## Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Andy Adler ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ## version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more ## details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ## this program; if not, see . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{f}, @var{df_b}, @var{df_e}] =} anovan (@var{data}, @var{grps}) ## @deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{pval}, @var{f}, @var{df_b}, @var{df_e}] =} anovan (@var{data}, @var{grps}, 'param1', @var{value1}) ## Perform a multi-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The goal is to test ## whether the population means of data taken from @var{k} different ## groups are all equal. ## ## Data is a single vector @var{data} with groups specified by ## a corresponding matrix of group labels @var{grps}, where @var{grps} ## has the same number of rows as @var{data}. For example, if ## @var{data} = [1.1;1.2]; @var{grps}= [1,2,1; 1,5,2]; ## then data point 1.1 was measured under conditions 1,2,1 and ## data point 1.2 was measured under conditions 1,5,2. ## Note that groups do not need to be sequentially numbered. ## ## By default, a 'linear' model is used, computing the N main effects ## with no interactions. this may be modified by param 'model' ## ## p= anovan(data,groups, 'model', modeltype) ## - modeltype = 'linear': compute N main effects ## - modeltype = 'interaction': compute N effects and ## N*(N-1) two-factor interactions ## - modeltype = 'full': compute interactions at all levels ## ## p= anovan(data,groups, 'varnames', varnames) ## - varnames = {'X1','X2','X3',...}(default): cell array of character arrays ## ## ## p= anovan(data,groups, 'display', 'on') ## - 'on' (default) | 'off': switch display of anova table on/off ## ## Under the null of constant means, the statistic @var{f} follows an F ## distribution with @var{df_b} and @var{df_e} degrees of freedom. ## ## The p-value (1 minus the CDF of this distribution at @var{f}) is ## returned in @var{pval}. ## ## If no output argument is given, the standard one-way ANOVA table is ## printed. ## ## BUG: DFE is incorrect for modeltypes != full ## @end deftypefn ## Author: Andy Adler ## Based on code by: KH ## $Id$ ## ## TESTING RESULTS: ## 1. ANOVA ACCURACY: www.itl.nist.gov/div898/strd/anova/anova.html ## Passes 'easy' test. Comes close on 'Average'. Fails 'Higher'. ## This could be fixed with higher precision arithmetic ## 2. Matlab anova2 test ## www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/stats/anova2.html ## % From web site: ## popcorn= [ 5.5 4.5 3.5; 5.5 4.5 4.0; 6.0 4.0 3.0; ## 6.5 5.0 4.0; 7.0 5.5 5.0; 7.0 5.0 4.5]; ## % Define groups so reps = 3 ## groups = [ 1 1;1 2;1 3;1 1;1 2;1 3;1 1;1 2;1 3; ## 2 1;2 2;2 3;2 1;2 2;2 3;2 1;2 2;2 3 ]; ## anovan( vec(popcorn'), groups, 'model', 'full', 'varnames', {'X1','X2'}, 'display','on'); ## % Results same as Matlab output ## 3. Matlab anovan test ## www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/stats/anovan.html ## % From web site ## y = [52.7 57.5 45.9 44.5 53.0 57.0 45.9 44.0]'; ## g1 = [1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2]; ## g2 = {'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo';'hi';'hi';'lo';'lo'}; ## g3 = {'may'; 'may'; 'may'; 'may'; 'june'; 'june'; 'june'; 'june'}; ## anovan( y', [g1',g2',g3']) ## % Fails because we always do interactions function [PVAL, FSTAT, DF_B, DFE] = anovan (data, grps, varargin) if nargin <= 1 usage ("anovan (data, grps)"); end # test supplied parameters modeltype= 'linear'; display= 'on'; for idx= 3:2:nargin param= varargin{idx-2}; value= varargin{idx-1}; if strcmp(param, 'model') modeltype= value; elseif strcmp(param, 'varnames') varnames= value; elseif strcmp(param, 'display') display= value; # elseif strcmp(param # add other parameters here else error(sprintf('parameter %s is not supported', param)); end end if ~isvector (data) error ("anova: for `anova (data, grps)', data must be a vector"); endif nd = size (grps,1); # number of data points nw = size (grps,2); # number of anova "ways" if (~ isvector (data) || (length(data) ~= nd)) error ("anova: grps must be a matrix of the same number of rows as data"); endif if exist('varnames') if iscell(varnames) if all(cellfun(@ischar,varnames)) ng = numel(varnames); else error ("anova: all variable names must be character or character arrays"); end elseif ischar(varnames) ng = 1; varnames = {varnames}; elseif isstring(varnames) ng = 1; varnames = {char(varnames)}; else error ("anova: varnames is not of a valid type. Must be cell array of character arrays, character array or string"); end else ng = nw; varnames = arrayfun(@(x) ['X',num2str(x)], 1:nw, 'UniformOutput', 0); end if ng ~= nw error ("anova: number of variable names is not equal to number of grouping variables"); endif [g,grp_map] = relabel_groups (grps); if strcmp(modeltype, 'linear') max_interact = 1; elseif strcmp(modeltype,'interaction') max_interact = 2; elseif strcmp(modeltype,'full') max_interact = rows(grps); else error(sprintf('modeltype %s is not supported', modeltype)); end ng = length(grp_map); int_tbl = interact_tbl (nw, ng, max_interact ); [gn, gs, gss] = raw_sums(data, g, ng, int_tbl); stats_tbl = int_tbl(2:size(int_tbl,1),:)>0; nstats= size(stats_tbl,1); stats= zeros( nstats+1, 5); # SS, DF, MS, F, p for i= 1:nstats [SS, DF, MS]= factor_sums( gn, gs, gss, stats_tbl(i,:), ng, nw); stats(i,1:3)= [SS, DF, MS]; end # The Mean squared error is the data - avg for each possible measurement # This calculation doesn't work unless there is replication for all grps # SSE= sum( gss(sel) ) - sum( gs(sel).^2 ./ gn(sel) ); SST= gss(1) - gs(1)^2/gn(1); SSE= SST - sum(stats(:,1)); sel = select_pat( ones(1,nw), ng, nw); %incorrect for modeltypes != full DFE= sum( (gn(sel)-1).*(gn(sel)>0) ); MSE= SSE/DFE; stats(nstats+1,1:3)= [SSE, DFE, MSE]; for i= 1:nstats MS= stats(i,3); DF= stats(i,2); F= MS/MSE; pval = 1 - fcdf (F, DF, DFE); stats(i,4:5)= [F, pval]; end if strcmp(display,'on') printout( stats, stats_tbl, varnames ); elseif strcmp(display,'off') else error ("anova: unknown display option"); end if nargout~=0 PVAL= stats(1:nstats,5); FSTAT=stats(1:nstats,4); DF_B= stats(1:nstats,2); DF_E= DFE; end endfunction # relabel groups to a mapping from 1 to ng # Input # grps input grouping # Output # g relabelled grouping # grp_map map from output to input grouping function [g,grp_map] = relabel_groups(grps) grp_vec= vec(grps); s= sort (grp_vec); uniq = 1+[0;find(diff(s))]; # mapping from new grps to old groups grp_map = s(uniq); # create new group g ngroups= length(uniq); g= zeros(size(grp_vec)); for i = 1:ngroups g( find( grp_vec== grp_map(i) ) ) = i; end g= reshape(g, size(grps)); endfunction # Create interaction table # # Input: # nw number of "ways" # ng number of ANOVA groups # max_interact maximum number of interactions to consider # default is nw function int_tbl =interact_tbl(nw, ng, max_interact) combin= 2^nw; inter_tbl= zeros( combin, nw); idx= (0:combin-1)'; for i=1:nw; inter_tbl(:,i) = ( rem(idx,2^i) >= 2^(i-1) ); end # find elements with more than max_interact 1's idx = ( sum(inter_tbl',1) > max_interact ); inter_tbl(idx,:) =[]; combin= size(inter_tbl,1); # update value #scale inter_tbl # use ng+1 to map combinations of groups to integers # this would be lots easier with a hash data structure int_tbl = inter_tbl .* (ones(combin,1) * (ng+1).^(0:nw-1) ); endfunction # Calculate sums for each combination # # Input: # g relabelled grouping matrix # ng number of ANOVA groups # max_interact # # Output (virtual (ng+1)x(nw) matrices): # gn number of data sums in each group # gs sum of data in each group # gss sumsqr of data in each group function [gn, gs, gss] = raw_sums(data, g, ng, int_tbl); nw= size(g,2); ndata= size(g,1); gn= gs= gss= zeros((ng+1)^nw, 1); for i=1:ndata # need offset by one for indexing datapt= data(i); idx = 1+ int_tbl*g(i,:)'; gn(idx) +=1; gs(idx) +=datapt; gss(idx) +=datapt^2; end endfunction # Calcualte the various factor sums # Input: # gn number of data sums in each group # gs sum of data in each group # gss sumsqr of data in each group # select binary vector of factor for this "way"? # ng number of ANOVA groups # nw number of ways function [SS,DF]= raw_factor_sums( gn, gs, gss, select, ng, nw); sel= select_pat( select, ng, nw); ss_raw= gs(sel).^2 ./ gn(sel); SS= sum( ss_raw( ~isnan(ss_raw) )); if length(find(select>0))==1 DF= sum(gn(sel)>0)-1; else DF= 1; #this isn't the real DF, but needed to multiply end endfunction function [SS, DF, MS]= factor_sums( gn, gs, gss, select, ng, nw); SS=0; DF=1; ff = find(select); lff= length(ff); # zero terms added, one term subtracted, two added, etc for i= 0:2^lff-1 remove= find( rem( floor( i * 2.^(-lff+1:0) ), 2) ); sel1= select; if ~isempty(remove) sel1( ff( remove ) )=0; end [raw_sum,raw_df]= raw_factor_sums(gn,gs,gss,sel1,ng,nw); add_sub= (-1)^length(remove); SS+= add_sub*raw_sum; DF*= raw_df; end MS= SS/DF; endfunction # Calcualte the various factor sums # Input: # select binary vector of factor for this "way"? # ng number of ANOVA groups # nw number of ways function sel= select_pat( select, ng, nw); # if select(i) is zero, remove nonzeros # if select(i) is zero, remove zero terms for i field=[]; if length(select) ~= nw; error("length of select must be = nw"); end ng1= ng+1; if isempty(field) # expand 0:(ng+1)^nw in base ng+1 field= (0:(ng1)^nw-1)'* ng1.^(-nw+1:0); field= rem( floor( field), ng1); # select zero or non-zero elements field= field>0; end sel= find( all( field == ones(ng1^nw,1)*select(:)', 2) ); endfunction function printout( stats, stats_tbl, varnames ); nw= size( stats_tbl,2); [jnk,order]= sort( sum(stats_tbl,2) ); if numel(varnames)>1 str= sprintf(',%s ',varnames{2:end}); str= str(1:length(str)-1); # remove space else str= []; end printf('\n%d-way ANOVA Table (Factors: %s%s):\n\n', nw, varnames{1}, str ); printf('Source of Variation Sum Sqr df MeanSS Fval p-value\n'); printf('*********************************************************************\n'); ss_sum = 0; df_sum = 0; for i= order(:)' str= sprintf(' %s x',varnames{find(stats_tbl(i,:)>0) }); str= str(1:length(str)-2); # remove x printf('Factor %15s %10.2f %4d %10.2f %7.3f %7.6f\n', ... str, stats(i,:) ); ss_sum = ss_sum + stats(i,1); df_sum = df_sum + stats(i,2); end printf('Error %10.2f %4d %10.2f\n', stats( size(stats,1),1:3)); printf('Total %10.2f %4d\n', [ss_sum, df_sum] + stats( size(stats,1),1:2)); printf('\n'); endfunction #{ # Test Data from http://maths.sci.shu.ac.uk/distance/stats/14.shtml data=[7 9 9 8 12 10 ... 9 8 10 11 13 13 ... 9 10 10 12 10 12]'; grp = [1,1; 1,1; 1,2; 1,2; 1,3; 1,3; 2,1; 2,1; 2,2; 2,2; 2,3; 2,3; 3,1; 3,1; 3,2; 3,2; 3,3; 3,3]; data=[7 9 9 8 12 10 9 8 ... 9 8 10 11 13 13 10 11 ... 9 10 10 12 10 12 10 12]'; grp = [1,4; 1,4; 1,5; 1,5; 1,6; 1,6; 1,7; 1,7; 2,4; 2,4; 2,5; 2,5; 2,6; 2,6; 2,7; 2,7; 3,4; 3,4; 3,5; 3,5; 3,6; 3,6; 3,7; 3,7]; # Test Data from http://maths.sci.shu.ac.uk/distance/stats/9.shtml data=[9.5 11.1 11.9 12.8 ... 10.9 10.0 11.0 11.9 ... 11.2 10.4 10.8 13.4]'; grp= [1:4,1:4,1:4]'; # Test Data from http://maths.sci.shu.ac.uk/distance/stats/13.shtml data=[7.56 9.68 11.65 ... 9.98 9.69 10.69 ... 7.23 10.49 11.77 ... 8.22 8.55 10.72 ... 7.59 8.30 12.36]'; grp = [1,1;1,2;1,3; 2,1;2,2;2,3; 3,1;3,2;3,3; 4,1;4,2;4,3; 5,1;5,2;5,3]; # Test Data from www.mathworks.com/ # access/helpdesk/help/toolbox/stats/linear10.shtml data=[23 27 43 41 15 17 3 9 20 63 55 90]; grp= [ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3; 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2]'; #}