newsLiquid War 5 - News


Liquid War 5 back on Savannah

Item posted by Christian Mauduit <ufoot> on Sun 01 Jan 2006 02:00:21 PM UTC.

After some time without using Savannah's services (mostly I had switched from CVS to GNU Arch), I decided to come back to it, and update it regularly.

So I moved back Liquid War 5 source repository to Savannah. The good
news is that Savannah now supports GNU Arch (finally!). So well, it's

Note that most users won't need that and will simply download the
official tarballs. This is only for those who want to keep a precise
track of the developpement branch. Additionnally it allows you to hack
and maintain patch without even opening a Savannah account. Quite cool.
The big "but..." is that GNU Arch has well, what you could call a "steep
learning curve". Understand: tutorial takes 70 pages and you have to
read it 3 times to get started. I'm exagerating a bit maybe, but GNU
Arch is definitely not so easy to use than CVS. It howevers kicks CVS or
Subversion in terms of power and functionnality  8-)

Other thing is that I decided to use Savannah's bugtracker to handle the
bugs and tasks. See:

Have nice day, oops, year

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