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openSUSE donates more Raspberry Pis to the GNU Health project

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sat 26 May 2018 01:02:14 PM UTC.

Dear community:

Today, in the context of the openSUSE conference 2018, oSC18, openSUSE donated 10 Raspberry Pis to the GNU health project.

GNU Health embedded, is a project that delivers GNU Health in single board machines, like raspberry pi.

The #GNUHealthEmbedded project delivers a ready-to-run, full blown installation of GNU Health. From the GNUHealth kernel, the database and even a demo database that can be installed.

The user only needs to point the client to the the server address.

The new Raspberry Pis will include:

It will also include the Federation related packages, so it could act as a relay or as a node in the distributed, federated model.

Thank you so much to openSUSE for their generous donation, and commitment to the GNUHealth project, as an active member and as an sponsor !

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