx)]; idx = strcmp (categories, "Unused"); categories = [categories(!idx); categories(idx)]; idx = []; for ii = 1:numel (categories) fields = sort (allfields(strcmp (allcategories, categories{ii}))); nf = numel (fields); str = sprintf ("%s\n\n@chapheading %s", str, categories{ii}); str = sprintf ("%s\n\n@table @asis", str); for jj = 1:nf field = fields{jj}; str = sprintf ("%s\n\n", str); if (! is_prop_subset) ## @anchor: cross reference using XREFobjnamefield label ## Concept index: call info from octave with 'doc ("objname field")' str = sprintf ("%s@anchor{XREF%s%s}\n@prindex %s %s\n", str, objname, field, objname, field); endif ## Item str = sprintf ("%s@item @code{%s}", str, field); ## Mark item read-only if needed if (obj.(field).isreadonly) str = sprintf ("%s (read-only):", str); else str = sprintf ("%s:", str); endif ## Print valid and default values tmp = print_options (obj.(field).valid, obj.(field).default); if (! isempty (tmp)) str = sprintf ("%s %s\n", str, tmp); else str = sprintf ("%s\n", str); endif ## Print documentation str = sprintf ("%s%s\n", str, obj.(field).doc); endfor ## End of properties table str = sprintf ("%s\n@end table", str); endfor endfunction function str = warn_autogen () str = "@c DO NOT EDIT! Generated automatically by genpropdoc.m.\n\ \n\ @c Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Pantxo Diribarne\n\ @c\n\ @c This file is part of Octave.\n\ @c\n\ @c Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n\ @c under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n\ @c the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n\ @c (at your option) any later version.\n\ @c\n\ @c Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\n\ @c WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n\ @c MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n\ @c GNU General Public License for more details.\n\ @c\n\ @c You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n\ @c along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see\n\ @c ."; endfunction function str = print_options (val, default) str = ""; if (! isempty (val)) tmp = strrep (val, default, ["@{" default "@}"]); if (length (tmp) == length (val) && ! isempty (default)) str = [tmp ", def. " default]; else str = tmp; endif elseif (! isempty (default)) str = ["def. " default]; endif endfunction