phpGroupWare - Summary
This software is part of the GNU Project.
This package has been decommissioned.
phpGroupWare is a fully featured, web based messaging, collaboration and enterprise management platform.
phpGroupWare comes with over 50 applications that can be mixed and matched according to your needs. Some of the most powerful features we offer include:
* Contacts management
* Email
* Shared calendar
* Web content and document management and sharing
* Project management
* Issues tracking
All this is available free of charge.
phpGroupWare is free software - which means the software can be modified to suit your specific needs.
At the core of phpGroupWare is our advanced Application Programming Interface (API) which allows you to build and deploy your own web based applications quickly and easily. Our API easily supports multiple database backends, permissions and access controls, user interface generation and multiple languages.
phpGroupWare is flexible and scalable. It is suitable for small groups of people and large organisations. phpGroupWare is international - we currently support over 20 languages. Around the world tens of thousands of people use phpGroupWare every day.
Registration Date: Mon 08 Oct 2001 07:49:15 AM UTC
License: Other license - GNU GPL v2 or later + GNU LGPL
Development Status: 9 - Decommissioned
posted by skwashd, Sat 03 Dec 2005 10:14:07 PM UTC
We do not update the news here. Please subscribe to our user list if you want to be notified of new releases.
posted by skwashd, Sun 18 Jul 2004 12:03:05 AM UTC
The release includes:
- many fixes to the contacts backend
- improved LDAP support
- register_globals = off fixes
- over 200 other bugs fixed is likely to be the last 16 branch release, as most of the development effort moves to 0.9.18 which we hope will be released by the end of the year.
The release is available at
behalf of the phpGroupWare Crew
posted by skwashd, Fri 17 Oct 2003 08:16:27 AM UTC - 2 replies
We have found a couple of undisclosed security holes in phpGroupWare.
These have been patches. The impact of the flaws are minor, but all
users are encourage to upgrade immediately.
All branches are affected and have been patched.
For (stable) users:
posted by skwashd, Tue 09 Sep 2003 11:27:08 PM UTC
The much awaited 0.9.16 Release Cantidate 1 version phpGroupWare is now available for testing.
You can grab it from cvs and or download it from (update instructions at bottom of annoucement). Please note that rpms and debs will be made available only once the final stable version is released.

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