mainswbis - Extensions to POSIX packaging - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 6783
System Name: swbis
Name: swbis - Extensions to POSIX packaging
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

The swbis project is a from-scratch implementation of the POSIX spec ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999 which describes a format and utilities for software packaging.  The scope of the POSIX spec includes a package format, meta-data file format, and utilities for package creation, installation, query, listing, and verification.

   The swbis implementation supports package authentication meta-data in the form of GPG signatures and strong cryptographic digests embedded in the format as vendor extension attributes.  The implementation supports nil control directory names so that a POSIX package can appear to users and programs as an ordinary tarball.

   Other features of the swbis implementation are direct use of GNU Privacy Guard for signature creation and verification, direct use of the Ssh client for remote host operations, GNU tar format compatibility, no new utility or program requirements for remote installation beyond POSIX compatible GNU utilities that are probably already present on all GNU and GNU/Linux hosts.

   The swbis implementation can also translate and install RPM, dpkg, and slackware run-time packages.

Registration Date: Sat 11 Sep 2004 12:37:57 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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