newsGNU Health - News


GNU Health patchset 2.8.1 released

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Sun 08 Feb 2015 10:09:25 PM UTC.

Dear community

GNU Health patchset 2.8.1 has been released !

Priority: High

Table of Contents

About GNU Health Patchsets

We provide "patchsets" to stable releases. Patchsets allow quick bug fixes and updates for production systems.

Patches and Patchsets maximize uptime for production systems, and keep your system updated, without the need to do a whole installation.

NOTE: Patchsets are applied on previously installed systems only. For new installations, download and install the whole tarball (ie, gnuhealth-2.8.1.tar.gz)

For more information about GNU Health patches and patchsets you can visit

Summary of this patchset

Installation Notes

You must apply previous patchsets before installing this patchset. If your patchset level is 2.8.0, then just follow the general instructions. You can find the patchsets at GNU Health FTP site (

Follow the general instructions at

Source the GNU Health profile (source $HOME/.gnuhealthrc) to update your environment

Update your database ( trytond --all )

List of bugs related to this patchset

 #44165     Subtle bug in date of analysis for lab tests
 #44182     2.8 installer fails with "TRYTOND_CONFIG variable not set"
 #44189     Ascii code Error when trying to create Institution

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