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Group Description Type
Alex-FEM Java, C++ and Fortran95 Code to work with finite elements non-GNU software and documentation
alidee non-GNU software and documentation
Alog Alog is a stackable logging framework for Ada. It aims to be straight forward to use and easily extendable. It provides support for various logger types, log facilities, loglevel policies and message transformations. non-GNU software and documentation
Alph - xanalogical media on storm non-GNU software and documentation
alpha60 Alpha60 is a CGI based system for running a video tape / DVD library. It is written in Perl. non-GNU software and documentation
Alsa 0.9 Xmms Output Plugin This plugin allow user to output on any ALSA 0.9* device with XMMS. non-GNU software and documentation
Alsa VOLume changer Avol permits to change the volume of your ALSA driver. non-GNU software and documentation
Alternate library for NIBObee robot non-GNU software and documentation
alti alti is basically a Digital Elevation Model (DTM) to Bitmap file (BMP) converter built in standard C. non-GNU software and documentation
AltiVec Library non-GNU software and documentation
Alvaro's Free and Easy Browser Library non-GNU software and documentation
Amanda Disaster Recovery This Project want to build a specialised disaster recovery system for AMANDA. We plan to provide documentation and tools to make a disaster recovery less complicated, more reliable and faster. non-GNU software and documentation
ambienttalk-underground aunterlib is a repository of ambienttalk code together with a rogue version of the interpreter. non-GNU software and documentation
Amministrazione Aperta Questo progetto mira alla realizzazione di versioni Free Software dei principali applicativi esistenti per la Pubblica Amministrazione. non-GNU software and documentation
Amrita TutGen The project is intended to provide a framework and a collection of components that can ease the preparation of browser-based tutorials. The main intended use is to develop tutorials for school children for explaining concepts. non-GNU software and documentation
An Extensible C++ Function Shell cppsh is a set of software components intended to ease the use of C++ library functions as an interpreted, algebraic and functional programming language. non-GNU software and documentation
An OpenMP imprementation for gcc OpenMP (see is a well recognised standard for parallel programming in shared memory systems.Gomp aims at an extension to the gcc compiler following the OpenMP specifications v. 2.0. non-GNU software and documentation
Anaconda Documentation Project Documentation for Anaconda, the Red Hat Linux/Fedora Core installer program. non-GNU software and documentation
anagramarama A simple game where the aim is to guess as many anagrams as possible non-GNU software and documentation
Anagramix Anagramix is an SDL based word-puzzler for GNU/Linux, developed in C++. The goal is to form as many words as possible from a set of letters. non-GNU software and documentation
Analaca - Natural Language Computing Agent The Analaca project provides a natural language computing agent, or rather, a framework for building a semi-autonomous computing agent using speech as its primary user interface for command entry and response. non-GNU software and documentation
Anarch Revolt Deck Builder Deck builder and inventory manager for the VTES card game non-GNU software and documentation
Anarchist Package System The purpose of this project is to create a package system for the GNU OS. non-GNU software and documentation
AnatomX, The interactive 3d human anatomy program non-GNU software and documentation
anetme - Environment for Active Network Performance Measurement and Estimation anetme is an integrated environment for the active measurement and estimation of network performance. non-GNU software and documentation

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