newsGNU Health - News


GNU Health Federation

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sat 23 Apr 2016 09:27:58 PM UTC.

Dear all

The upcoming 3.2 version will bring lots of new features, but today I want to concentrate in two:

We could also give the new version codename GHINT (GNU Health is Not Tryton), as it really expands its functionality beyond the Tryton framework. Of course, Tryton is nice and we will still use it.

This approach exemplifies our philosophy in GNU Solidario, where Free Software and GNU Health represent a philosophy, and technology is just a way to deliver it.

My GNU Health

A mobile application with the functionality of Personal Health Record (PHR) and Patient Portal. MyGNUHealth empowers the person and makes her / him an active member in the health system.
From recording and transmitting the blood pressure or glucose level, to make the appointments or update the demographic information. All from the mobile device.

GNU Health Federation

The obsolescence of the Tryton synchronization engine led me to start the design a new model: a truly federated system. That is :

Under this model GNU Health will integrate information from different data sources (not only from Tryton); each system can work autonomously (even in the event. of network failure), information will be shared across the nodes, and aggregated in a highly scalable model.

This new model on GNU Health 3.2 will combine the transactional / relational DB system (eg, PostgreSQL) with the big data, highly scalable NoSQL model (eg, MongoDB).

This new design brings the best of the two worlds: The transactional processes in a health institution (evaluations, stock management, prescriptions, hospitalizations, ... ) as well as the non-transactional information used by the health authorities (demographics, epidemiology, ...).

By the way, data and exchange standards (eg, HL7 FHIR) will be key, so the existing GNU Health FHIR server will play an even greater role.

Anyways, quite exciting news that I wanted to share with you.

Time to work !


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