newsGNU Chess - News


GNU Chess 6.2.5

Item posted by Antonio Ceballos <aceballos> on Mon 24 Jul 2017 11:42:10 PM UTC.

I am glad to announce the release of version 6.2.5 of GNU Chess.

GNU Chess is a chess-playing program. It can be used to play chess
against the computer on a terminal or, more commonly, as a chess engine
for graphical chess frontends.

This release includes:

- Command history based on readline.
- New commands: coords/nocoords to enable/disable coordinates
when printing the board.
- Command pgnsave will prompt before overwriting a file.
- New languages.
- Bug fixes.

We are very thankful to all contributions and all kind of feedback.

The home page can be found at the usual location:

You can get the compressed sources from a nearby mirror:

If automatic redirection fails, the list of mirrors is at:

Or if need be you can use the main GNU ftp server:

The development source can be downloaded from the Subversion            
repository at Savannah:

Bug reports, your kind contributions and any feedback are welcome.

Best regards,
Antonio Ceballos
GNU Chess Team

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