newsGNU diff utilities - News


diffutils-3.9 released [stable]

Item posted by Jim Meyering <meyering> on Mon 16 Jan 2023 12:16:56 AM UTC.

This is to announce diffutils-3.9, a stable release.

There have been 51 commits by 3 people in the 76 weeks since 3.8.

See the NEWS below for a brief summary.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
The following people contributed changes to this release:

  Bruno Haible (1)
  Jim Meyering (14)
  Paul Eggert (36)

Jim [on behalf of the diffutils maintainers]

Here is the GNU diffutils home page:

For a summary of changes and contributors, see:;a=shortlog;h=v3.9
or run this command from a git-cloned diffutils directory:
  git shortlog v3.8..v3.9

To summarize the 931 gnulib-related changes, run these commands
from a git-cloned diffutils directory:
  git checkout v3.9
  git submodule summary v3.8

Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature:

Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth:

Here are the SHA1 and SHA256 checksums:

35905d7c3d1ce116e6794be7fe894cd25b2ded74  diffutils-3.9.tar.xz
2A076QogGGjeg9eNrTQTrYgWDMU7zDbrnq98INvwI/E  diffutils-3.9.tar.xz

The SHA256 checksum is base64 encoded, instead of the
hexadecimal encoding that most checksum tools default to.

Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

  gpg --verify diffutils-3.9.tar.xz.sig

The signature should match the fingerprint of the following key:

  pub   rsa4096/0x7FD9FCCB000BEEEE 2010-06-14 [SCEA]
        Key fingerprint = 155D 3FC5 00C8 3448 6D1E  EA67 7FD9 FCCB 000B EEEE
  uid                   [ unknown] Jim Meyering <>
  uid                   [ unknown] Jim Meyering <>
  uid                   [ unknown] Jim Meyering <>

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
or that public key has expired, try the following commands to retrieve
or refresh it, and then rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

  gpg --locate-external-key

  gpg --recv-keys 7FD9FCCB000BEEEE

  wget -q -O- '' | gpg --import -

As a last resort to find the key, you can try the official GNU

  wget -q
  gpg --keyring gnu-keyring.gpg --verify diffutils-3.9.tar.xz.sig

This release was bootstrapped with the following tools:
  Autoconf 2.72a.65-d081
  Automake 1.16i
  Gnulib v0.1-5689-g83adc2f722


* Noteworthy changes in release 3.9 (2023-01-15) [stable]

** Bug fixes

  diff -c and -u no longer output incorrect timezones in headers
  on platforms like Solaris where struct tm lacks tm_gmtoff.
  [bug#51228 introduced in 3.4]

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