peoplePeople at Savannah: Knut St. Osmundsen Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of Knut St. Osmundsen <bird_tori>.


5 years hacking on a build system call kBuild, which among other things includes a special version of GNU Make.  kBuild is used for building Sun xVM VirtualBox.

10 years active in various (non GNU) open source projects, mostly to do with or in relation to OS/2.  Ported a whole bunch of GNU and BSD programs to OS/2 and maintains(/ed) a LGPL fork of EMX called kLIBC (previously called InnoTek LIBC) together with the GNU toolchain.

Currently employed by Sun Microsystems to continue working on Sun xVM VirtualBox.


Skill Level Experience
C++ Good Knowledge > 10 years
Subversion Good Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
CVS Good Knowledge > 10 years
C Master Apprentice > 10 years

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