mainGnatsweb - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
1 active member

Group identification
Id: 222
System Name: gnatsweb
Name: Gnatsweb
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

Gnatsweb is the Web Interface for GNATS (the GNU Bug Tracking System).  It enables an HTML interface to common GNATS operations such as entering, editing, and reporting on Problem Reports (PRs).

Registration Date: Wed 06 Jun 2001 03:28:00 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 6 - Mature


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Planning to use Net::Gnats
     posted by relberger, Wed 06 Aug 2014 02:36:01 AM UTC

The original author of Net::Gnats has transferred maintainer status to me since it is planned that the next version of Gnatsweb will be leveraging this module.

By using Net::Gnats, we look forward to decoupling the protocol code from the web client.

Status update on upcoming changes
     posted by relberger, Thu 17 Jul 2014 02:55:47 AM UTC

Quite frankly, I have found that the current gnatsweb lacks the sufficient framing to make anything more useful out of it.  Managing it as a monolithic perl CGI script just is not working out.

So, I've decided to:

1. Move the repository to Github, which gives me some better tools to manage updates
2. Move the functionality directly to Mojolicious without making a 'cleanup' release
3. Release the next version as a 'like for like' replacement

Perl::Critic names over 1200 issues with
     posted by relberger, Sat 05 Apr 2014 01:00:00 AM UTC

Due to the enormous number of Perl coding "issues" with gnatsweb,pl, a major cleanup will occur to baseline the code to something a bit more manageable.

Will be using as a way to monitor critic issues over time.  Feel free to peruse that link and post discussion with regards to the criticism worthiness.

Are you using gnatsweb?
     posted by relberger, Thu 03 Apr 2014 10:25:36 PM UTC

Would like to know the users out there using gnatsweb -

Some changes to gnatsweb are being considered that may cause some concern for those who have highly customized it.

Also, there will be some new guidelines set for Perl and Browser support.

Please post to the Technical Support Manager with your concerns or wishes.


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