newsGNUpod - News


GNUpod 0.98.8 released

Item posted by Heinrich Langos <hlangos> on Wed 05 Aug 2009 12:03:56 PM UTC.

As announced last month the new GNUpod release 0.99.8 is done.
The download mirrors already contain gnupod-0.99.8.tgz.

This release is mostly a bugfix release. Ubuntu users in particular should no longer see mktunes hanging on auto detection of the fwguid and 4gen nano users will enjoy complete artwork support. There are only a few new features. Most notably the Replay Gain handling has been completely reworked.

As always the changes are listed in the CHANGES file:

For the truly curious here is a coloured diff between the 0.99.7 and 0.99.8:

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