newsGNU Chinese Translators Team - News


2019 summary

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Wed 01 Jan 2020 07:19:33 AM UTC.


Dear GNU translators!

This year, the number of new translations was similar to 2018,
but our active teams generally tracked the changes
in the original articles more closely than in 2018, especially
in the second half of the year.  Our French, Spanish,
Brazilian Portuguese and ("Simplified") Chinese teams were
particularly good, I think that the figures for them may be
within the precision of my evaluations.  Unfortunately, many our
teams are inactive or aren't so active as desirable, and
few teams are re-establised.

      General Statistics

The number of translations per file in important directories
continued growing.  Currently it is maximum (8.79 translations
per original file and 8.03 translations weighted with size
of articles).

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated articles
and the translations that were converted to the PO format in important
directories (as of 2019-12-31).

+--team--+------new-------+----converted---+---to convert---+-&-outdated-+
|  ca    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | ^ 2 ( 91.1Ki)  |   1 (120.5Ki)  |  21 (30%)  |
|  de    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  76 (35%)  |
|  el    | * 1 (  6.9Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  26 (55%)  |
|  es    |  24 (453.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 3.2 (1.8%) |
|  fi    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   3 (118.5Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |            |
|  fr    |   7 ( 57.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 0.9 (0.3%) |
|  hr    | * 1 (  6.9Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  38 (55%)  |
|  it    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  38 (29%)  |
|  ja    | * 1 (  6.9Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  59 (41%)  |
|  ko    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | ^19 (357.1Ki)  |   2 (218.7Ki)  |  23 (53%)  |
|  ml    |   3 ( 68.3Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  13 (48%)  |
|  ms    |   1 (  3.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |            |
|  nl    | * 1 (  6.9Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  40 (31%)  |
|  pl    | % 2 ( 15.7Ki)  | ^ 4 (192.0Ki)  |   1 (181.0Ki)  |  56 (39%)  |
|  pt-br |  25 (275.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 0.4 (0.3%) |
|  ru    |  10 ( 71.3Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 1.9 (0.6%) |
|  sq    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 2.2 (6.7%) |
|  tr    |  25 (277.7Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  18 (66%)  |
|  zh-cn |  14 (305.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 0.4 (0.4%) |
|  zh-tw |   4 ( 32.0Ki)  |   7 ( 65.6Ki)  |  16 (232.6Ki)  | 4.9 (18%)  |
| total  | 118 (1574.5Ki) |  35 ( 824.3Ki) |  68 (1761.4Ki) |

& Typical number of outdated GNUNified translations throughout
  the year.

  were picked from translations of an older page by Thérèse Godefroy.

^ The translations were GNUNified by Thérèse Godefroy.

% The files were committed back in 2017, but were technically
  incomplete; Thérèse Godefroy filled the missing strings.

For the reference: 7 new articles were added, amounting to 57Ki,
and there were about 700 modifications in more than 100 English
files in important directories.

Most of our active teams have no old translations to GNUNify,
and the ("Traditional") Chinese team converted a considerable part
of old translations this year.

      Orphaned Teams, New and Reformed Teams

Catalan, Czech, Greek teams were orphaned due to inactivity
(no commits for more than 3 years).

Malayalam team was re-established, and now we have one more
translation of the Free Software Definition!

The situation with the Turkish team is transitional: in June,
T. E. Kalaycı was appointed an admin of www-tr, but the team
still lacks a co-ordinator, despite being one of our most active
teams this year.

In August, we installed our first Malay translation,
/p/; however, the volunteer didn't proceed
with further translations.

Executives of two free software-related businesses independently
offered us help with establishing a team for Swahili translations,
but we failed to overcome the organizational issues.

A Finnish volunteer updated the few existing old translations
in August and September.

A Romanian volunteer updated a few important translations in May.

People also offered help with Hindi (twice), Arabic and Danish
translations, but didn't succeed.

      Changes in the Page Regeneration System

GNUN had no releases this year, though there are a few minor,
but incompatible changes, so GNUN 1.0 release is pending.

Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!
(I see nothing secret in this message, so if you think it may be
interesting to people who are not subscribed to the list, please
feel free to forward it).

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