GNU Health - News
GNU Health GTK CLient 3.6.8 released
Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sun 01 Mar 2020 01:43:29 PM UTC.
Dear all
The GH GTK client 3.6.8 fixes several bugs, specially related to the compatibility issues with KDE and other desktop environments.
We have moved the header bar components to the main window, so now it also allows borderless operation.
Summary :
- Removed the deprecated App Menu in favor of the Menu Bar.
- Migrate from obsolete Table to Grid
- Fix the footer
- Include accelerator for preferences (ctrl+shift+p) and fix accelerator for shortcuts (ctrl+shift+F1)
- Avoid maximizing application at startup
- Remove unused fast tabbing option from menu
- Allow setting the GH command line on the bottom again (cli_position = bottom). By default is top.
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