taskGNU Octave - Tasks: task #12561, forge: conflicts due to strsplit


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task #12561: forge: conflicts due to strsplit

Submitter:  Carnë Draug <carandraug>
Submitted:  Tue 02 Apr 2013 10:33:06 PM UTC
Should Start On:  Tue 02 Apr 2013 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Wed 02 Apr 2014 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Originator Name: 
Open/Closed:  Open Fixed Release:  None
Planned Release:  None

Thu 14 Apr 2016 11:19:11 AM UTC, comment #5: 

You can scrap ncarray and optim from the previous list. ncarray wants to be compatible with octave 3.4 and older versions Matlab so has its own strsplit that works in both.

Carnë Draug <carandraug>
Group Member
Thu 14 Apr 2016 10:41:24 AM UTC, comment #4: 

This task tracker forces a deadline so just ignore that field. In hindsight, maybe I should have reported this as a bug instead.

The following packages still have a copy of the old strsplit:

  • ncarray (nccoord)
  • miscellaneous (read_options)
  • dataframe (dataframe.m ,private/df_name2idx, and private/df_matassign)
  • fixed (fixedpoint)
  • system-identification (mutualinf, pspec_me)
  • plot (dxfwrite)
  • gsl (test_ellint and test_hyperg)

I wouldn't consider copying the old file a fix, it was a workaround for unmaintained packages.  It also means that someone working on that package not knowing about that private file won't be able to use the core strsplit.

In some of the cases above, they might not even make use of the old strsplit features so maybe it's not needed at all. Still requires someone going through the functions.

Carnë Draug <carandraug>
Group Member
Thu 14 Apr 2016 03:16:05 AM UTC, comment #3: 

The deadline for this was two years ago.

Can it be closed, or does something still need to be done?

Lachlan Andrew <lachlan>
Fri 17 Apr 2015 03:36:29 PM UTC, comment #2: 

I was just about the write up a bug reports on the misc package when I saw this.
I think will cover the errors on misc, dataframe shown on [1]

[1] http://wiki.octave.org/Octave-Forge#GNU_Octave_4.0_compatibility_assessment

John Donoghue <lostbard>
Group Member
Sat 27 Apr 2013 09:21:46 PM UTC, comment #1: 


Knowing the code, and after having run some tests, I think there are no changes needed in the io package (at least not in any of the spreadsheet functions).
Note: this is with changeset 16572:17941fedd4ce (tip of Apr. 27, 2013)

Philip Nienhuis <philipnienhuis>
Group Member
Tue 02 Apr 2013 10:33:06 PM UTC, original submission:  

Because of the problem with strsplit, I have added a copy of the old function as a private function to the packages that made use of it. Once 3.8 is released, they should be fixed to use the new version. Here's the list of packages

  • cgi
  • dataframe
  • ncArray
  • comm
  • fixed
  • fuzzy-logic-toolkit
  • gsl
  • io
  • miscellaneous
  • plot
  • system-identification

I don't think they will actually be released before Octave but the fix is there. Also, the mechanics and geometry make use of it on PKG_ADD and PKG_DEL scripts so those need to to be fixed in some other way.

Carnë Draug <carandraug>
Group Member


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