newsGNU Hackers Meetings - News


Next European GNU Hackers Meeting to take place in Munich, August 15 to August 17 2014

Item posted by John Darrington <jmd> on Wed 01 Jan 2014 09:01:35 AM UTC.

We are happy to announce the eighth GNU Hackers' Meeting, which will take place from August 15 to August 17 2014 in Munich, Germany.

The GNU Hackers' Meetings are an organized, yet friendly and informal opportunity to discuss technical, social and organizational issues concerning GNU and free software in general.

We have set up an official meeting page containing practical information at

As we are still in the process of defining the program, we welcome your talk proposals. We are particularly interested in new GNU programs and recent developments in existing packages, as well as any GNU related topic. In the past, the audience has been technically competent, and very technical topics are usually well received. However, topics of a non-technical nature are also very welcome. 

GNU developers, users  and other interested parties are invited to address the meeting. This year, presentations will fall into two categories:  Short Talks,  and Full Presentations.  Short talks will be allocated 30 minutes including time for questions (if any). The longer presentations will be 1 hour including question time.  We will try to schedule  similar talks together in the same morning or afternoon session.

Registration is necessary but free of charge.  There will be the opportunity to make a donation to the cost of future meetings.

The FSF has kindly set up a small fund to help finance (documented) travel expenses for GNU maintainers and contributors, past and present. In case you qualify and you need financial assistance to attend, please mention this fact in your registration e-mail, along with all the relevant details including the minimum amount that would permit you to attend the event, no later than June 13 2014. 

You are welcome to join the public mailing list ( Talk proposals and registration e-mails should also be directed to

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