mainGoldwater Middleware - Summary

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Group identification
Id: 4559
System Name: goldwater
Name: Goldwater Middleware
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

(Decommissioned as part of GNU.)

Goldwater is a lightweight distributed middleware, delivering high-performance, high-availability and scalability for successful e-business applications.  It has found use in both the private sector and FSF/GNU applications such as DotGNU.

By being open with respect to object and data encapsulation, Goldwater allows client facing data presentation servers to render their output in XML, a custom data stream, or simply pass this data untreated to client applications. Third party applications that are able to share data via XML will integrate easily into enterprise applications built on a Goldwater famework.

Registration Date: Fri 23 May 2003 05:23:02 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 9 - Decommissioned


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