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Free Software Awards: Nominate those who inspire you by November 6th

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Sat 28 Sep 2019 12:18:53 AM UTC.

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Dear Chinese Translators,

Every free software supporter knows someone who has made inspiring contributions to the cause for user freedom. Whether you know them personally, or only through following them online, we can all think of outstanding individuals who have helped further the cause for free software through their care and attention. There are also many projects whose contributors have consistently demonstrated their dedication to the principles of the free software movement.

Each year the Free Software Foundation (FSF) recognizes the exemplary commitments of these individuals and organizations through the Free Software Awards, which are announced as part of the FSF's annual LibrePlanet conference and gathering for free software users, developers, and activists alike. Rather than simply recognizing the sheer number of commits to projects, the Free Software Awards are meant to recognize the commitment members of our community have applied in their work to advance the cause for software freedom.

The Award for the Advancement of Free Software recognizes people with long and impactful contribution histories in free software. This year, we also want to start recognizing people who are just beginning their free software contributions, to appreciate them and encourage them to continue. Along with the Award for the Advancement of Free Software and the Award for Projects of Social Benefit, we're also now seeking nominations for the Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor. Do you want to show your appreciation for a hardworking newcomer to a free software project? Give them the opportunity to be recognized by their peers by nominating them for this new award!

Only individual contributors are eligible for the Awards for the Advancement of Free Software and Outstanding New Free Software Contributor. The Award for Projects of Social Benefit is granted only to organizations or projects.

The deadline to submit your nominations is Wednesday, November 6th, 2019, at 14:59 UTC.
Award for the Advancement of Free Software

The FSF Award for the Advancement of Free Software is presented annually to a single individual who has made a great contribution to the progress and advancement of free software, through activities that are in accord with the spirit of the community. Last year's award was accepted by Deborah Nicholson, who, in addition to being the director of community operations at the Software Freedom Conservancy, was instrumental in founding both the Women's Caucus for free software and the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference. Previous winners include Karen Sandler, Alexandre Oliva, Matthew Garrett, and Sébastien Jodogne.

Submit your nomination for this award here!
Award for Projects of Social Benefit

The FSF Award for Projects of Social Benefit is presented to an organization or team responsible for applying the principles of the free software movement to a project that intentionally and significantly benefits society in other aspects of life. Last year's award was accepted by OpenStreetMap, a mass collaboration project that organizes more than a million contributors to help create a free and editable map of the world. Previous winners include Public Lab, SecureDrop, GNU Health, Tor, the Internet Archive, Creative Commons, and Wikipedia.

Submit your nomination for this project/team award here!
Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor

The Award for Outstanding New Free Software Contributor will be presented annually to an individual newcomer to the community who has demonstrated an outstanding dedication to software freedom. The award recipient must have made their first significant free software-related contributions in 2019, and show a pattern of ongoing activity. Their contributions may have included things like: empowering the community by organizing local meetups, software development, becoming involved in the strategic or logistical planning of a project, working on documentation, or helping to make improvements in the environment to attract and keep contributors.

Submit your nomination for this individual award here!

Dedication powers the free software movement. The belief that a better digital world is possible has fostered incredible projects that are making a difference in both local and global communities. Everyone's contributions matter, and it's important for your voice to be heard. Please take a moment to let us know about the people and projects that you think have changed our world for the better. Through the hard work and commitment of our users, activists, and developers, software freedom will succeed.

Happy hacking,

Greg Farough
Campaigns Manager

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