newsGNU Chinese Translators Team - News


回顾2017年,喜迎2018年。GNU CTT再起新篇章。

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Tue 02 Jan 2018 03:27:53 AM UTC.

Eamil from GNU translator coordinatot: Ineiev.

Dear GNU translators!

This year was similar to the previous one in terms of new translations, but there were many more movements within the teams.

The number of translations per file in important directories keeps
the same high level as in the previous year, in January it reached
its maximum in terms of size (7.72), and currently it's maximal
in terms of file number (8.24).

     General Statistics

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated articles and the translations that were converted to the PO format in important directories.  Only the translations from the `important' directories are taken into account, and errors are likely.

I'd like to note the increased number of new translations made
by three our `new' teams (Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese),
as well as by our German team.

Our Spanish, French, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese teams considerably reduced the number of outdated translations with respect to 2016.

+--team--+------new-------+----converted-*-+---to convert---+-&-outdated-+
|  cs    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  23 (706.7Ki)  |   2 (183.5Ki)  |  33 (72%)  |
|  de    |  26 (224.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  17 (8.2%) |
|  el    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   3 ( 19.9Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  20 (43%)  |
|  es    |   1 (  7.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 1.2 (0.7%) |
|  fr    |  11 (103.3Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 0.5 (0.17%)|
|  it    |   1 (  7.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  11 (8.5%) |
|  ja    |   2 ( 11.6Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  38 (28%)  |
|  nl    |  12 ( 87.6Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  18 (14%)  |
|  pl    |   1 ( 12.6Ki)  |   2 (128.1Ki)  |   5 (365.8Ki)  |  37 (26%)  |
|  pt-br |  19 (192.6Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  15 (23%)  |
|  ro    |   1 ( 32.6Ki)  |   1 ( 58.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |            |
|  ru    |  12 (133.5Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  | 0.5 (0.16%)|
|  sq    |   2 ( 82.1Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   6 (20%)  |
|  ta    |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  14 (244.8Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |            |
|  uk    |   2 (  9.3Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |   0 (  0.0Ki)  |  15 (16%)  |
|  zh-cn |  21 (251.8Ki)  |   4 ( 84.7Ki)  |  23 (281.3Ki)  |  8.5 (58%) |
|  zh-tw |   7 ( 66.9Ki)  |   4 ( 76.6Ki)  |  23 (294.5Ki)  |  0.8 (22%) |
| total  | 119 (1229.9Ki) |  52 (1325.1Ki) | 129 (2882.5Ki) |

  Thérèse Godefroy.

& Typical percent of outdated GNUNified translations throughout
  the year.

For the reference: 12 new articles were added, amounting to 113Ki
(most of them are new categories in /proprietary), and there were
about 500 modifications of English files in important directories.

     Orphaned Teams

Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Tamil and Turkish teams
were declared orphan (in most cases due to a long period
of inactivity).

     New and Reformed Teams

This year, our Dutch team got a second co-ordinator.

Rafael Beraldo became our Brazilian Portuguese co-ordinator;
in fact, he had been actually co-ordinating that team for a long

Both our Chinese sub-teams changed their leaders; the `Traditional' Chinese formed a distinct team.

     Changes in the Page Regeneration System

This year GNUN had no releases; the only visible development is
a tool to highlight difference in URLs of translation against
the original text:

GNU Pootle instance is still down, together with other services like hosted on

Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!

(I see nothing secret in this message, so if you think it may be
interesting to people who are not subscribed to the list, please
feel free to forward it).

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