mainlibiconv - Summary

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2 active members

Group identification
Id: 424
System Name: libiconv
Name: libiconv
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

GNU libiconv provides an implementation of the iconv() function and the iconv program for character set conversion. For use on systems which don't have one, or whose implementation cannot convert from/to Unicode.

This project hosts the Git repository for the GNU libiconv package and the CVS repository of its home page.

The source of the GNU libiconv package is available through the "Git" link above, or directly through

$ git clone git://

A mailing list is available: bug-gnu-libiconv @ -- for discussing bugs and features of GNU libiconv. An archive for this list can be found at

Registration Date: Wed 29 Aug 2001 06:23:16 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 6 - Mature


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libiconv 1.17 released
     posted by haible, Sun 15 May 2022 03:31:26 PM UTC

GNU libiconv 1.17 is released.

New in this release:

  • The libiconv library is now licensed under the LGPL version 2.1, instead of the LGPL version 2.0. The iconv program continues to be licensed under GPL version 3.
  • Added converters for many single-byte EBCDIC encodings:
libiconv 1.15 released
     posted by haible, Fri 03 Feb 2017 12:35:29 AM UTC

GNU libiconv 1.15 is released.

New in this release:

  • The UTF-8 converter now rejects surrogates and out-of-range code points.
  • Added ISO-2022-JP-MS converter.
  • Updated the CP1255 converter to map one more character.
  • The functions now support strings longer than 2 GB.
Transition from CVS to Git
     posted by haible, Sun 21 Jun 2009 11:47:33 AM UTC

The source is now maintained in a Git repository. See for details. The CVS repository is now out-of-date.

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