newsUnifont - News


Unifont 7.0.05 Now Available

Item posted by Paul Hardy <unifoundry> on Sat 18 Oct 2014 04:40:19 AM UTC.

Unifont version 7.0.05 is now available for download at

Unifont is part of the GNU Project.  It is a dual-width font,
with TrueType and other versions created from an underlying pixel
map.  Glyphs are composed on either an 8-by-16 pixel grid or
a 16-by-16 pixel grid.  Its goal is to provide a low-resolution font that covers all of Unicode's Basic Multilingual Plane, Plane 0.

This version includes over 5,400 glyphs in the Unicode Supplemental Multilingual Plane (Plane 1), in addition to complete coverage of the Basic Multilingual Plane and several scripts in Michael Everson's ConScript Unicode Registry (CSUR).

Further details are available at and at

Paul Hardy

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