## Copyright (C) 2017 Xie Rui ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## Usage ## ## @itemize ## @item ## x = minres(A, b) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol, maxit) ## @item ## minres (A, b, [], maxit) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol, maxit, m) ## @item ## minres (A, b, [], [], m) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol, maxit, m1, m2) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol, maxit, m1, m2, x0) ## @item ## minres (A, b, tol, maxit, m, [], x0) ## @item ## [x, flag] = minres (A, b, @dots{}) ## @item ## [x, flag, relres] = minres (A, b, @dots{}) ## @item ## [x, flag, relres, iter] = minres (A, b, @dots{}) ## @item ## [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b, @dots{}) ## @item ## [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec, resveccg] = minres (A, b, @dots{}) ## @end itemize ## ## ## Solve the linear system of equations @w{@code{@var{A} * @var{x} = @var{b}}} ## by means of the Minimum Residual Method. ## ## ## The input arguments are ## ## @itemize ## @item ## @var{A} should be a square and symmetric (preferably sparse) matrix ## which may be both indefinite and singular or a function ## handle, inline function or string containing the name of a function ## which computes @w{@code{@var{A} * @var{x}}}. ## ## @item ## @var{b} is the right-hand side vector. ## ## @item ## @var{tol} is the required relative tolerance for the residual error, ## @w{@code{@var{b} - @var{A} * @var{x}}}. ## If @var{tol} is omitted or empty then a tolerance of 1e-6 is used. ## ## @item ## @var{maxit} is the maximum allowable number of iterations; if @var{maxit} ## is omitted or empty then a value of 100 is used. ## ## @item ## @var{m} = @var{m1} * @var{m2} is the preconditioning matrix, so that ## the iteration is (theoretically) equivalent to solving by @code{minres} ## @w{@code{@var{P} * @var{x} = @var{m} \ @var{b}}}, with ## @w{@code{@var{P} = @var{m} \ @var{A}}}. Instead of matrices @var{m1} and ## @var{m2}, the user may pass two functions which return the results of ## applying the inverse of @var{m1} and @var{m2} to a vector. ## If @var{m1} is omitted or empty @code{[]} then no preconditioning is applied. ## If @var{m2} is omitted, @var{m} = @var{m1} will be used as a preconditioner. ## ## @item ## @var{x0} is the initial guess. If @var{x0} is omitted or empty then the ## function sets @var{x0} to a zero vector by default. ## @end itemize ## ## The output arguments are ## ## @itemize ## @item ## @var{x} is the computed approximation to the solution of ## @w{@code{@var{A} * @var{x} = @var{b}}}. ## ## @item ## @var{flag} reports on the convergence. A value of 0 means the solution ## converged and the tolerance criterion given by @var{tol} is satisfied. ## A value of 1 means that the @var{maxit} limit for the iteration count was ## reached. A value of 2 means that M is ill-conditioned. ## A value of 3 means that minres stagnated. (Two consecutive iterates ## were the same.) A value of 4 means that A is not hermitian. ## ## @item ## @var{relres} is the final relative residual, ## measured in the Euclidean norm. ## ## @item ## @var{iter} is the actual number of iterations performed. ## ## @item ## @var{resvec(i)} is the Euclidean norm of the residual after the ## (@var{i}-1)-th iteration, @code{@var{i} = 1, 2, @dots{}, @var{iter}+1}. ## ## @item ## @var{resveccg(i)} is the Euclidean norm of the Conjugate Gradients residual ## after the (@var{i}-1)-th iteration, ## @code{@var{i} = 1, 2, @dots{}, @var{iter}+1}. ## ## @end itemize ## ## ## Let us consider a trivial problem with a diagonal matrix (we exploit the ## sparsity of A) ## ## @example ## @group ## n = 10; ## A = diag (sparse (1:n)); ## b = rand (n, 1); ## [l, u, p] = ilu (A, struct ("droptol", 1.e-3)); ## @end group ## @end example ## ## @sc{Example 1:} Simplest use of @code{minres} ## ## @example ## x = minres (A, b) ## @end example ## ## @sc{Example 2:} @code{minres} with a function which computes ## @code{@var{A} * @var{x}} ## ## @example ## @group ## function y = apply_a (x) ## y = [1: 10]' .* x; ## endfunction ## ## x = minres ("apply_a", b) ## @end group ## @end example ## ## @sc{Example 3:} @code{minres} with a preconditioner: @var{l} * @var{u} ## ## @example ## x = minres (A, b, 1.e-6, 500, l*u) ## @end example ## ## @sc{Example 4:} @code{minres} with a preconditioner: @var{l} * @var{u}. ## Faster than @sc{Example 3} since lower and upper triangular matrices are ## easier to invert ## ## @example ## x = minres (A, b, 1.e-6, 500, l, u) ## @end example ## ## @sc{Example 5:} @code{minres} when @var{A} is indefinite. It fails ## with @code{pcg}. ## ## @example ## A = diag([20:-1:1, -1:-1:-20]); ## b = sum(A,2); ## x = minres(A, b) ## @end example ## ## Reference: ## ## @enumerate ## @item ## C. C. PAIGE and M. A. SAUNDERS, @cite{Solution of Sparse Indefinite ## Systems of Linear Equations}, ## SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 1975. (the minimum residual method) ## ## @end enumerate function [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec, resveccg] = minres(A, b, tol, ... maxit, m1, m2, x0, varargin) ## Check the inputs if (nargin < 2) print_usage(); endif [mb, nb] = size(b); if (nb != 1) print_usage(); endif flag = 1; Aisnum = isnumeric(A); if Aisnum [ma, na] = size(A); if !ishermitian(A, 1e-6) flag = 4; endif if (ma != na) print_usage(); endif if (na != mb) print_usage(); endif endif if (nargin < 3) || isempty(tol) tol = 1e-6; endif if (nargin < 4) || isempty(maxit) maxit = min(100, mb + 5); endif if (nargin >= 5) && !isempty(m1) m1exist = true; m1isnum = isnumeric(m1); if (nargin >= 6) && !isempty(m2) m2exist = true; m2isnum = isnumeric(m2); else m2exist = false; m2isnum = false; endif else m1exist = false; m2exist = false; m1isnum = false; m2isnum = false; endif if (nargin >= 7) && !isempty(x0) [mx0, nx0] = size(x0); if (mx0 != mb) || (nx0 != 1) print_usage(); endif else x0 = zeros(mb, 1); endif ## Preallocation N = maxit + 1; n = length(b); beta = zeros(N, 1); alpha = zeros(N, 1); gamma = zeros(N, 1); delta = zeros(N, 1); epsilon = zeros(N, 1); c = zeros(N, 1); s = zeros(N, 1); resvec = zeros(N, 1); resveccg = zeros(N, 1); if Aisnum resvec(1) = norm(A * x0 - b); else resvec(1) = norm(feval(A, x0, varargin{:}) - b); endif resveccg(1) = resvec(1); if (isequal(b, zeros(n, 1))) ## If b is a zero vector x = zeros(mb, 1); if !(flag == 4) flag = 0; endif relres = NaN; iter = 0; resvec = [resvec(1); 0]; resveccg = resvec; return endif ## Initiation if Aisnum rM = b - A * x0; else rM = b - feval(A, x0, varargin{:}); endif if m1exist try warning("error","Octave:singular-matrix","local"); if m1isnum b0 = m1 \ rM; else b0 = feval(m1, rM, varargin{:}); endif if m2exist if m2isnum b0 = m2 \ b0; else b0 = feval(m2, b0, varargin{:}); endif endif catch flag = 2; end_try_catch else b0 = rM; endif if (flag == 2)||(m1exist && (!all(isfinite(b0)))) ## M is ill-conditioned x = x0; iter = 0; resvec = resvec(1); resveccg = resveccg(1); return endif beta(1) = norm(b0); normb = norm(b); relres = resvec(1) / normb; x = x0; if (relres <= tol) || (beta(1) <= eps) ## If x0 is already good enouph if !(flag == 4) flag = 0; endif iter = 0; resvec = resvec(1); resveccg = resveccg(1); return endif v_p = zeros(n, 1); v_n = b0 / beta(1); temp2 = beta(1); m_p = zeros(n, 1); m_pp = zeros(n, 1); Am_p = zeros(n, 1); Am_pp = zeros(n, 1); x = x0; ## Iteration for k = 1: (N - 1) if Aisnum Av_n = A * v_n; else Av_n = feval(A, v_n, varargin{:}); endif if m1exist try warning("error","Octave:singular-matrix","local"); if m1isnum MAv_n = m1 \ Av_n; else MAv_n = feval(m1, Av_n, varargin{:}); endif if m2exist if m2isnum MAv_n = m2 \ MAv_n; else MAv_n = feval(m2, MAv_n, varargin{:}); endif endif catch flag = 2; end_try_catch else MAv_n = Av_n; endif if (flag == 2)||(m1exist && (!all(isfinite(MAv_n)))) flag = 2; iter = k - 1; resvec = resvec(1: k); resvec = resveccg(1: k); return endif alpha(k) = v_n' * MAv_n; temp1 = MAv_n - alpha(k) * v_n - beta(k) * v_p; beta(k + 1) = norm(temp1); if k > 2 epsilon(k) = s(k - 2) * beta(k); gamma_h = - c(k - 2) * beta(k) * s(k - 1) - alpha(k) * c(k - 1); delta(k) = - c(k - 2) * beta(k) * c(k - 1) + alpha(k) * s(k - 1); elseif k == 2 epsilon(k) = 0; gamma_h = beta(2) * s(1) - alpha(2) * c(1); delta(k) = beta(2) * c(1) + alpha(2) * s(1); else epsilon(k) = 0; gamma_h = alpha(1); delta(k) = 0; endif gamma(k) = sqrt(gamma_h ^ 2 + beta(k + 1) ^ 2); c(k) = gamma_h / gamma(k); s(k) = beta(k + 1) / gamma(k); m = (v_n - epsilon(k) * m_pp - delta(k) * m_p) / gamma(k); Am = (Av_n - epsilon(k) * Am_pp - delta(k) * Am_p) / gamma(k); x = x + m * temp2 * c(k); rM = rM - Am * temp2 * c(k); normrM = norm(rM); temp2 = temp2 * s(k); rcg = rM - temp2 * s(k) / c(k) * Am; relresn = relres; relres = normrM / normb; resvec(k + 1) = normrM; resveccg(k + 1) = norm(rcg); iter = k; ## Check convergence if (relres <= tol) || (beta(k + 1) <= eps) if !(flag == 4) flag = 0; endif resvec = resvec(1: (k + 1)); resveccg = resveccg(1: (k + 1)); break endif if (resvec(k + 1) == resvec(k))&&!(flag == 4) flag = 3; elseif (flag == 3) flag = 1; endif m_pp = m_p; m_p = m; Am_pp = Am_p; Am_p = Am; v_p = v_n; v_n = temp1 / beta(k + 1); endfor if (iter == 1) warning ("iteration converged too fast"); endif endfunction %!demo %! ## Simplest usage of minres (see also 'help minres') %! ## Note that A is indefinite %! %! A = diag([20:-1:1, -1:-1:-20]); %! b = sum(A,2); %! y = A \ b; # y is the true solution %! x = minres (A, b); %! printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x - y) / norm (y)); %!demo # simplest use %! %! n = 10; %! A = toeplitz (sparse ([1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], 1, n)); %! b = A * ones (n, 1); %! M1 = ichol (A); # in this tridiagonal case it corresponds to chol (A)' %! M2 = M1'; %! M = M1 * M2; %! x = minres (A, b); %! Afun = @(x) A * x; %! x = minres (Afun, b); %! x = minres (A, b, 1e-6, 100, M); %! x = minres (A, b, 1e-6, 100, M1, M2); %! Mfun = @(x) M \ x; %! x = minres (Afun, b, 1e-6, 100, Mfun); %! M1fun = @(x) M1 \ x; %! M2fun = @(x) M2 \ x; %! x = minres (Afun, b, 1e-6, 100, M1fun, M2fun); %! function y = Ap (A, x, p) # compute A^p * x %! y = x; %! for i = 1:p %! y = A * y; %! endfor %! endfunction %! Afun = @(x, p) Ap (A, x, p); %! x = minres (Afun, b, [], [], [], [], [], 2); # solution of A^2 * x = b %!demo %! %! n = 10; %! A = toeplitz (sparse ([1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 1], 1, n)); %! b = A * ones (n, 1); %! M1 = ichol (A + 0.1 * eye (n)); # factorization of A perturbed %! M2 = M1'; %! M = M1 * M2; %! %! ## reference solution computed by pcg after two iterations %! [x_ref, fl] = minres (A, b, [], 2, M); %! x_ref %! %! ## split preconditioning %! [y, fl] = minres ((M1 \ A) / M2, M1 \ b, [], 2); %! x = M2 \ y # compare x and x_ref %!demo %! ## Full output from minres %! ## We use this output to plot the convergence history %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b); %! printf ("The solution relative error is %g\n", norm (x - X) / norm (X)); %! title ("Convergence history"); %! semilogy ([0:iter], resvec / resvec(1), "o-g"); %! xlabel ("Iteration"); ylabel ("log(||b-Ax||/||b||)"); %! legend ("relative residual"); %!test %! ## solve small diagonal system %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-10); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## solve small indefinite diagonal system %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag([1:N] .* (-ones(1, N) .^ 2)); b = rand (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-10); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## solve small singular diagonal system %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag([(-1):(N - 2)]); %! b = sum(A, 2); %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (norm (A * x - b) / norm (b), 0, 1e-10); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## solve small indefinite hermitian system %! %! B = diag([0;1;-2]); %! U = [1/sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), 0; %! -1/sqrt(2)*i, 1/sqrt(2)*i,0; %! 0,0,i]; %! A = U * B * U'; %! b = sum(A, 2); %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], 3); %! assert (norm (A * x - b) / norm (b), 0, 1e-10); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## solve tridiagonal system, do not converge in 20 iterations %! %! N = 100; %! A = zeros (N, N); %! for i = 1 : N - 1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix %! A(i:i+1, i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2]; %! endfor %! b = ones (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b, 1e-12, 20); %! assert (flag); %! assert (relres > 0.1); %! assert (iter, 20); # should perform max allowable default number of iterations %!warning %! ## solve tridiagonal system with "perfect" preconditioner which converges %! ## in one iteration %! %! N = 100; %! A = zeros (N, N); %! for i = 1 : N - 1 # form 1-D Laplacian matrix %! A(i:i+1, i:i+1) = [2 -1; -1 2]; %! endfor %! b = ones (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b, [], [], A, [], b); %! assert (norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-6); %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (iter, 1); # should converge in one iteration %!test %! ## test for algorithm accuracy and compatibility from matlab doc example %! %! n = 100; %! on = ones (n, 1); %! A = spdiags ([-2*on 4*on -2*on], -1:1, n, n); %! b = sum (A, 2); %! tol = 1e-10; %! maxit = 50; %! M1 = spdiags (4*on, 0, n, n); %! x = minres (A, b, tol, maxit, M1); %! assert (size (x), [100, 1]); %! assert (x,ones(100,1),1e-13); %!test %! ## solve indefinite diagonal system %! ## test for algorithm convergence rate from matlab doc example %! ## matlab minres converged at iteration 40, so did minres here %! ## pcg fails with this test %! %! A = diag([20:-1:1, -1:-1:-20]); %! b = sum(A,2); %! tol = 1e-6; %! maxit = 45; %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b, tol, maxit); %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (iter > 40); %! assert (size (x), [40, 1]); %! assert (x,ones(40,1),1e-7); %!test %! ## solve indefinite hermitian system %! %! B = spdiags([50:-1:1, -1:-1:-50]', 0, 100, 100); %! on = ones(100, 1); %! P = spdiags([-i * on, on, i * on], [-1, 0, 1], 100, 100); %! [U,R] = qr(P); %! A = U * B * U'; %! A = (A + A') / 2; %! b = sum(A,2); %! tol = 1e-10; %! maxit = 150; %! [x, flag, relres, iter, resvec] = minres (A, b, tol, maxit); %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (size (x), [100, 1]); %! assert (x,ones(100,1),1e-9); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## Check that all the subscripts works %! %! A = toeplitz (sparse ([2, 1 ,0, 0, 0])); %! b = A * ones (5, 1); %! M1 = diag (sqrt (diag (A))); %! M2 = M1; # M1 * M2 is the Jacobi preconditioner %! Afun = @(z) A*z; %! M1_fun = @(z) M1 \ z; %! M2_fun = @(z) M2 \ z; %! [x, flag, ~, iter] = minres (A,b); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag, ~ , iter] = minres (A, b, [], [], M1 * M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag, ~ , iter] = minres (A, b, [], [], M1, M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], [], M1_fun, M2_fun); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b,[],[], M1_fun, M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b,[],[], M1, M2_fun); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (Afun, b); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (Afun, b,[],[], M1 * M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (Afun, b,[],[], M1, M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = pcg (Afun, b,[],[], M1_fun, M2); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = pcg (Afun, b,[],[], M1, M2_fun); %! assert(flag, 0); %! [x, flag] = minres (Afun, b,[],[], M1_fun, M2_fun); %! assert(flag, 0); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## solve small diagonal system %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag ([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (norm (x - X) / norm (X), 0, 1e-10); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## A not positive definite %! %! N = 10; %! A = -diag([1:N]); b = rand (N, 1); %! X = A \ b; # X is the true solution %! [x, flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (flag, 0); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## A is a non-Hermitian matrix %! ## minres recognized the wrong type of matrix %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag (1:N) + 1i*1e-04*rand (N); %! b = ones (N, 1); %! [x,flag] = minres (A, b, []); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## A has a small imaginary part %! %! N = 10; %! A = diag (1:N) + 1i*1e-10*rand (N); %! b = ones (N, 1); %! [x,flag] = minres (A, b, [], N+1); %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (x, A\b, -1e-6); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## minres solves linear system with A Hermitian positive definite %! %! N = 20; %! A = 2*rand (N)-1 + 1i*(2*rand (N)-1); %! A = A'*A; %! b = A * ones (N,1); %! Hermitian_A = ishermitian (A); %! [x,flag] = minres (A, b, [], 2*N); %! assert (Hermitian_A, true) %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (x, ones (N, 1), -1e-4); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## minres solves preconditioned linear system with A HPD %! %! N = 20; %! A = 2*rand (N)-1 + 1i*(2*rand (N)-1); %! A = A' * A; %! b = A * ones (N,1); %! M2 = chol (A + 0.1 * eye (N)); # factor of a perturbed matrix %! M = M2' * M2; %! Hermitian_A = ishermitian (A); %! Hermitian_M = ishermitian (M); %! [x,flag] = minres (A, b, [], 2*N, M); %! assert (Hermitian_A, true); %! assert (Hermitian_M, true); %! assert (flag, 0); %! assert (norm (x - ones (N, 1)) / norm(ones(N, 1)), 0, 1e-6); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## minres recognizes that the preconditioner matrix is singular %! %! N = 3; %! A = rand(3); %! A = A*A'; %! M = [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 0]; # the last rows is zero %! [x,flag] = minres (A, ones(3,1), [], [], M); %! assert (flag, 2); %!test %! ## modified test from pcg by Piotr Krzyzanowski, Vittoria Rezzonico %! ## and Cristiano Dorigo %! ## b is zero vector, so minres returns a zero vector %! %! A = rand (4); %! A = A' * A; %! [x, flag] = minres (A, zeros (4, 1), [], [], [], [], ones (4, 1)); %! assert (x, zeros (4, 1))