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A letter from Gabon to the GNU Health community

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sun 17 Jan 2016 01:53:50 PM UTC.

Dear GNU Health and Free Software community :
Mr. Armand Mpassy-Nzoumbato has written this letter to the GNU Health community, that I proudly want share with all of you. It shows the importance of Free Software in real-life scenarios, delivering our motto : Freedom and Equity in Healthcare.

Dear Luis, Dear Axel,

First of all happy new year and congratulations to Luis and off course all others for the great work that is being accomplished. I just know a few of you guys (Luis, Selene, Cedric, Nicolas, Axel) and I just joined this community about a year ago. However, I can tell you that it is having a huge impact on the health of communities in central Africa and very soon in West Africa as well.

I implemented the lab module of GNU Health at the Medical Research Center in Franceville (Gabon). They do medical lab analyses for the population of Franceville. It has changed the face public health in this small city. People used to wait a few days before getting their lab results. Now they get their results just after a few hours. And I can tell you it can make a difference between staying alive or dying because the doctor will not be able to make a correct assessment of the medical status of the patient on time.

 A number of other health institutions are very much interested in implementing GNU Health and I’ll make sure that each and every health professional has heard about GNU Health. I am working on a strategy that will ensure that a huge number of them can test the system using the Demo version on DVD. It is indeed very difficult to access the demo version online.

On behalf of all those who you are serving: the communities of Africa and of the world, the voiceless people, and who don’t even know that you exist, I say:

Thank you, Muchas Gracias

Kind regards,


About GNU Health

GNU Health is a Free/Libre project for health practitioners, health institutions and governments. It provides the following functionality:

GNU Health is an official GNU Package , and is part of GNU Solidario, an NGO that delivers health with free software.

GNU Health has been awarded with the Best Project of Social Benefit and the most revolutionary Free Software, among other international awards. It has been featured in many international forums, including the World Health Organization (WHO).

Freedom and Equity in Healthcare !

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