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Id: 11228
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This software is part of the GNU Project.

Unifont is a Unicode font with a glyph for every visible Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane code point and more, with supporting utilities to modify the font. The Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane covers the first 65,536 (or 2^16) Unicode code points.


Unifont is a creation of Roman Czyborra, who in 1998 lamented that seven years after Unicode's first release, there was still no single font that could display all Unicode characters.  He suggested that if expectations of font quality were lowered to that of a bitmapped font, achieving coverage of Unicode would be easier.

Roman proposed a dual-width bitmapped font named Unifont with glyphs that were 16 pixels high and either 8 or 16 pixels wide.  His glyphs were represented one per line as hexadecimal strings in the file "unifont.hex".  He created a Perl script that would convert those hexadecimal strings to and from an intermediate plain-text grid representation for each glyph.  The result could be edited with any text editor, then converted back into his hexadecimal string representation.

Roman also wrote a utility to convert his hexadecimal string representation into a BDF font.

Initially Unicode was a 16-bit encoding, allowing 2^16 = 65,536 code points.  Today Unicode has grown beyond that early limitation.  Its initial 16-bit range is now known as the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP), or Plane 0.  The BMP contains most of the world's scripts that are in current use.  The Unicode encoding space now covers 17 such planes of 65,536 code points each.

Because of the limitations of TrueType, an individual font has a practical limitation of 65,536 code points.  Supporting higher planes in Unifont requires the addition of new TrueType font files.  This is planned for future releases.

Luis Alejandro González Miranda wrote FontForge scripts to convert Unifont into a TrueType font.  Paul Hardy extended these scripts to support Unicode combining characters.

Paul Hardy also wrote utilities to convert Roman's "unifont.hex" format files to and from bitmapped graphics files for editing with a graphics editor.  Andrew Miller wrote a number of Perl scripts for rendering glyphs, including his latest unifont-viewer program to directly view unifont.hex files graphically.

He Zhixiang wrote the hex2otf program, which converts Unifont ".hex" format files into OpenType and TrueType fonts.  Prior to hex2otf being available, only FontForge-generated TrueType fonts were part of the Unifont distribution.

Ho-Seok Ee contributed a new Hangul Syllables Johab 6/3/1 encoding scheme, and developed modern glyphs and made organizational suggestions for this encoding over June through August 2023.

These and other utilities are part of the full source package.

Current State

Unifont provides a glyph for every visible code point in the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane.  Glyphs are also available to display four-digit hexadecimal numbers for unassigned code points, and code points in the Plane 0 Private Use Area (PUA).  The source code contains instructions for adding these glyphs to the final font if desired.

The latest version of Unifont includes over 55,000 glyphs, covering all the visible Unicode BMP code points.  Of this, almost 28,000 glyphs are Chinese-Japanese-Korean (CJK) ideographs from Qianqian Fang's Wen Quan Yi bitmap font, copied with Qianqian Fang's permission.

With only one 16 code point range unassigned in the Unicode BMP, most of the work on Unifont's coverage of future Unicode BMP composition is done.

The latest versions now include glyphs beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane in a second font, as well as variants that include glyphs from Michael Everson's ConScript Unicode Registry.

Latest News

Unifont 16.0.02 Released

1 December 2024 Unifont 16.0.02 is now available.  This is a minor release with many glyph improvements.  See the ChangeLog file for details.

Download this release from GNU server mirrors at:

or if that fails,

or, as a last resort,

These files are also available on the website:

Font files are in the subdirectory

A more detailed description of font changes is available at

and of utility program changes at

Information about Hangul modifications is at


Unifont 16.0.01 Released

10 September 2024 Unifont 16.0.01 is now available.  This release adds many more Plane 2 and Plane 3 ideographs.

There is a new build dependency on the ImageMagick package; "make" uses its "convert" utility to create JPEG thumbnails of the plane bitmap files.

Other minor changes are also included.  Details are in the ChangeLog file.

Beyond the BMP

02 February 2014 The Unifont package now includes an additional font with glyphs beyond Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane, referred to as "unifont_upper".  In addition, the basic Unifont and the Upper-plane Unifont have variants that contain glyphs from Michael Everson's ConScript Unicode Registry (CSUR).  Those variants have "_csur" in the font name.

This version also introduces a PSF version of a Unifont subset, for running GNU APL and other APL packages in console mode on GNU/Linux.  The font is a monospaced, 512-glyph font named Unifont-APL8x16.psf.gz (with version number appearing before the ".psf.gz" in the repository).

Unifont in Fontforge

6 December 2013 Fontforge is the most popular free font design software and is available under a BSD license.  It runs on all the common operating systems, not least of which is GNU/Linux.  Fontforge uses Unifont as its font for sample glyphs if Unifont is installed on a system.  The current version of Fontforge scales down Unifont's 16 pixel tall glyphs to about 14 pixels tall, causing blurring.

I (Paul Hardy) requested that the Fontforge community modify the appearance of these glyphs to be exactly 16 pixels tall.  Dave Crossland, who currently leads Fontforge development, wants to make this happen and has entered my request into the Fontforge issue tracker at Github:

Once this change is made, Unifont glyphs rendered as samples will appear much sharper in Fontforge.  Many people use Fontforge to design free fonts, so its clearer rendering of Unifont sample glyphs will have additional benefit to the free software community.

Notable Update to Chromium OpenType Sanitiser

31 January 2014 Mozilla has incorporated the OTS change that allows TrueType WOFF fonts that have larger POST tables, so the latest versions of Firefox and its derivatives should soon be supporting this.

20 November 2013 On 1 November 2013, I (Paul Hardy) learned that the Firefox web browser rejects Unifont as a downloadable web font because of its large TrueType POST table. The POST table was specified in the TrueType 2.0 spec in 2001 to only allow index entries 0 through 32,767. Index entry numbers 32,768 through 65,535 were reserved for future use.

Firefox uses the Google Chromium OpenType Sanitiser (OTS) to verify downloadable web fonts, as does Chrome. I mentioned this soft limit to someone at Google.  He created revision r106 of the OTS to allow POST table entries up to the hard limit of 65,535. On 19 November 2013, this was pulled into the main code trunk for Chromium. See this Chromium code review.

Unifont was not the only casualty of this OTS rejection. The OTS also rejected the Wen Quan Yi font for the same reason.  Wen Quan Yi is licensed under GPLv2 with a font embedding exception, and is the most comprehensive and popular free Chinese font available. So this update to the Chromium OTS will benefit users of Wen Quan Yi as well.

On 20 November 2013, I filed a bug report on Mozilla requesting that this new OTS revision be brought into Firefox. It should be a short time until this happens.  When it does, Unifont should appear normally as a downloadable web font in Firefox.

Note that the Unifont utilities do not include a tool to generate a WOFF version of the TrueType font, so the Unifont package doesn't directly support this.  However, it is something that could be added in the future (even faster if someone wants to donate a FontForge script to do this).

Another possibility for handling this limitation is for new versions of the Unifont TrueType font to use TrueType revision 3.0 formatting, which allows a POST table with no index entries. The caveat is that the behavior on PostScript printers is undefined.


To see a list of open bugs, go to the section below marked "Development Tools / Bug Tracker" and select "Browse Open Bugs".  To submit a new bug, go to that same section below and select "Submit a New Item".  Alternatively, you can email -email is unavailable- to submit a new bug.


The source code is licensed under GPLv2+.  The font is licensed under GPLv2+ with GNU's font embedding exception.  The Unifont Texinfo manual is licensed under GFDLv1.3+.

Additional Information

See Paul Hardy's Unifoundry website for more information on the latest release.

Registration Date: Sun 27 Oct 2013 01:38:47 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


Latest News rss feed
Unifont 16.0.02 Released
     posted by unifoundry, Sun 01 Dec 2024 07:25:29 PM UTC

1 December 2024 Unifont 16.0.02 is now available.  This is a minor release with many glyph improvements.  See the ChangeLog file for details.

Download this release from GNU server mirrors at: [...]

Unifont 16.0.01 Released
     posted by unifoundry, Tue 10 Sep 2024 04:49:25 PM UTC

10 September 2024

Unifont 16.0.01 is now available.  This is a major release.

From the NEWS file:

  * Updates to synchronize Unifont with Unicode 16.0.0 release.

  * Many new upper-plane Chinese ideographs added.

  * New "make" build dependency on ImageMagick's "convert" program [...]

Unifont 15.1.05 Released
     posted by unifoundry, Sun 25 Feb 2024 01:56:38 AM UTC

24 February 2024 Unifont 15.1.05 is now available.  This release adds the 222 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D glyphs (U+2B740..U+2B81D) and 335 Plane 2 and Plane 3 common Cantonese ideographs, as well as other additions amounting to almost 600 ideograph additions, from Boris Zhang, Yzy32767, and others. [...]

Unifont 15.1.04 Released
     posted by unifoundry, Sun 29 Oct 2023 10:11:17 PM UTC

29 October 2023 Unifont 15.1.04 is now available.  This release adds the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension I glyphs (U+2EBF0..U+2EE5D).  It also includes other minor glyph and software updates.

This release no longer builds TrueType fonts by default, as announced over the past year.  They have been replaced with their OpenType equivalents. [...]

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