newsGNU Health - News


GNU Health 2.8 series released

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Mon 02 Feb 2015 01:29:22 PM UTC.

Dear GNU Health community

After 7 months of intense work, I am happy to announce GNU Health 2.8 series !

Here is a partial list of the new features :

There are many other improvements and bug fixes that have not been included in this summary document. You can read the Changelog for a detailed description of all the activity.


If you are installing GNU Health as the first time, follow the
instructions in

Upgrade procedure

If you already have a GNU Health system in your health center, you should upgrade it to 2.8.0 . As always, the upgrade path is included in GNU Health.  The upgrade for version 2.8.0 is straight forward :

Follow the Upgrade Instructions in the Wikibook

Official Languages

GNU Health now includes English, Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and  Spanish as the official languages. The language packs of the official languages are included in the GNU Health package, with all the modules, so there is no need to download.

There are over 100 language teams for GNU Health ! If you are a
language maintainer and want to include your language for the next stable release, please send us a mail to .

Thanks !

A big thank you to my colleagues from GNU Health community; GNU
Solidario; Thymbra and Tryton, and to the Free Software movement.

Enjoy the new version and report any bug / issues / improvements to !

T : @gnuhealth

Luis Falcon, MD
GNU Health
Freedom and Equity in Healthcare

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