mainDap statistics and graphics - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
2 active members

Group identification
Id: 342
System Name: dap
Name: Dap statistics and graphics
Group Type: Official GNU software

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This software is part of the GNU Project.

Dap is a small statistics and graphics package based on C. It provides core methods of data management, analysis, and graphics that are commonly used in statistical consulting practice. Dap is easy to learn and to use.

Registration Date: Mon 30 Jul 2001 04:02:10 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: ? - Orphaned/Unmaintained


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GNU Dap 3.10 Released
     posted by sebdiaz, Wed 16 Apr 2014 07:27:16 PM UTC


I am happy to announce the next release of GNU Dap.

This release is numbered 3.10 .



Dap is a small statistics and graphics package based on C. Version 3.0 and later of Dap can read SBS programs (based on the utterly famous, industry standard statistics system with similar initials - you know the one I [...]

GNU Dap 3.9
     posted by sebdiaz, Wed 19 Mar 2014 08:11:13 PM UTC


I am happy to announce the next release of GNU Dap.

This release is numbered 3.9.



Dap is a small statistics and graphics package based on C. Version 3.0 and later of Dap can read SBS programs (based on the utterly famous, industry standard statistics system with similar initials - you know the one I [...]

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