bugFree UCS Outline Fonts - Bugs: bug #57320, [Win 7] FreeSerif Bold marked as...


bug #57320: [Win 7] FreeSerif Bold marked as FreeSerif regular, so it replaces FreeSerif Regular

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 28 Nov 2019 09:06:07 AM UTC
Category:  font info Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  installation Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  Stevan_White
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  * 2012-05-03
* Mandatory Fields

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Fri 24 Apr 2020 06:16:51 AM UTC, comment #9: 

Hi Steve,

OK, I'll do it.

Matvei Davydov <matt_d>
Thu 23 Apr 2020 05:33:31 PM UTC, comment #8: 

Hi Matvei,

Please open a new report about your perceived numeral height issue.

In your report, please provide a PDF file showing the issue.

You might do a search for the word "overshoot"

There are also some FreeFont bug reports about this.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Thu 23 Apr 2020 04:23:10 PM UTC, comment #7: 

Steeve, thank you a lot! I've just downloaded and installed the new files, and now the Serif Bold face no more replaces the Regular one.

The Serif Italic 'misbehavior' (when printer doesn't print it and leaves sheet blanc) I keep observing only in my office. But now office is closed due to Covid quarantine issues. When the quarantine ends, I'll let you know, if the new build doesn't solve this problem.

As regards numerals, the problem with different height still exists. Every now and then it concerns only Serif Regular and Italic faces. But with Bold and Bold Italic numerals had and now have equal height. If you want I can open a new report for this specific issue.

Matvei Davydov <matt_d>
Thu 23 Apr 2020 12:02:18 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Hi Matvei,

I sent you a link to a recent build.

Generally, it's best to separate issues in different reports.

I don't know what you are referring to regarding the Serif Italic face.  Please try this new copy.  If it persists, please open a new report.

As to numerals: the basic numerals 0,1...9 always had equal height.  They also happen to have equal width.  Several new font features make available forms with proportional widths, as well as old-style figures.  These are discussed in the font documentatio.  Check out the FEATURES and USAGE files.


Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Thu 23 Apr 2020 11:25:05 AM UTC, comment #5: 

Hi, Steve!
I have absolutely the same problem as topicstarter reported earlier.
Could you provide me with the latest build which doesn't have this bug?
Moreover I have another problem: in some scenarios printers don't print text typed in FreeSerif Italic. Or it'd be better to discuss this case in a separate topic?
And the last thing. Do you have any plans to add into Serif family alternate numerals, with equal height?

Matvei Davydov <matt_d>
Thu 02 Jan 2020 12:43:16 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Hi, anonymous!

I see the cause of the problem you are reporting.  It should only affect the display of the font in menus however -- the font should be present and usable.

The cause is that in the TrueType Names table for Russian in FreeSerifBold (2012-05-03) it has
     Обычный (Normal)
instead of the correct word,
     Полужирный (Bold)
This has been corrected some time ago in the development versions.

If you like, I can provide you with a new build that doesn't show this problem.  Just send me your e-mail address by e-mail.

As to installation problems, I see something suspicious in your picture.  The _03 in FreeSerifBold_03.otf suggests to me that you have incompletely-deleted font files in your system.

If you open a command window and type
you should see only the 12 faces of FreeFont.
If not, you may have to re-start in protected mode and delete any leftover files by hand.


Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Thu 02 Jan 2020 10:16:08 AM UTC, comment #3: 

OK I'll look at it.  I know this doesn't happen in the development version.  And I don't remember it in the 2012 release (although my memory may be faulty)

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Wed 01 Jan 2020 08:19:17 PM UTC, comment #2: 

comment #1:

> Hello,
> What do you mean it is "marked as" FreeSerif regular?
> What exactly happens when you install it?
> All four faces of FreeSerif belong to the FreeSerif font family.  But the name of the bold face is FreeSerifBold -- it is a different font.

comment #1:

> Hello,
> What do you mean it is "marked as" FreeSerif regular?
> What exactly happens when you install it?
> All four faces of FreeSerif belong to the FreeSerif font family.  But the name of the bold face is FreeSerifBold -- it is a different font.

comment #1:

> Hello,
> What do you mean it is "marked as" FreeSerif regular?
> What exactly happens when you install it?
> All four faces of FreeSerif belong to the FreeSerif font family.  But the name of the bold face is FreeSerifBold -- it is a different font.

Fri 27 Dec 2019 01:04:55 PM UTC, comment #1: 


What do you mean it is "marked as" FreeSerif regular?

What exactly happens when you install it?

All four faces of FreeSerif belong to the FreeSerif font family.  But the name of the bold face is FreeSerifBold -- it is a different font.

Steve White <Stevan_White>
Group administrator
Thu 28 Nov 2019 09:06:07 AM UTC, original submission:  

[Win 7] FreeSerif Bold marked as FreeSerif regular, so it replaces FreeSerif Regular



(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #48154:  photo_2020-01-01_21-17-08.jpg added by None (48KiB - image/jpeg - Okay, just look at the pics. Sorry, I have Russian Win7 installation, so I added caption)
file #48155:  photo_2020-01-01_21-17-09.jpg added by None (54KiB - image/jpeg - Okay, just look at the pics. Sorry, I have Russian Win7 installation, so I added caption)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by matt_d (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by Stevan_White (Posted a comment)

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    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2020-01-02 Stevan_White StatusNeed info Fixed
    2020-01-01 None Attached File- Added photo_2020-01-01_21-17-08.jpg, #48154
        Attached File- Added photo_2020-01-01_21-17-09.jpg, #48155
    2019-12-27 Stevan_White StatusNone Need info
        Assigned toNone Stevan_White

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