bugGNU Web Translation Coordination - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Assigned to':

Field Description: Who is in charge of handling this item

Open Items

amachutechie 1/15 7%
franta 2/15 13%
jimcrow 1/15 7%
meorero 1/15 7%
monnand 1/15 7%
None 6/15 40%
tct 3/15 20%


All Items

alex_muntada 5/113 4%
amachutechie 1/113 1%
att 1/113 1%
barbier 6/113 5%
buzdugan 1/113 1%
ccorazza 6/113 5%
chsong 3/113 3%
Ctpajgep 2/113 2%
Fossilet 1/113 1%
franta 3/113 3%
freeasinfreedom 1/113 1%
ineiev 3/113 3%
jimcrow 3/113 3%
joeko 3/113 3%
jsowoc 2/113 2%
ka2in 1/113 1%
meorero 1/113 1%
mhatta 1/113 1%
monnand 1/113 1%
None 20/113 18%
oitofelix 1/113 1%
pescetti 6/113 5%
puigpe 1/113 1%
rberaldo 1/113 1%
ri_st 4/113 4%
solarius 1/113 1%
tct 3/113 3%
tuijldert 2/113 2%
xavi_ 23/113 20%
yavor 6/113 5%


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