bugGNU Core Utilities - Bugs: bug #22231, 'split' feature request: an option...


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bug #22231: 'split' feature request: an option to uses e.g. '.001' as first suffix

Submitter:  Sci_Fi <sci_fi>
Submitted:  Tue 05 Feb 2008 07:51:09 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Tue 05 Feb 2008 07:51:09 AM UTC, original submission:  

To create UseNet binary postings to match those made by others as close as possible, we need to create split files with 3-digit numeric suffixes.

The problem comes when 'split --numeric-suffixes --suffix-length=3' starts naming the files with .000 as the first suffix.  This causes great confusion among much of the UseNet userbase esp. those running M$ systems.  It seems the .000 file is reserved as some kind of index for their apps, and 'split's .000 file is rejected as "unknown format".

I know... I know... UNIX was here well-before Mr Gates & company, but trying to explain to those users what to do (simply 'cat' or 'copy /b' all of the files in numeric order) is a chore.  We who use *ix-based systems (mine's OSX) do not furnish DOS .bat files for those users.  Yes I've received some public flack about this; I have no idea if those users ever were able to reconstruct the original files.

I'd like to suggest an option be added to 'split' that would let us begin naming the files with a suffix e.g. .001 or settable by a command-line option.  I don't know what would be a good name for this option (and whether it'd follow POSIX standards etc.).

I'm hoping by the absence of a .000 file in our UseNet posts, where the .001 file is really "the beginning", this would cause the M$-based tools to follow suit.

As an aside, most of us normally post several .par2 files, and we construct them in such a way that simply running a par2 utility will recreate the original file automatically.  So, at least for my posts, that's what I'm telling users to do: just run your favorite par2 util, you don't need to 'copy /b' beforehand.  But it'd be best if we could cause 'split' to begin with the .001 file as explained above.

Thank you for letting me discuss this here.

Sci_Fi <sci_fi>


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