patchGNU Octave - Patches: Statistics


Statistics by 'Category':

Field Description: Generally high level modules or functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager, etc)

Open Items

Core : new function 14/180 8%
Core : new feature 26/180 14%
Core : other 73/180 41%
Forge : new function 35/180 19%
Forge : new feature 13/180 7%
Forge : other 18/180 10%
None 1/180 1%


All Items

Core : new function 52/893 6%
Core : new feature 66/893 7%
Core : other 149/893 17%
Forge : new function 140/893 16%
Forge : new feature 42/893 5%
Forge : other 57/893 6%
None 387/893 43%


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