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Group Description Type
Advanced ping program Aping is a network ping program. non-GNU software and documentation
Advanded system of control. TSAC (TSAC S non-GNU software and documentation
Advent non-GNU software and documentation
aeskulap DICOM network client and image viewer non-GNU software and documentation
Aetherspace Decommissioned, never came to fruition. Official GNU software
AFG's a Free Game AFG is a hacker-oriented 2D video game project. It aims at being a team-played Mars-themed side-scrolling strategy-action shooter. AFG agents work for independent organizations and hack government facilities in order to reveal their corrupt secrets. non-GNU software and documentation
Afghan Calendar The aim of this project ( ) is to provide free available multilingual Afghan calendars, that are accessible on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality via free tools. non-GNU software and documentation
AFP Power Tools AFP Power Tools is a library and a set of utilities to manipulate AFP (Advanced Function Presentation), a format used for high-volume printing. non-GNU software and documentation
Agent Farms Suite of applications and frameworks for multi-agent based interactive simulations non-GNU software and documentation
AGPLMail AGPLMail is an AGPL'd webmail application, written in PHP. It will hopefully compete with gmail, mimicking the interface and eventually the features. It is currently in very early stages of development. non-GNU software and documentation
AI-VDi non-GNU software and documentation
aiarena non-GNU software and documentation
Aide à l'édition de textes complexes non-GNU software and documentation
Ainulindale We are developing a generic C++ framework for mmorpg (a realtime, multiplayer online 3Dgame). The server runs with Linux, while the client, using the Crystal Space 3D Engine, will be crossplatform. Then, we'll deploy a game based on Tolkien's novels. non-GNU software and documentation
AirLineUOC non-GNU software and documentation
Ajax Micro Wiki This project is a micro wiki supposed to support a soulution for a collaborative and scientific environment for light-wheighted projects, such as cooperative learning, data sharing, hierarchical knowledge base, light projects management and etc. non-GNU software and documentation
ajlisp Ajlisp (Another Java Lisp) is an implementation of Lisp in Java, inspired by the Scheme r5rs standard. It is primarily designed to be used as a library, in order to provide a scripting capability in applications and other settings. non-GNU software and documentation
AkariXB AkariXB is a bot for the federated Jabber/XMPP network, built around a simple GUI for administration. non-GNU software and documentation
Akasha Web management environment non-GNU software and documentation
AKFAvatar AKFAvatar is a fancy user interface non-GNU software and documentation
AKFQuiz program-package for quiz-games, learning-exercises, psychotests non-GNU software and documentation
aktrs non-GNU software and documentation
AlcoveBook A strict subset of the DocBook DTD, generic and dedicated stylesheets, and tools to easily use the whole. non-GNU software and documentation
Aldo Aldo is a morse tutor released under GPL non-GNU software and documentation
Aleader Aleader aims to measure and help increase situation assessment ability. non-GNU software and documentation

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