GNU Health - News
GNU Health 3.0 released
Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Mon 11 Jan 2016 02:32:58 AM UTC.
Dear all
After one year of work, I am very happy and proud to announce the release of GNU Health 3.0 series !
Following is a brief summary of the release highlights
New features
- Tryton 3.8 compatibility and responsive web client.
- Multiple person names, compliant with FHIR HL7, and flexible person name formats
- Automatic inclusion of medicament history from the prescription
- History of a person socioeconomic assessments
- Link to patient health conditions
- Health conditions now visible from patient main page
- Any person can be mapped to an internal user, not only the health professionals
- Add person biological sex and gender properties.
- Check all evaluations related to a person specific healh condition
- Easy change a patient appointment status from the tree view (checked in, no show, ... )
- Automatic computing of a patient evaluation waiting time
- Hospitalization and outpatient discharge reason
- Merge chronic with followups evaluations. Merge ambulatory with outpatient evaluations
- Optimize CAGE (Alcoholism status assessment) view
- Enhanced Crypto plugin and module
- Create / see all the evaluations within a hospitalization
- Health center and hospitalization meals management
- Improved surgery module (surgery team, supplies, status, wound class, post-op dx, reservation workflow)
- Health services reporting
- Automatic prescription concentration, form and route based on the med
- Enhanced functionality in patient evaluation.
- Improved reporting
- Include / Update unitests ( Thanks Cedric !)
- Improved ergonomics for patient conditions and history.
- Patient protheses and amputation history ( Thanks Lao team !)
- Automatic inclusion of prescription lines in Service document
- Updated disease groups (thanks Chris Zimmerman !)
- Improve patient clinical history report
- New installer gnuhealth-setup tool
- Improved gnuhealth-control center
- Installation of language packs in one single instruction.
- Many other additions and community contributions ...
New Modules
- WHO ICD9 Volume 3 (procedural codes) (in addition to ICD10-PCS and ICPM) .( Thanks Min of Health of Morelos, Mexico !)
- Ophthalmology module ( thanks Sivadas !)
- Functioning and Disability module [1]
Translation portal moves to Pootle
Since GNU Health 3.0, the main translation portal is at GNU Pootle server [2]
The following languages have been requested, and they are now included.
- Arabic
- Chinese (China)
- English (United Kingdom)
- French
- German (Austria)
- Greek
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kannada
- Lao
- Portuguese (Brazil)
- Spanish (Argentina)
- Spanish (Ecuador)
- Spanish (Mexico)
- Spanish (Peru)
- Spanish (Spain)
Some of them are still in the process of migrating the translation files from Transifex to the GNU Pootle server. It will take a bit until everything is in place. Of course, you can update your server translation packs at anytime, using the getlang command of gnuhealth-control program.
There is a new mailing list (health-i18n) dedicated to the localization and translation of GNU Health[3]
During the upcoming weeks we'll be updating the documentation,
improving the demo database, as well as working on the translations.
Of course, we'll be fixing any bugs you will find in this new
release :)
Many, many thanks to all of you who have contributed to this
release, in any way !
All the best,
Luis Falcon, M.D., BSc
President, GNU Solidario
GNU Health: Freedom and Equity in Healthcare
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