newsGNU Chinese Translators Team - News


Summary 2024

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Wed 01 Jan 2025 01:52:27 AM UTC.


Thank you for your contribution and effort.

I am very proud of the performance in 2024 for this team.

Here is summary from GNU translation team for 2024.

Dear GNU translators!

2024 repeated the general traits of 2023: most active teams kept doing
a good job updating the translations, and a few new translations were
made.  Currently, the total amount of translations is over 3350.

      General Statistics

Most new translations were made by the Chinese (zh-cn) team this year;
then the Polish and French teams follow.  The Turkish team, although
it published no new translations this year, made a notable progress
in terms of keeping its translation up-to-date.

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated
articles in important directories and typical number of outdated
GNUNified translations throughout the year.

|  de   | 1 (9.7Ki) * |  124 (61%) |
|  es   | 1 (  5.2Ki) | 0.5 (0.2%) |
|  fr   | 4 ( 42.0Ki) | 0.5 (0.1%) |
|  ja   | 2 (  9.9Ki) |  48 ( 34%) |
|  pl   | 6 ( 85.4Ki) |  54 ( 37%) |
|  ru   | 2 ( 20.7Ki) | 0.3 (0.1%) |
|  sq   | 2 ( 17.1Ki) | 2.3 (2.9%) |
|  tr   | 0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.1 (0.1%) |
| zh-cn | 23 ( 543Ki) |     0 &    |
| total | 39 ( 723Ki) |

I wish you all a freer, healthier, and more peaceful 2025.

Happy hacking

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