newsUnifont - News


GNU Unifont 12.0.01 Released

Item posted by Paul Hardy <unifoundry> on Wed 06 Mar 2019 05:49:13 AM UTC.

5 March 2019

GNU Unifont 12.0.01 is now available.  This is a major release incorporating glyphs added in Unicode 12.0.0, which also was just released today.

Significant changes in this version include contributions from David Corbett and Johnnie Weaver.  Notably, the Unifont Upper font has now reached 11,000 Unicode Plane 1 glyphs.  New Unicode script ranges introduced in Unicode Standard version 12.0.0 that are included in this release are (in order of appearance in Unifont Upper): Elymaic, Tamil Supplement, Nandinagari, Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls, Small Kana Extension, Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong, Wancho, Ottoman Siyaq Numbers, Chess Symbols, and Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A. Full details are in the ChangeLog file.

This release also includes two new programs: unibmpbump and unihexrotate. unibmpbump, by Paul Hardy, adjusts images created by unihex2png but saved as Bitmap (".bmp") format files, for processing with unibmp2hex. unihexrotate, by David Corbett, rotates a set of glyphs in Unifont ".hex" format clockwise or counterclockwise by a specified number of quarter turns.

Download this release at:

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Paul Hardy
GNU Unifont Maintainer

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