GNU Health - News
GNU Health Hospital Management component 3.8 released!
Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sun 14 Feb 2021 10:27:48 PM UTC.
Dear community:
I am very proud to announce the release of the series 3.8 from the GNU Health Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) component!
Twelve years old, the GNU Health project has now become a Libre digital Health ecosystem, with different solutions to meet different realities, integrating them in the Federation.
The year 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, has put our societies against the ropes, and challenging the public health system of every country around the globe.
The GNU Health community responded swiftly to this formidable challenge. Within hours of the official World Health Organization announcement, we were able to deliver the new ICD-10 codes of the COVID-19 disease; Include the pathology in the person record when it was confirmed by laboratory and setting the disease as a notifiable disease so the Min. of Health could have uptodate epidemiological information.
GNU Health has played a crucial role in many public health systems, not only by providing real-time observatory of COVID-19, but also, very importantly, study the impact of the socioeconomic conditions in both the incidence and severity of the disease on the underprivileged.
Our community keeps growing! A notable example is that GNU Health is now also part of the KDE community! KDE has adopted MyGNUHealth, the GH Personal Health record.
We are very grateful to KDE for trusting us! Most GNU/Linux users will have in their favorite GNU/Linux distribution a Personal Health Record focused on privacy and integrated with Libre devices and trackers. MyGNUHealth also runs on the PinePhone!
What is new in GNU Health 3.8 series
- New Dentistry package with odontogram and dental procedures
- Enhanced Page of Life generation (PoL)
- Use FODT (Flat ODT) format for reports
- Integrated infectious diseases Contact Tracing
- Epidemiological observatory
- International Classification of diseases, 11th revision (ICD-11)
- Improved integration with Weblate (now 23 languages!)
- Updated the UNIPROT protein natural variants DB from 2020
- The HL7 FHIR server is now ported to Python3
- New repositories for the components (HMIS, client, plugins, Thalamus...)
Development focus
In addition of the GH HMIS server, we will focus the development in the following areas of the GNU Health ecosystem:
- MyGNUHealth: The GNU Health application for desktop and mobile devices
- The GNU Health Federation Portal
The GH Federation Portal has already started. It is a VueJS application and provides a single point of entry for individuals, health professionals and epidemiologists to the GNU Health Information system.
The GNU Health Federation integrates information from many health institutions and people from a region or country. The GH Federation portal will allow to manage resources, as well as the main point for analytics and reporting of massive demographics and epidemiological data generated nationwide. People, health centers and research institutions can benefit from the GNU Health Federation and from the GNU Health ecosystem in general.
Upgrading from GNU Health 3.6
- Make a FULL BACKUP your kernel, database and attach directories !!!
- Follow the instructions on the Wikibooks.
As always, no matter how hard we try to avoid them, there will be bugs, so please test the new system, upgrade process, languages, and give us your feedback via them via
The community server has been already migrated to 3.8.0, so you just need to download the GNU Health HMIS client and enjoy it.
Free Software day
Finally, today is the Free Software day. We have chosen this date as the release date of the GH HMIS component, as a way to remind and stress the importance of Libre Software and Open Science in our society.
Happy and Healthy Hacking !
Dr. Luis Falcon, M.D.
President, GNU Solidario
Advancing Social Medicine
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