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The Free Software community mourns the loss of Pedro Francisco (MasGNULinux)

Item posted by Luis Falcon <meanmicio> on Tue 19 Apr 2022 08:27:37 AM UTC.

Dear friends

These are very sad days for the Free Software and Social Justice movements. Our beloved friend Pedro Francisco has passed away.
Pedro fought relentlessly for equity in our society. He was also a Free/Libre Software activist.

Pedro created and managed MasGNULinux, a Spanish blog with news about Free Software and GNU/Linux. MasGNULinux was the best reference in the latest Free Software projects for the Spanish speaking community.

Thank you for your integrity, your honesty and your dedication to make this world a better place for this and future generations. Pedro's legacy will live on forever, in every line of code of each Free Software project.

From the GNU Health community, we send our deepest condolences to his family and friends.

PS: Rumor has it that God has switched to GNU/Linux.

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