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Translators searched for different languages for web-cyradm

Category: Translator
Submitter: delouw
Date: Fri 02 May 2003 01:47:04 PM UTC
Status: Open

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Its a Management-tool written in PHP, for a Mailsystem built on Cyrus IMAP and Postfix with Database table lookup enabled. (built in MySQL or patched-in PostgreSQL) The goal is to have as much configuration as possible stored in a database

Currently web-cyradm does not use all features of savannah. The mailinglists are still at

License GNU General Public License v2 or later

Development Status
: 4 - Beta

Details (job description, contact ...):

web-cyradm is searching for translators for all not yet supported languages in the project.

If you see, your language is not yet supported, feel free to contact us. We are using GNU/Gettext for the i18n support. You just need to edit a flatfile with strings-pairs called a PO-file.

The only skills needed is english and the destination language.

Required Skills:

Skill Level Experience

(No skill inventory set up)

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